
Merlin's Multiverse Adventures

A young man is struck by lightning and gains a few abilities. Let's see him travel around the multiverse.

Dawei · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Home and Visitors

"We really need to find a permanent residence Fou."

"Fou fou fou KYUU!"

Merlin stared at Fou's enthusiastic approach to finding a permanent residence. Question was, he wanted to travel the worlds but that would mean to permanent residence. Merlin would figure it out later.

"Alright bye bye"

He waved to the gods who looked at him with murderous intent while the humans cheered as he vanished in a swarm of pink petals.


Merlin sighed as he thought of ways to connect himself with the other worlds.



Fou suddenly tilted of Merlin's head when he suddenly shouted "That's it" Fou tilted his head in confusion. "Why don't I connect my personal realm of Avalon to every single world?" Merlin set to work and started casting the biggest spell he's ever done.

At this time some people found a stone gate way to a possible new realm.

Merlin fell directly onto Fou as his mental exhaustion past his limits. Fou started wriggling himself out as Merlin simply apologised. Fou got out and shifted into his Primate Murder form before looking at Merlin with hateful eyes.

Merlin found himself flying through the air at high speeds only to smash into the soft grass ground. Fou started laughing as he shifted back.

"Fofofofo Fou!"

Merlin finally recovered as he got up and headed back to his little comfortable cabin on top of the lush grass hill.

Fou could be seen perching on Merlin's head and both were wearing hawaii shirts and shorts. They both had the same colour scheme in clothing as well. Merlin sported a simply white shirt but his shorts were purple fading into blue and then white. Fou only had the mini shirt for him.

The two could be seen sunbathing and lying on the grass of the hills.

"Fou fou fou"

"Yeah I know, people won't find us that quickly and even if they do. They've got to be part of the supernatural."

"Fou fou kyu"

"Yeah sure let's go in and grab some snacks before continuing."

Merlin headed into the house before coming out with chips, soda, biscuits, jerky and much more. Fou immediately pounced on the sprinkled donuts as Merlin laid down and munched on some chips.


Arthur and Le Fay had spotted a stone gateway outside the Camelot castle where they lived. Arthur had just finished business with the Khaos Brigade. Le Fay decided to follow Arthur as they investigated the stone tablet.

[The Tablet]

[This tablet will bring you to the personal realm of Avalon]

[Beware of Pranksters]

Arthur felt skeptical as he tried to figure out how to open the gate way until Le Fay channeled some mana onto the tablet.

The gate formed a portal of spiralling colours, Arthur and Le Fay braced themselves and entered the portal only to find himself in a land of grass with a giant tower in the distance. Le Fay spotted a cabin and a man with a creature?

Arthur decided to approach the two entities. The two slowly came into view as a man with a creature that had the same colour scheme came into view. Le Fay thought it was cute how the two continued to devour snacks.

Merlin noticed them and spoke "Welcome to Avalon." Arthur summoned his sword in caution "Caliburn" Merlin looked at it and then laughed.

Fou wondered why Merlin was laughing until Merlin pointed at the sword and said "He says that's Caliburn." Fou couldn't take it anymore as he started rolling in laughter along with Merlin.

Arthur was confused as to why the two were laughing. Merlin stopped laughing and introduced himself. "Merlin Ambrosius at your service."

Arthur was shocked as he spoke "You're Merlin?" Merlin chuckled as he knew Arthur would be confused.

"No I'm a different Merlin from a different universe. I am the self proclaimed strongest Merlin." Merlin puffed his chest up only to get kicked by Fou. "Oh yeah this is Fou." Arthur asked "Why were you laughing at my sword?" At the mention of the word sword.

Merlin and Fou started cackling and rolling on the floor once again. Merlin was wheezing for air by the end of it. "You call that Caliburn?" Arthur nodded. Merlin chuckled "I think the only thing about the burn in Caliburn is the sorry excuse of a sword."

"Fou fou kyuu"

Fou and Merlin started chuckling and laughing. Le Fay was out from the conversation the moment Merlin mentioned about other universes. Arthur asked as politely as he could "Then what is Caliburn to you?" Merlin looked at him as if he was stupid "I don't have Caliburn but I have Excalibur instead. If you want I can just recreate Caliburn." Arthur looked at him before wanting to see Merlin's Excalibur until he asked "Which Excalibur?"

Merlin grew a lily on top of his head. Fou also grew one on his head.

Merlin asked Fou "You know what he means?" Fou shook his head so Merlin spoke.

"He means his world's Excalibur was broken and reforged into seven pieces." Merlin and Fou started howling in laughter as Merlin summoned Excalibur.

Arthur looked at it as its aura far surpassed Caliburn. It was nothing compared to the Excalibur of their world.

Merlin chuckled as he asked Fou. "Feel for a trip to DxD?" Fou jumped in joy as they would go to another world. Merlin asked Arthur to wait as he needed to pack his bags. Fou followed him as he needed his private items.

Arthur saw Merlin coming out with a tiny suitcase while Fou settled himself onto Merlin's head. Merlin ushered them back to Camelot with one message. "I'll be living in Kuoh."

The two disappeared as Fou and Merlin both had an evil look on their faces. That night the two heiresses shivered in fear for an unknown reason.


Merlin teleported himself into town and promptly bought the house closest to the school. Fou started picking out his things from Merlin's suitcase. Merlin opened a secret compartment in his suitcase as both Fou and Merlin grinned.

[Merlin's Pranks For Every Need]

Merlin started taking out a few things and gave some to Fou before whispering a few set of instructions.

"Let them fear my prankster powers!"