
Muscle Vs Muscle (1)



At the loud cry of the pig-like CEO, the spectacled secretary bowed his head.

"I heard that my latest contract went to someone else?"

The J & T Constructions Pvt. Ltd. were a famous company in the construction industry. Popular for their fast and clean transactions.

Though he looked evil, the CEO of this company was a true businessman, abiding by his words.

"There's a new company in the market. They took the contract because of their lower building costs."

"Huh? Which one? Is it a newcomer or a MNC's subsidiary? And what's the difference between our prices?"

He frowned at the thought of having a corrupt rival in this industry. Corruption was better when it was limited only to the hero industry.

"A newcomer, backed by Detnerat. They are doing the same work for 2/3rd of our price."

There was no way a normal company would be able to afford such a cheap price. And Detnerat was shady as of late.

Many calculations ran through the head of the CEO.

"There are rumors that the CEO of that company uses his quirk to finish the constructions early."

There were many quirks that would help daily life. It wasn't that hard to find one or two related to constructions. Just that it was rare.

Perhaps rarer than a diamond since construction was an intricate business. One wrong pipe in the wrong place would mean that the entire place can come tumbling down. Cutting corners was even more dangerous.

Even some pros with construction related quirks like Cementos, couldn't actually build anything properly. The most they could do was temporary constructs, enough to pull off whatever crazy plan they had.

"Hmm~ Keep an eye on them. If they fail on their own, it's all well and good. But if they don't, then we must pull the big guns. By the way, what's the name of the company?"

The CEO snorted, hoping that their new rival would trip and fail.

"Bubaigawara & Co."


- Ringing~

"Ahh! It's another call! I hate this. I'm kind of finding it fun though. Hah! Hah! Something new is about to be unlocked! Hey, is this guy still here? When will we get rid of him?"

As Jin was doing a one-man play, I sat on his office's couch, examining the nouveau riche place.

It was a great upgrade from the stinky warehouse.

- Clink!

The call was accepted and put on the speaker upon my directions.

"Yes, Bubaigawara & Co. here. Not here!"

{Ah~ If it isn't my favorite entrepreneur, Bubaigawara-kun.}

A happy, ecstatic voice came from the other side of the call.

"Boss, I think this one's crazy. I seem to have found my ally in this wretched world!"

He whispering those words to me for some reason. What was I supposed to do?

"Hehe~ I'm honored. Who are you again? What are you?"

{It's me, Yotsubashi Rikiya. Your kind and loving investor!}

No one knew whether it was just the way he spoke or whether he was trying to threaten Jin.

"Is that so? I don't remember you. I know you. What's the reason, Yotsubashi-san-kun-sama?"

{Just wanted to know how you're doing. I heard that you were doing great so I wanted to call and check up on you, my friend.}

'Yep, this guy's evil.'

It was easy to judge that from his tone and actions. He supported us without any strings attached, at low interest and returns, which didn't match the risk he was taking.

The law of the market was high risk, high returns. But that wasn't what Rikiya did. A business man like him helping for free? Never can that be true.

Now, he was acting all friendly. A true businessman would be asking about the company's situation and not play house.

"I'm doing great. Got beaten up to find the original again. And loved it! How are you doing?"

{Nothing. Did you say 'beaten'? What's the quirk this person uses? Is that person a friend or yours?}

He was awfully interested in me.

Jin glanced at me, asking for permission to speak more. I subtly nodded at him. A smirk rising up on my lips.

"Well, boss is-"

- Bang!

Jin got knocked out after a single punc-Ahem! He fell asleep because of the high pressure work he recently did.

There no other choice but for me to take his place against this Yosubashi Rikiya.

{Hello? Hey? Anybody there?}

"Yo, it's me, Anzai Masato."

Taking Jin's seat, I replied the caller. 

'So this guy's Re-Destro?'

I didn't remember a lot of his allies but he was special. [Stress], a quirk that allowed him to store stress and convert it into power, ready to be released whenever he desired.

And the most scary thing about him was the army of crazies behind him. The Meta-something army, filled with warmongers.

{... Are you the guy who beat Bubaigawara-kun? You sound young.}

"And you sound evil. Ever seen me raising a question about that?"

'You just did.'

Re-Destro really wanted to say that but had to keep up appearances, hoping to recruit a new ally.

{I won't play around then. What do you think of your quirk, Anzai-kun? Don't you feel a bit restricted? Tied up by this society. Unable to reveal your true nature, your God-given gift, your superiority.}

His words held a subtle hint of allure and aim of bewitching the listener.

Jin wouldn't fall for such tricks so there was no chance I could ever.

"Hmm~ Quirks? Yeah, I do feel constricted but not by quirks, Yotsubashi-san. Life itself is binding. Don't you feel tired of life too? Reliving the same day at work, the same dream in your sleep and the same hope in your heart, only for it to never change.

Always feeling regret. Looking back over your shoulders, wishing that your mistakes are never caught. Tired and bored but have to continue moving forward as staying in the same place would cause you to rot. Make you realize that nothing would be different whether you acted or not.

What do you dream of? How do you aim to pull it off? Why do you even care? Life is too short for others, Yotsubashi-san~ How about just leaning back? Taking in deep breaths and letting go of everything that binds you. Your very life-"

- Clank!

That bastard cut my call.

Still, it was the best way to fight him. His cult-like ideals against my cult-like ideals. Freedom in living and freedom in death, they seemed similarly good but each had a terrifying side to it.

"Wow, gotta give to boss for going full-on cultist and scaring that guy! Man, I would to be slapped on my butt again. Hey, are we taking this guy down or not?!"

Jin woke up in the middle of the call and started his role-play again.

"How much exactly do you love life, Underling?"

Since it was already a cult-like atmosphere, I should try and make Jin join me.

His parents died in middle school. He failed in society, turned to crime and almost died by the hands of his clones.

There was no easier target than that.

"Crap! Boss is trying to kill us! Runn! I just remembered that I had a job, captain! See ya! Ciao!"

Jin dashed out, leaving the office empty.

The classy place was good to be called a secret base but not my style.

Standing up, I walked out and took out my phone, pondering about something before deciding against it.

"I wonder how Vampire is doing."

She recently made a new friend, whom I finally recognized. 

Ashido Mina, the owner of [Acid] quirk and the supporting cast, one of the 20 students who were in Class 1-A.

Since she was a good hero, there was no need to worry about Himiko getting discriminated with her around.

Jin helped out at the orphanage and the oldage home, along with his construction company. 

Except for training, there was nothing else to do.

'Oh! I do have to kill the clones before they develop autonomy.'

It was a ritual carried out every week. Baptism of sorts.

Walking out the huge building, I noticed the logo at it.

[Bubaigawara & Co.]

A good name, which people had only this great self to thank for.

"I wonder if Himiko will like this."

There was a red costume in my hand, retrieved from the system.


Hero Costume [Female Version/Growth]

Details: Self-amending, evolving, damage absorbing, sensing and autonomous, name it and we have it. Trying to suit the wearer at all costs, even self-destruction. 

Note: This suit only reacts and grows in accordance with the will of the wearer!


Unfortunately, it was a feminine costume. Why else would something so great be given away?

Every boy dreamed to have a cape similar to Dr. Stran-Ahem! Wrong world.


Storing it in the system again, I thought about the other gift that the system gave out.

[Elixir], an item that could save the life of any person, no matter how close they are to death.

The costume was understandable since it was received after Gentle's escape. If the gift had some connection to Gentle, then it would be the flamboyant part.

Starting at the beginning, the quests usually gave out rewards in connection to the intended targets.

Saving an unknown boy gave a [Personalized Training Module]. Befriending Himiko gave out [Blood Recovery] and another [Personalized Training Module]. For the Stain quest, [Taekwondo] and the [Hero Series] were the gifts.

If Gentle was the reason behind [Hero Costume], then...

"Was it La Brava? Is it her quirk [Love]?"

For such an cheat item, the origin should have been quite a cheat too. 

'Love, huh? Never understood it.'

Not being an orphan in my first life, I could understand motherly love but not a romantic one.

'Ah~ Who cares? Let's do some more work-out!'

- Ding!

"Oh, come on!"

My training schedule was messed up because of this continuous quest.


Time Remaining: [4 Months]

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