
Oblivion Memories

My sight blacked out and all i see is black, then suddenly a lot of lighted squares were flashing my eyes.

Haha... Yu your so slow come and catch me....

Yu come on climb up i think i see our house from here....

Yu i like you do you like me, yes and i will never leave you forever and ever Haru....

Haru where are you going hey HARU!!!! ,why aren't talking to me haru dont leave me *sob *sob HARU wait for me...

Haru, he looked and then i saw a truck driving towards me i looked at haru and said im sorry i didn't catch up to you and smiled, i felt the truck pushing me with such force, it hurts.....

And i woke up to see myself that i was at a hospital bed i didn't remember anything.....

I was starting middle school i just sat and listened, then a boy said hey are you new i said yes and he said hi my names Lance and smiled,i guess you're names Yu, how did you know, the teacher just called you he chuckled...

There was tons of memories i have forgotten

Yu how are you so fast i cant even run away if i angered you hehehe...

Hey thats my spot said a tall boy, itch forget it but next time you cant seat there, why i said because i sat there first, i sat here second there's no assigned seats here this is the school roof top after all, fine but next time im gonna be here earlier than you hummm..

from time to time i always got ahead of him...

he got angry and said hey you why are you always going here, is it to tease me i didn't even go to the classroom anymore i just dont want to be

As he was telling all that he was crying i asked,

Who is bordering you, you are oohh.. im sorry

but who else other than me.He sat and told me hes experienced and i listened all the way.

From time to time we got to know each other and opened up and eventually became lovers we kept it secretly and only meet at the rooftop of the school and his or my dorm, and at weekends we get to go on secret dates.But one time i was messeged him to meet up at the roof top but he never came i got to his dorm and saw that nothing was there i asked if the one who was there was going somewhere, then suddenly *bing, i got a message from him i asked where is he and how is he,he only messeged that he has some family difficulties and has to move somewhere else and he said goodbye.

I was shocked and angry at him why did he just left even if he said goodbye to me and the reason why he left i was still mad and questioned why did he just left why why why why the simple goodbye wasn't even enough to me to except what just happened.

By this time i had no more interest in this things and i didn't what to feel anymore of Course this wish was granted .I was walking home when suddenly i heard footsteps coming towards me i didn't care i was thinking too much of what just happened and didn't expect it i didn't expect that i will be kidnapped by a person. The person just put some kind of handkerchief to my mouth that made me feel dizzy.

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