
The First Customer

It is January 1st of 2019. An inch of pure white snow covering the landscapes. Kevin Chow your average genius geek/nerd in NYC was walking to school. He has an IQ of 147 and has already skipped 5 grades. This was the senior year of High School and the very next year he will be attending college.

Kevin walks through the halls of the Eleanor Roosevelt High School like a chameleon blending into the background. Even through this was a school for the gifted it was also very highly competitive. It was his first day back and he was still invisible. He was excellent in every single subject and everything came easy to him except sports and socializing.

When he first skipped through grades he was a phenomenon of the area and everyone knew and tried to talk to him, but as time pass he became just another kid. As for friends he had none. Most of the kids were 18 years old and he was just 13. The age gap was just too big.

"Hey Kevin did you finish the math homework from yesterday?" a six feet tall dirty blond hair boy asks with a posse behind him.

"Yeah Jason." Kevin answers quietly.

"You gonna let me copy or what?" Jason asks with a slight smirk.

Being a low EQ kid he couldn't read the smirk on Jason's face and thought it was just a smile, but due to his IQ he knows that Jason the jock was just talking to him because he needed someone to do his homework.

Kevin reaches into his neatly tidied bag and brought out the homework. "Yeah here you go."

"Thanks little bro," Jason said taking the homework from Kevin's hand. "Once I finish I'll give it back."

The bunch of Jason's friends were snickering in the background at how gullible Kevin was.

"For a genius he's pretty stupid," one of them whispered.

With his head down Kevin pretended not to hear as he headed towards homeroom. His teacher Mrs. Denzel was sitting in her chair grading school work. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Kevin.

"Good morning Kevin," she greeted.

"Good morning Mrs. Denzel."

"How were your vacation?"

"I had a lot of fun. My dad came back from his business trip and we went to a resort in New Hampshire. My taught me how to snowboard and stuff." Kevin told her excitedly.

"Oh thats great. How did you do?"

"I never got pass the beginners area," Kevin told her. "But I will work hard and get better."

"Thats the spirit!"

Kevin took a seat in the front as Jason and the rest of the kid came flooding into the room for attendance.

Kevin looked around and saw that Jason was still copying his homework. It was a 25 comprehensive math problems that took him two to three hours to answer over the break. For Jason it would only take 15 minutes to copy.

The homeroom bell rang and it was time for first period. When they were in the hallway Kevin shyly walks up to Jason.

"Um uh Jason? Uh can I have my math homework back? I got math first class." Kevin asked.

"I'm not done with it yet. I'll give it back to you when I finish," Jason answers coldly.

"But um I have math um first period."

Jason had an annoyed look on his face as he said roughly, "I told you I'll give it back to you once I finish."

"But I'm gonna be late. Please I need it back."

"Let me finish first geeze. You're so naggy. No wonder nobody likes you here," Jason rolled his eyes.


"I'll give it back once we finish."

"Jason give Kevin back his homework!" a sweet and almost melodic voice said to Jason. It belonged to a dark brown hair girl. She had a beautiful face with an hourglass body that was just absolutely stunning.

"Katey whats up?"

"Jason stop being an ass and give Kevin his homework back." Kaitlyn whom Jason called Katey earlier.

"Thats what I'm doing. Kevin here is the best bro ever Katey. He wouldn't take it back till I finish. Right Kevin?" Jason urged.

"Nnnooo?" Kevin said weakly that it was barely audible.

"Kevin got class in a couple minutes. Just give back to him and do your own work."

"Alright, alright, alright. Little bro here you go," Jason said gently handing Kevin his homework back.

"Thank you," Kevin said in a whisper like voice.

Jason rolls his eyes, "alright catch ya later."

"Don't let him talk you around like that Kevin. If you need help call for me," Kaitlyn told Kevin.


Kevin walked away really quickly as he enters into AP Calculus class. The rest of the day was pretty boring as he learned and received homework. The 2 o clock bell rang and it was time to go home.

Kevin went to his locker and put alway the books that he didn't have homework in. He also brought out books that he did have homework it. It turned out to be at least 10 pounds worth of books.

"If I keep this up I might have the strongest back with the flimsiest hands," chucked Kevin to his own jokes.

As the kids passed by in the hall way Kevin just went with the flow as he walked home.

Shuffle! Shuffle shuffle shuffle!

On the way home Kevin suddenly felt someone grab him and stuff a bag over his head. He panicked and yelled, "Help! Who are you!" He struggled with all his might but it was all for nought.

When they removed the bag he found that he was in the alley way and the most cliche scenario appeared before his very eyes. Kevin read too many books too not really what this scenario was.

Ah crap I'm gonna get beat up, Kevin thought to himself.

Jason and his posse were standing in front of him cutting off his exit.

"Aren't you a brave little boy today," Jason sneered. "You thought Kaitlyn can protect you? I f*ck that b*tch like the ho she is."

For the first time Kevin fiercely looked into Jason's eyes. If this was an anime this would be the moment the MC gets hyped up. "Take that back!"

"Oh this nerd likes her," Jason chuckles as his friends laugh like hyenas in the background.

"This ***** thinks he has a chance with her. This little ass ***** hasn't even hit puberty yet!" the friends in the background continued to laugh and insult Kevin.

"Take that back!"

"And what are you going to do about it? Nerd!" Jason continued to sneer.

"I report you to the police!"

The posse rolled their eyes. "***** Jason's dad own the police. You think your report makes a difference? Get that sh*t out of here."


"Hey when I got time I'll **** that ho in front of ya," Jason continued to tease viciously. "You probable like that don't you. I also heard your mom is ***** ho too. Maybe I'll play around her too."

"F*ck you!" Kevin roared but it sounded more like a squeak as he ran at Jason trying to punch him.

Jason saw this and jammed his fist into Kevin's face.

"Read the situation dumb f*ck. You think you can beat us with that tiny ass body. Fuck, you probable haven't even touch a girl before!"

Kevin got back up and tried to his Jason again. Only to be hit over, and over till he couldn't get back up.

"Don't forget my homework too or we'll revisit today again." Jason said as he left the alley.

Kevin laid there in the alley alone as he cried his heart out.

Waaah, wahhh, sniff, sniff.

He kept sobbing in the alley way as he became numbed to his pain in the freezing cold snow. That sadness, and fear eventually turned into anger but as he thought of the beating again a terrible fear swelled up inside him.

I'm a cower, Kevin thought himself as he kept crying.

That day Kevin didn't go back home as he wondered the streets with his ten pound backpack. He didn't want his parents to see his bruises and black eye. He had enough money as he walked down a familiar alley way toward his favorite bookshop. It was a place he could go to relax and forget his problems. To dive into a book and forget himself. It was a place of escape.

As he walked he realized something. It was dark around him and it didn't seem familiar to him. The were fading in and out as it kept buzzing. There were no other stores except one store named The Merchant.

Kevin felt a little curious after earlier he didn't particularly care what happen to him. Part of him wanted to just be whizzed away. As he looked at the outside of the store store call The Merchant he noticed a bunch of details. In the window there were many mysterious objects he never seen before but the front looks pretty run down like its been around for ages.

Kevin opens the door and walks in.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Goes the bell.

The floor was made from oak wood with a thick poly finish. There was a glass counter with many strange object inside. In the room was also four animals. A jet black rave that looked like it absorbed all light. A green frog that had a cosmo skin pattern. A small bright pink pig laying in the corner sleep. Lastly there was a white rabbit being held by an extremely good looking asian male that looked like he was in his mid twenties. His brown eyes were reflecting the cosmo as he wore a white rave beak shape wizard hat whose shadow covered part of his face. Furthermore he was wearing a white suit with a pocket watch dangling from his chest.

"Welcome to my store first customer. How can I help you," the mysterious man asks with a smile.