

Ben opened his eyes, feeling tired like he spent an entire day doing anaerobic exercises. With a struggle, he got up from his bed and massaged his forehead, trying to alleviate his migraine, to no success. He tried to think of what he was doing the previous day but it all came back blank. That's when he felt his other hand was holding something and out of curiosity, he looked at the object only to see a glass vial with a golden coloured liquid inside with a label calling it 'Golden Sentry Serum'.

'Is this some type of prank?' he asked himself when he read the label.

Golden Sentry Serum was one of the most powerful Deux Ex Machina to exist in comic history next to Dr Manhattan's Instrinsic Field Research Chamber, Barry Allen's Speed Force and Popeye's spinach. Basically, this serum was supposed to be like the Super Soldier Serum that Steve Rogers was injected with to make him Captain America, a man who is borderline peak condition and super human.

However, the Golden Sentry Serum made one turn into an overpowered Superman. Having the power of a million suns is just the basic of the power. The person who drinks the serum would have all of Superman's powers with additional more! However, critics have argued that Sentry might have even more powers that he hasn't discovered yet like how he accidentally discovered he had molecular manipulation.

'I am sure, however, that this should not exist which means this is a prank,' he said in assurance. But, he looked at the liquid up close with a thoughtful expression. 'Definitely not real. But, looks quite authentic.' He put the vial inside the pocket of his trousers before slowly getting out of bed. A sudden dizziness made him sway, almost falling.

'What the hell happened to me yesterday?' he asked himself with a groan, reaching out for a shelf instinctively, only to grasp at empty air and fall with a thud. 'The fuck!' He looked at the wall where a shelf full of translated manga and comics should be but saw an empty wall. He looked around in a panic and saw that, while his room was basically the same, all its contents were different.

His All Might poster in his signature hands on his hips pose, huge grin on his face while his mascular frame projected an aura of safety, was gone! Where there was a poster of Escanor half naked, Rhitta slung on his shoulder while holding a miniature sun was replaced by a poster of Superman taking flight, signed too! Where there was a picture of Hulk roaring to an army of Chitauri was a picture of Superman battling Solomon Grundy. The most infuriating was when he saw a poster of Black Canary where a bikini wearing Mikasa was supposed to be.

'Is this hell?' he asked himself while looking at the he Black Canary poster. 'Mikasa, my Mikasa poster! Why? Who would do this to her...to me!' To say he was depressed would have been an understatement. To him, any muscular character was an absolute favourite and Mikasa was his most favorite waifu ever! To see her gone with no idea where to even start looking for her was a blow to his heart, making his sickly look become even more pronounced.

"Ben, breakfast!" he heard his mother shout from downstairs.

Sluggish and downtrodden, he got up from the floor and shumbled out of the room. Immediately, he saw similarities yet glaring differences to his previous house. Slowly, his panic meter started to fill up and the more he walked, the more he saw, the more it bubbled up to completion. Numbly, he sat at his chair in the dining room and looked at the breakfast she had cooked for him.

'I'm allergic to eggs, yet she has cooked me two scrambled eggs with bacon! This is starting to freak me out,' he thought as he looked at the two deadly scrambled eggs on his plate.

"You alright, honey? You look pale," his mother chided as she came and put a hand on his forehead. "Jesus, you have a fever, Ben! I told you not to stay up all night just to watch Superman and Flash race past us!"

'What! The! Fuck! Is she talking about?' he asked himself.

"We need to get you to a hospital," she nervously said and went to take her purse. Ben followed her with his eyes till he saw the television. There, Lois Lane, or at least that's what it spelt above the headlines, was talking about something while behind her were the Justice League talking to each other. He could see Batman, Flash, Wonderwoman, Aquaman and the hateful woman that replaced his waifu... Mikasa poster, Black Canary.

"Is this real?" he asked out loud, making his mother turn to look at him then at the television. 'No way this is real! But for this prank to include this much details...Could this be real? Am I really in the DC universe?'

"Apparently the charity did well. Superman won, of course, but that's none of your concern at the moment," she answered before running upstairs. Ben looked at his hands and confirmed he truly was not dreaming. He reached into his pocket and fished out the vial with the serum, uncorked it and gulped it all down.

'If this is the DC universe, then this might be my greatest self defense weapon at the moment!' he thought once it was all in his stomach.

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