
Aftermath (1)

"So you understand what you did wrong?"

"Yes, I understand, Takemi-san."

An old, female policewoman was trying to explain things to a young boy, sitting stright on a hospital bed.

"What exactly was wrong?"

With a kind smile, Takemi questioned Masato for the 14th time.

".... Are we going to do this all over if I say 'leaving evidence'?"

"Let's start from the beginning, shall we?"

Masato groaned in pain. The broken bones, the torn muscles and the drained body couldn't match the excruciating pain Takemi caused by explaining the same thing for the 15th time.

Sure, he could just try and give her the answer she wanted but he refused to bow.

"Young boy, an era ago, things like quirks didn't exist. The first case of a quirk was seen in China, when a baby started glowing. Soon, many quirks started showing all around the world.

After that, chaos ensued. People used their power to gain what they needed. Money was just a piece of paper back then. Thankfully, heroes showed up. The ones who used their quirks for the greater good. Things finally started settling down.

And so using quirks without permission is banned. The best way to use a quirk is by obtaining a hero licence or special permission from the Government for explicit situations. Mishandling of quirks is a bad thing. You think you can control your quirks but in reality, you can always lose control of it at any given time.

But you ignored all that. You bypassed the police officer who tried to stop you from entering the mall and fought with a villain. Now, do you understand what you did wrong?"

Masato nodded once at the slow words that escaped her lips.

"What did you do wrong?"

"I should have sued the damn police department. How dare they keep such a weak parameter? A 'weak and naive' boy like me can cross it? How can the villains not escape?"

His kind smile greatly deterred Takemi. But the older woman had enough experience to deal with such bratty children.

"... By the way, we met a friend of yours on the way. You wouldn't want them to know the exact, word-to-word detail of your situation, would you?"

She directly threatened him since sweet talk wasn't working. Perhaps sweet talk would have worked a decade ago when she was at her prime. 

"Heh! You underestimate my friends. They already know more about my physical condition than you guys do. You will never catch me alive, Po-Po! Heed my words!"

Since Himiko would have already explained it to Jin, Tsuzuru and others, there was no need for Masato be scared of the old witch before him.

'I'm definitely suing them. My anger would only decrease if they give me a ride in their car!'

"Tch! You're a gone case, kid."

A sudden change took place in Takemi's character. She took out a cigarette and walked out of the hospital room, mumbling curses under her breath.

"He's all yours, Nee-san."

She had a subtle smirk as she exited the room and said that line to someone.

While the hospital room was great for a single person, it wasn't that good when an entire army entered the room.

"Chocomint~ Miss me?"

Cracking her knuckles, Tsuzuru entered the room, along with the orphans and Bubaigawara Jin.

Chocomint was Masato's nickname, given to him by Hitoshi, his oldest roommate at the orphanage.

"Oi, I am a pacifist, who detests violence. Why don't we talk this out peacefully?"

"Boss, stop kidding around. You always use your fists first. No, he's a pacifist. A pacifist who beats others one-sidely."

Somehow, all the personalities of Jin were in tune, all of them wanted to create more trouble for Masato.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come home, Chocomint."

A young, 4-year old boy ran upto the bed and tried to climb it, unable to do it because of his small height. He was Kiyoshi, the boy of diapers. One who had mostly been taken care of by Masato.

His innocent eyes were teary with water. His upward glance at Masato was looking for assurance. Tsuzuru became silent, giving some solace to the boy.

With a sigh, Masato picked up the boy and sat him on his laps. He felt a strange emotion in his heart and opened his mouth.

"Yeah, that will happen sooner or later so better get used to th-"

- Bang!

He should not have said his thoughts out loud. Kiyoshi's tears were filled to the brim as Tsuzuru took him in her arms.

"Yosh~ Yosh~ Don't be sad. Chocomint-chan is just lying."

There was a huge bump on his head, keeping Masato from retorting to that lie.

"And did you guys bring me something?"

He glanced at the rest of the young children that had gathered, shamelessly asking for gifts.

"You-Ha~ We didn't get you anything, Chocomint."

Crossing his arms, Hitoshi smirked at Masato. A trace of relief passed in his eyes as the suicidal boy was already capable of making jokes.

"The kids were worried about you."

His concerned eyes were met with the uncaring eyes of the boy.

"... Yeah, that was a mistake."

Hitoshi took the kids and left.

"Shouldn't you stop them, boss? Nah, just let them go. They are noisy."

Jin tried to say something, only to contradict himself.

"Do you know what the problem with humanity is, Bibui-Bubau-Babai-... Boobs Jin?"

"Achk! B-B-Boobs? It's Bubaigawara, boss, Bu-Bai-Ga-Wa-Ra. I think Boobs suit me well."

Almost chocking on his spit, Jin tried to clear his name.

"Humanity is rotten and dumb, Boobs Jin. They don't accept death. They don't let go."

Masato glanced out the window while Jin was slowly scooching out of the room.

'He's finally gone crazy! What do we do?'

'What can we do? That bastard can kill us if try to revolt.'

'I say we spank him. On the butt! Hah! Hah! Hah! That would be wonderful.'

'... Guys, are you really not going to do something about that pervert? Can we just erase that personality? Please?'

The personalities were at odds with each other again.

'But it will be lonely if he leaves.'


'.... Painless but lonely.'

At that thought, they all agreed. In the past few months, they had spent quite a lot of time together. Masato helped out during construction to train his body so he had killed about 13,209 Jins. Creating a strange bond with them.

And there was not a free moment with him around. Jin finally felt at ease in the huge workload, after an entire life of hustling. 

'We will cross that bridge when we get there. The most important thing is the enjoy the present.'

'Yeah, let's go.'

'Everybody write your wishes befo-'

"Master, please spank me!!"

Jin realized his mistake.

'... I told you guys, we should have buried that personality. But no one ever listened!'

That day... The world lost a great quirk user.

After a few minutes, the doctors found an unconscious man, hanging on the side of the building with a make-shift rope.


- Ringing~

Masato noticed that it had already been a month since admission to the hospital and tried to call a person. A woman who never met him during his entire time at the hospital. Something entirely incomprehensible to him.

- Clank!

The call was ignored again. Even countless tries couldn't get him through to Himiko..... so he left a message.

'Perhaps she's busy.'

The trees outside of the hospital were starting to gain some color. 

Snow that covered all the streets had started to melt, creating a cold breeze which passed through Masato's overgrown hair.

"Should I get it cut?"

Wondering about his hair style, he walked out of the hospital. His steps were light, filled with hopes of training after a long rest.

"Boss! Here! No, go away, don't come!!"

Jin, half-excited and half-traumatized, screamed as he readied the car.

"A new car?"

The black, lean car was cool. The tri-sided shuriken on the logo, showed the manufacturing company of the car. 

"Yeah, it cost almost a fortune. But I'm rich now! Yeah, we're rich!!"

As there were no labor costs, the profits of Bubaigawara & Co. was noticable high. Perhaps only a few international companies had quirks like Jin's, which helped them decrease costs.

'I guess the plan to make the CEO work as the worker and decrease the cost was effective, huh?'

Yes, Jin was only paid for his activities as a CEO. Not as a worker, that was free. It was naturally the duty of the CEO to work for the company so why should he paid extra?

That was a good way of tricking Jin.

"Where should we go, boss? Orphanage? Training grounds?... Or to Himiko-chan's house?"

The real reason behind his appearance was slowly revealed.

"Did she tell you to pick me up?"

"No. It's just that-"

"Then there's no need, take me to the orphanage. Anyway, I have a job for you."

Jin grumbled about overworking but a part of him had already become a workaholic so he acquiesced to it. He started the car and they left the hospital, under the cover of the snow.

"I need you to contact U.A. and become their contractor."

Considering the fact that they broke buildings by the hour, they needed someone to fix it up too. Who else would be better than Bubaigawara Jin?

Someone who overturned his life from the dumps, would also motivate the kids so he had an advantage. Now, they just had to remove the old contractor of U.A.

'Should I wear a mask and smas-No, no fighting. Let's sue them. Laws are scarier than fists.'

"Why exactly do you want me to work at U.A.? Will you be lonely? Are you scared of being alone, scaredy-cat!?"

Even after so many beatings, Jin didn't learn his lesson.

".... Yeah."

Masato couldn't say that he would be able to protect Jin better so he just agreed. Since he had 'saved' Jin, it was his responsibility to take care of him until his death.

For fate was hard to change. Every time one tried to push it away, it struck back harder. Getting stronger the more you changed it.

'Ha~ I hope nothing goes wrong.'

His wishes were unheard as a tempest was about to arrive.


Remaining Time: [3 Months]

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