

ari brother s father died when they were child so their grandfather raise them as equal to zari brothers whose father was selfish to took his brother s share of asset for his children by playing along with his in laws who are looking forwards to have parts in asset grandpa is against their evilness so they used tricky methods to get them

they plan grandpa for visiting holy places while they set fire in the room where ari brother s stayed with their mother they are aware for own safety so they succeed in run away backdoor knowing power of zari brothers they have no option but to hide until situation turn to their favour till grandpas return

they hide in mountain village far away their asset they work hard to live they got support from their old connection of mothers relative there that village named kantan whose kings daughter is beautiful so as per their custom they decide to throw groom find ceremony in which everyone invited from higher standard

ari brother s relative who help them through was one of them who took ari brother s with him because he was aware of their standard that relative named kesha has no doubt on their ability to take part and win in this competition

zari brothers get invited as their maternal relative has connection wth kantan official they are ready to hand together for their evil skimming to get more asset by every best way possible

in the competition zari brothers get their strong capable subordinate who can possibly win competition in circumstances they have to backoff

the day of competition come near as kesha get information on arrival guests which includes zari brother s he has sympathy towards ari brother s so he makes plan with them to defend their cousin

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