
Hero of a ruined world ( prologue )

"Grandfather Why is the world surrounding us ruined?"

He could see ruined skyscrapers and abandoned buildings overgrown with wilderness surrounding the slums.

A young boy covered in many layers of shabby clothing observed his grandfather who was sitting on a rocking chair and smoking a cigar.

His grandfather was dressed in a dirty overcoat and had a long dirty white beard.

He lot out a puff of smoke and nostalgically said

" Long ago portals opened across the world from which strange creatures appeared.

Animals began to mutate and spaceships carrying strange races appeared from the sky.

They waged war against humanity at the time and many many people died"

There was a silence between both of them, only the soft burning of wood in the fireplace could be heard. Warming up the cold room.

The boy said

" Then how are humans still alive to this day grandpa?"

His Grandfather laughed out loudly and had a warm smile on his face.

He said

" Haha at the same times these strange and bizzare events occurred all humans began developing Superhuman strength and super natural abilities.

The Supernatural abilities of humans were limitless which proved to be an advantage.

More than that however where the noble people who heroically defended humanity from near extermination, without them you and me would not be here today"

The young boy listened with fascination.

He said

" Where are those heroes now Grandpa?"

His Grandfather smoked another round of cigar. With solemn face he said

" All of the original heroes have sacrificed themselves and died to protect humanity. Only one hero from the first generation lives today. And he still continues to protect humanity to this day"

The boy was bit sad. In a slightly weak voice he said

"What's the heroes name?"

His Grandpa had a proud look in his eye and said

" His real name is not well known. Most people know him by his alias 'The Samaritan'"

The young boy pumped his small fists into the air and said

" I want to be just like him grandpa"

His Grandfather smiled and leaned down to ruffle his grandson's hair.

"Sure! Sure! Study hard everybody and sleep well then I am sure you can be like him one day!"

The inhabitants of the slums outside their shabby hut went about their business while the grandfather and grand son shared a small moment of warmth between each other.