

"Chu Feng you must win this gathering even it takes to use my cultivation."Eggy spoke as Chu Feng headed to the gathereing area, "I will only use your cultivation until its the last choice, first I want to test my own limits." Chu Feng calmly replied and hearing his answer Eggy nodded because she understood how Chu Feng's nature was ......

"Hahaha! There are a few only strong cultivators. I wonder how many of them will be eliminated at the very 1st stage."

"Look! its Tang Yixiu, I heard that he broke through the 3rd Profound Realm last month.!"

The crowd went dead silent at only age of 22 is absolutely heaven defying, he was the main focus of the of all the crowd and he had a calm and very quiet attitude. As Chu Feng started inspecting all the cultivators, he soon located a cultivator other than Tang Yixiu who was only age of 17 or 18 and already at Profound 2nd Realm, he also examined the so called genius Tang Yixiu and soon dicovered that there was a major flaw in his cultivation which was his inner strength was much weaker than normal cultivator of Profound Realm and it could only be possible only because of weaker foundation.

Half an hour later, a voice sounded throughout the field, "The Martial gathering starts now! Today is the preliminaries and among the 1500 cultivators only 100 cultivator's will proceed to tomorrow's gathering."

The voice of one official resounded and the whole field went quiet.

"The first round is group elimination! The contestants will be split into 15 groups, spread over the fifteen stages. Now we will start splitting the groups….... ."

"Number 99, thirteenth stage!"Chu Feng headed towards the 13th stage. The rule were described by one of the judge.


"Tenth vs Eighty Five!"

"Eight vs two hundred and fifty-five!"


The first few rounds ended quickly, many unexpected things occurred fore example the last year runner up was defeated in one move by number Seventy-Eight (the boy who Chu Feng noticed earlier.)

"Ninty-Nive vs Sixty-four!" It was finally Chu Feng's turn.

*bang* Chu Feng's body swiftly landed on stage

Sixty-four was a youth with a cultivation of the 1st Origin Realm. His eyes showed a trace of fear when he realized that he can't sense Chu Feng sultivation that could only means one thing.

"Steels Fist!" The youth gritted his teeths and attacked with all his might. The skill he used was a 3rd rank martial skill and used his speed to try and win.

Unexpectedly Chu Feng just stood there and took the blow on his body *crack*crack* several sounds could be heard and everybody in crowd thought a fool appeared because blow could have killed a 3rd Origin Realm cultivator in an instant but after few momemnts they realized something was a miss *Ahh-----------* a very painful cry ranged out, and the youth rolled out on the stage while crying, his hand bone was completely shattered.