
1. His Name is Cereous

Ellie Bell just turned twenty-third. She didn't get anything on her birthday, but only trash scattered around her house.

A few hours ago, her friends planned a surprise for her. And--Ellie was totally shocked to see her friends already inside her house with candles and a pretty tacky birthday cake.

Ellie smiled broadly. Though in her heart she did not want to celebrate her birthday.

Because of what? She will definitely make ends meet by treating her friends to a meal at an expensive restaurant.

It has become a tradition at the company where Ellie works. Whoever has a birthday, then she or he must treat a meal at a fancy restaurant.

"Come in! We've been waiting for you since this afternoon, you know?" said Ivy Tunner. She led Ellie into the house.

Birthday cone hat. Colorful ribbons were scattered everywhere. Not to mention what confetti paper is used for. However, Ellie couldn't protest because she had just joined the company recently.

"You should thank us, because even though you are still an apprentice. But we care and still celebrate your birthday," said Stephen Pattinson confidently.

"Yeah, thanks everyone," said Ellie. She should at least say thank you. So that those who come do not talk about it behind their backs.

"We'll have to eat at a five-star restaurant after this," said Emmilia Wells.

"Guys," said Ellie in a low voice. They all immediately fell silent, looking at Ellie being worried about the dinner at the hotel being cancelled. "I can't seem to come with you guys."

The faces of Ellie's friends changed. "But you can use my credit card to eat there," she said, biting her lip.

The faces of Ellie's friends brightened again.

"Wow, we're sorry you're sick. But tradition can't be ignored, right? Guys?" asked Ivy excitedly. She was the one who wanted dinner the most actually.

"Then we'll go and you take good care of yourself and hope you get well soon."

One by one, her friends left. Leaving a cake that is hard and a candle that is almost dead.

Ellie blew it alone. Then the room became silent.

"I can't believe I have to live life like this," thought Ellie.


Ellie turned. She hoped that no other guests would say that she also wanted a fancy dinner.

Ellie walked to the door and opened it.

She was surprised to find her old friend, Nora Wallace, standing at his doorstep.

She has still been wearing round glasses since she was in high school. Her appearance did not change much. She still dresses as she is and doesn't like to wear make-up.

Her curly hair is in a ponytail this time. Smiling and showing her braces, she said, "Happy birthday Ellie! Sorry I came late, because I have to buy a present for you."

Oh yes, gifts, Ellie forgot that she should be given gifts. She smiled bitterly.

"This." Nora gave Ellie a medium-sized round aquarium. There is a blue fish with brown eyes. The fins are quite long. Just one look at Ellie, you can comment that the fish is very beautiful.

"This is for me?"

"Yes for you. I bought you fish so you wouldn't be lonely," said Nora.

"Um okay, thanks Nora. Would you like to come in for a moment?"

"No, I have to go. So… I'll leave this present for you and head home."

Ellie smiled, accepting the gift, then she waved at Nora when her high school friend got into the taxi.

Ellie stared at the fish that were swimming. The fish occasionally looked at Ellie.

"What name should I give you?" muttered Ellie.

A gift from Nora could at least keep her from having to talk alone.

"It's getting cold, so let's go inside."

Ellie put the aquarium in her room. Because most of Ellie spent her time in the room instead of in the living room.

As night fell, Ellie slept soundly. Maybe because of her solid work. She didn't realize that something was shining from inside the aquarium.

The light was so bright it penetrated through Ellie's curtains.

People who passed Ellie's room always turned their heads when they saw the white light shining.

It wasn't long before the white light faded. A PLUP sound is heard.

The carpet in Ellie's room was wet. The little fish turned into a big one. Ah no, the little fish has a human body but no legs.

The legs are not visible because they are covered by the tail and fins.

The finned man looked this way and that. He was sure he had found a bathroom in the house.

Slowly, he settles out of Ellie's room and into the bathroom, which is beside the kitchen.

He immediately submerged himself in the empty bathtub.

Slowly, he filled the tub with warm water. His face showed the great relief of someone who was relieved to have had a drink after a day of thirst.

The boy was soaking there. Even though he was dissatisfied with what was there now, at least Cereous could taste fresh water that wasn't from the aquarium.

The fins flutter, showing their owner is happy.

When Cereous is satisfied with his soak. He then throws the water to dry.

The fish fins that filled the lower part of his body disappeared slowly. Alternate with two smooth human legs without fins.

He walked out naked. His feet were flat and he looked very happy. He couldn't even believe he could have legs like they do now.

"Whereas in the woman's house before my feet were not there," thought Cererous.

At Nora's house he just turns into a merman, his legs aren't like that. So he has to struggle if he wants to soak in the bathroom.

Surprisingly, right now he is able to walk freely using his feet.

"There seems to be something in that woman," Cererous muttered casually. He headed for the fridge still with his naked body. He picked an apple, drank a bit of beer and stuck his head in the cold fridge.

"No more food?" asked Cererous, still with his head in the fridge. His light brown eyes were beautiful. His hair is slightly long and light brown, just like his eyes.

"Why didn't she buy a lot of food?"

"I have to ask him tomorrow."

"Ah no, I can't suddenly appear. Surely she would throw me away to someone else like Nora."

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