
Mercenary in Virtual World

The Earth today is in peace with no more war and insurgency, mercenaries are not needed anymore. The MC is a young mercenary that only has talent in war. He can change the tide of battle with his extraordinary ability and skills.Now that his ability is not needed where does he go now? ______________________________________________ Hello, I'm the author of MIVW, and if you want any suggestions for my stories just comment and share your thoughts in any chapters and reviews.

Police96 · Games
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Chapter 10: First Quest

Ashen moved swiftly through the dense forest, his body gliding over the uneven terrain as though he were part of the natural landscape itself. Every step was precise, his feet barely making a sound as he expertly navigated the underbrush. The rustling of leaves and the occasional crack of twigs underfoot blended into the environment, as if the forest were welcoming his presence.

Monsters roamed freely in this part of the world, but to Ashen, they were nothing more than minor obstacles. Every beast that dared cross his path was swiftly and brutally cut down. The dull, sickening thud of blades slicing through flesh echoed in the silence, accompanied by the brief, anguished cries of his enemies. His movements were sharp, deliberate, and filled with the quiet confidence of someone who had long mastered both combat and survival in this foreign, dangerous world.

At level 8, nothing in the forest posed a real threat to him. Each encounter was merely a momentary skirmish, nothing more than a warm-up for his growing abilities. His strength and skill were far beyond what the weak monsters could hope to handle. The lush greenery that enveloped the forest became little more than a vivid backdrop to his rising power, and with every swing of his blade, the environment seemed to fade away, leaving only him and the task at hand.

After dispatching yet another group of goblins, their lifeless bodies strewn haphazardly across the forest floor, Ashen wiped his blade clean, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of additional threats. Just as he was about to move on, a sudden, piercing scream shattered the stillness of the forest, slicing through the air like a knife through cloth.

"Somebody, please help us!" a young girl's voice rang out, high-pitched and laced with desperation.

Ashen's entire body tensed, his attention snapping instantly toward the sound. His instincts, sharpened by years of real-world combat experience, kicked in without hesitation. He took off in a dead sprint toward the direction of the cry, his mind already racing through possibilities of what could be happening.

Bursting into a small clearing, Ashen immediately identified the source of the scream. A young girl, likely in her late teens, stood trembling in fear, her small frame shaking uncontrollably. Her brown hair was a tangled mess, and her wide, tear-filled eyes reflected sheer terror. She wore a simple white dress, torn at the edges, swaying lightly in the wind as if mocking her fragile state. Though she wasn't particularly remarkable in appearance, something about her vulnerability stirred a fleeting sense of responsibility in Ashen—a feeling he had long thought himself incapable of.

"Please, mister, help my uncle!" the girl cried out, her voice breaking as fresh tears streamed down her pale, dirt-streaked cheeks.

Before Ashen could even consider his response, a familiar notification resounded in his mind, sharp and mechanical.

[Quest: Help!]


Objective: Help the young lady and her uncle. Eliminate all enemies, and ensure no one dies.

Reward: 500 Experience Points

[Accept] [Ignore]

Without hesitation, Ashen mentally accepted the quest, his eyes narrowing as he quickly assessed the situation. Just beyond the girl, her uncle—a grizzled, elderly man who still had the posture of someone experienced in combat—was locked in a desperate struggle against a small group of goblins and their much larger companion, a hobgoblin. Though the old man's sword strikes were steady, his movements were labored and sluggish. His age was catching up with him, and the deep wounds visible on his arms and chest only worsened his condition. Each breath he took was a painful rasp, and blood trickled from the corners of his mouth, a clear sign of internal injuries.

The hobgoblin, wielding a crude but deadly axe, was preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the old man, its eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

"No!" the girl screamed, her voice cracking as she shut her eyes tightly, too terrified to watch the inevitable.

The old man, gritting his teeth in defiance, raised his sword with trembling hands, ready to make one last desperate attempt to block the strike that would surely end his life. His face was a mask of pain and determination, but even he seemed to know it would be his final stand.

But death did not come for him that day.

With blinding speed, Ashen appeared between the hobgoblin and the old man, his newly acquired wolf tooth knife gleaming dangerously under the soft light filtering through the trees. In one swift, fluid motion, Ashen slashed the hobgoblin's throat, his blade slicing clean through muscle and bone. The creature let out a choked gurgle, its eyes widening in shock as it instinctively grasped at the gaping wound in its neck.

Vital Hit!

-50 Hit Points

The hobgoblin staggered backward, blood spurting violently from its severed throat. It tried to retreat, but before it could take another step, Ashen lunged forward, driving his knife deep into the creature's chest with a vicious thrust. The hobgoblin collapsed in a lifeless heap, its body twitching as the last remnants of life drained away.

The remaining goblins, witnessing the swift demise of their leader, screeched in both fear and rage. Their beady eyes flicked nervously between Ashen and their fallen comrade, but their survival instincts quickly gave way to blind fury. With a collective shriek, they charged at Ashen, their crude weapons raised high, intending to overwhelm him with sheer numbers.

Ashen, however, was unfazed. His expression remained calm, almost bored, as he deftly sidestepped their wild attacks. Each movement he made was minimal, efficient, and precise—he ducked under clumsy swings, dodged thrusts with the barest shift of his body, and countered with brutal, calculated strikes. His blade moved like a flash of lightning, cutting through goblin flesh with ease.

"Is this really the best you can do?" Ashen taunted, his voice cold and laced with contempt. "Pathetic."

The goblins, driven to madness by his words, attacked even more recklessly, their shrieks growing louder and more frantic. But it was no use. Ashen moved through them like a reaper harvesting souls. One by one, the goblins fell, their bodies crumpling to the ground as Ashen's blade found its mark.

Minutes later, the clearing was silent once more, save for the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. Ashen stood at the center of the carnage, his breathing steady, not a drop of sweat on his brow. Around him, the mutilated bodies of goblins lay scattered in the dirt, a testament to his overwhelming skill.

The old man, still catching his breath, leaned heavily on his sword, his eyes wide with disbelief. He had been ready to die moments ago, and yet here he was, still standing, alive only because of the mysterious young man who had appeared out of nowhere.


[Quest Completed]

Reward: 500 Experience Points


You have leveled up.

Ashen allowed himself a small smirk as the familiar sensation of leveling up washed over him. His strength had increased, and he was now level 9. A few more encounters like this, and he would break into the double digits, something he had been looking forward to for some time.

"Thank you… thank you so much!" The girl, who had been frozen in terror throughout the battle, finally found her voice. She ran toward Ashen, her eyes wide with gratitude. "You saved our lives."

Ashen nodded, his expression softening ever so slightly. "No problem. But why are you out here in the middle of the forest?" he asked, his curiosity piqued. He had expected to encounter monsters, not civilians.

The girl wiped her tears, trying to regain some composure. "My name is Rebecca Villaflor. I'm the daughter of the village head from a nearby village," she began, her voice still shaky but steadier now. "We were raided by goblins… a lot of them. They were led by a [Goblin King]. My uncle and I managed to escape, but most of the others were captured. My father… he was taken along with many others."

Ashen's brow furrowed as he processed the information. A [Goblin King]? That explained the overwhelming number of goblins. Goblin Kings were notorious for their strength and their ability to command large hordes. It would be a dangerous battle, but it also presented an opportunity for him to gain significant experience. He glanced at the old man, who had now sheathed his sword and stood beside Rebecca, his face grim but determined.

"My name is Ashen," he introduced himself. "Where's your village?"

Rebecca looked at him in surprise, but quickly replied, "It's about five kilometers east of here."

Ashen nodded, already planning his next move. He couldn't ignore a situation like this—not only because it would grant him valuable experience, but because something about Rebecca's plea tugged at him in a way he didn't expect.

Before he could head off, Rebecca grabbed his arm, her voice trembling with renewed fear. "Please… save my father. You're the only one who can do it."


[ Quest: Save the Village and Find the Father of Rebecca Villaflor ]

[ Difficulty: D ]

Objective: Save the villagers, eliminate all goblins, and find Rebecca's father.

Reward: 10 Silver Coins

[Accept] [Ignore]

Ashen mentally accepted the quest without hesitation. He gave Rebecca one last reassuring glance before sprinting toward the village, his mind set on what he needed to do. The adrenaline pumped through his veins as he imagined the battle ahead.

The girl watched him go, her hope now resting on the mysterious stranger who had appeared from the forest like a guardian. The forest seemed quieter now, but the danger lurking in the east was undeniable.

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