
Chapter 7 - The Ball and The Conflict

There is only few days left before the ball and everyone is busy preparing. Angeline and the rest of the angels in the palace prepare the security to ensure everyone's safety and as well as the palace and everything. They also decided to limit the guests by putting a barrier field around the castle and especially at the gate where only the pure in heart or those purpose are accepted and not by greed or does not have any evil intent can enter to also ensure everyone's safety and success of the ball and each guest should have one invitation, even if there will be 3 guests in a family, they should have 3 invitations for the family. Their relatives across the world are invited as well, so they bought some private planes that they can use to travel to other countries. Angeline and her family already prepared for their relatives or families' visa and made sure everyone has a passport, and the same for Uriel's and Marius's family, Raphael's dad also came but he made sure of his kingdom's security first before leaving to visit Raphael and attend the ball. At the ball, Uriel became so busy with guests wanting to have a picture of him because he is a celebrity and as well as the rest of the angels as they also got famous because of the news about them being angels. Then Angeline excused herself and made an announcement that dinner is ready, then Uriel also made the announcement that everyone can start dancing as soon as they finished eating their dinner, and the music started. After eating, a lot of women or young ladies came to Uriel and Michael asking them if they can dance with him, as some men also asked Angeline and some young ladies asked Gabriel and Raphael, and few asked Marius to dance. Uriel told the ladies to form a queue as he will dance with them one by one, Michael did the same. However, Raphael was called by his dad as he wanted to dance with Angeline, and let Gabriel takes Angeline to dance instead, because he saw Gabriel looking at Angeline wanting to dance with her as Gabriel approached her despite those ladies asking him and gentlemen asking Angeline. Angeline felt happy that someone among the angels she trusts asked her for a dance and that someone understood her feeling of wanting to dance with the angels first, though she does not mind dancing with the other gentlemen, but she is Uriel's wife, and also, the angels have been with her ever since and she was expecting them to ask her first, but only Gabriel did. Uriel realised as he started reading Angeline's mind again and regretting his decision as he should have asked her first but then told Angeline that he wants to be her last dance like in a debut party tradition in their country when a girl turns into a lady at 18 and her last dance is her escort or partner, because in life, the last partner in relationship becomes the husband. Then, Angeline also realised and reluctantly agreed to his requests but still happy because she remembered the saying "Save the Best for Last". She then wondered if Gabriel isn't the best or isn't she the best for Gabriel, but then Gabriel replied to her using his powers to only let Angeline hear him and assured her his feelings for her despite the fact that he knows they cannot be together because she is married, but he still cares for her deeply and loves her so much that he is still willing to protect her. Angeline realised how hard it is probably for Gabriel to be with her and Uriel together in the palace especially when she is with Uriel, although she loves her husband so much and is happy, she feels sorry for Gabriel and she still cares for him because he cares for her and they have been friends for a long time, and if she was not married with Uriel or has not met him, or if she could change her fate, she could have end up with him instead because he really cares so much for her, but so is Uriel and everyone. She wondered what would it be like if she ended up with him instead but then Uriel is getting jealous and is getting hurt again as he reads her mind, then he talked to her (they talk using their powers, so no one else can hear).

Uriel: "'Angeline, or Princess Charmeine, I am sorry if there are times that I'm not there by your side when you need me or if there is something I am lacking. I am really sorry, I thought you would not mind when I go to meet my friends and stay with them for few nights because we're husband and wife, I guess I took advantage of our marriage that I have been so confident and never really thought about your feelings whenever I am not by your side. I also did not know you were jealous with my best friend. Please tell me when I am doing something that hurts you or if there is any problem, or if there is something that you don't want me to do. I did not really meant to hurt your feelings. Don't worry, I will finish this quickly and make sure our last dance is the best and the longest time. I will make it up to you."'

Angeline: "'I am sorry too if I made you jealous and thought of Gabriel but I just thought that maybe if someone who cares for me so much like he does will be my partner, or is my partner or husband, maybe I will not get hurt. I am really sorry too that I did not tell you what I was feeling, I felt so alone and he was there, he always knew what I wanted. He always know how to make me feel happy, he always know what I am looking for. That's why I thought that way, I am sorry if I made you jealous but it is okay, I will wait."'

Uriel: "'I deserve it. It is understandable you thought that way because I was not there, I did not try to find out your feelings because I was overconfident, and I was only thinking of myself, but please always remember that I love you so much, I may not always show it or probably doing the opposite, but I love you."'

Gabriel: Angeline, you look troubled or confused. Do you want to go outside for a fresh air?

Angeline: Yes, and I wonder why you always know what I need or what I am feeling.

Gabriel: That is because I love you and I don't know why I always do, but maybe because I really care so much about you or God has given me the ability to understand you better?

Angeline: Haha! Thanks Gabriel.

Gabriel: You finally laugh again.

Angeline: Yeah. Sometimes, I really wonder why you always... uhmmm.. nevermind.. it does not matter. *I am married already, I must not think or feel like this. It also does not matter even if I tell you that I sometimes wonder what if I ended up with you, because I will never know and it will also hurt my husband. I don't want to hurt him because I love him, that's why it hurts when he always go away, but I... I start to... realise how much you care about me and started thinking that maybe...*

Angeline got interrupted by Gabriel's reply as he was reading her mind, and Angeline was surprised because she thought Gabriel won't use his powers to read her mind.

Gabriel: *Angeline, you know that I am always here for you. I am happy when you're happy and sad when you're sad. I hate seeing you cry, angry, sad, frustrated, scared, or any negative feelings you can think of. I like seeing your smile and happy face. Also, like I said before, if he hurts you or made you cry, I want to take you away from him because I don't want to see you hurting or in pain, and I will do everything to make you feel happy. If only we can change the past, but can we change the future? I guess it does not matter because you're married already."'

Gabriel started crying. Angeline sees how hurt Gabriel really is and how much he really cares about her, she cries with tears of joy and sadness because she was touched by his words that it went deep inside her heart, his words touched her heart, as she feels happy that Gabriel feels that way for her but sad because she cannot do anything about it because she is married to Uriel. Suddenly, Uriel came seeing Angeline crying but didn't see Gabriel crying because his back was facing him as he was facing Angeline, and as Uriel came to approach them, Gabriel wiped his tears and left without letting Uriel see his face to hide the fact that he was crying.

Uriel: "'What happened? Why are you crying? That Gabriel!! Why did he did this to you and made you cry?! He ran away as soon as I came! I am sure he did something bad to you then."'

Angeline: "'No, he didn't, and you know he will lose his powers if he did. Also, he is not like that. You know he loves me too, why would he do something bad to someone he loves?"'

Uriel: '"And now, you're defending him?! I am your husband, why are you defending him?'"

Angeline: "'It is not like that, you're misunderstanding everything. I was just stating the fact because you were judging him wrongly. You know I hate it when I or other people get judged wrongly right? You know me because you're my husband, and yet you're acting like you forgot who I am. Well, what can I expect? You even forget about my feelings whenever you leave the palace to join your friends back in our country. You always seem to forget that you have a wife.'"

Angeline then went back to the ballroom and announced that the ball will end soon, and she thanked everyone for coming. She then excused herself and went to her room as she asked her parents to take care of the closing of the ball when it ends. As soon as she got to her room, she started crying again feeling so deep in pain as her heart hurts so much.

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