
Mending Shawn's broken heart

Mystery, death and broken hearts. Jaden, Mia and Shawn are in search of the master mind behind $LÅZENGER who killed their loved ones, so is their fathers. Shawn has been heartbroken twice, he eventually decides to let his feelings for a girl (Mia) grow, what happens when his mom and sister dies because of Mia and what happens when their fathers finds out that Andrew has a twin brother.

Chimobi_Princess · Urban
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20 Chs

Who’s The Mastermind

Tom, Gabriel and Hart had gathered at the base to discuss the issue at hand.

"I just don't get it how did he die" Tom asked upset while the other two fell silent, they exchanged a suspicious look then faced Tom again,

"Say something, what's up with that look" Gabriel and Hart exchanged looks again then Gabriel finally spoke up,

"Tom, I need you to calm down and think carefully, where were you…."

"Hold it, don't tell me you two suspect me to be the murderer" Tom said as his heart tightened in his chest,

"That's not what we're saying Tom" Hart replied,

"Then what are you saying!" Tom roared standing to his feet, he took two deep breathes in and out before he finally spoke again,

"I won't get mad because I totally understand why you would suspect me to be the murderer but I have been with Mia ever since things went bad that night so have you two. I don't have to prove myself to you guys, think whatever you want but we didn't come here to point fingers, we came here to find solution to our problems" Tom said sitting back down, Hart and Gabriel were filled with guilt now,

"Gorge has giving us permission to carry out a biopsy on Andrew and see what we can find so whenever you two are ready let me know so we'll go to the station" Tom said and shock his head afterwards,

"we're sorry Tom, we shouldn't have suspected you of killing Andrew" Gabriel said with all sincerity,

"it's fine, I too would have done the same thing but that aside, let's go to the station, Gorge's expecting us", the trio were about leaving when the landline rang, Tom picked the call and discovered it was Gorge on the line so he put the phone on speaker so Hart and Gabriel would hear him as well,

"what's up" Tom asked,

"Andrew was definitely not the mastermind, there have been countless brutal killings since the night of Andrew's arrest and the killings are spreading fast through all of Melbourne, we need to do something fast before things gets out of hand" George said,

"This is worse than we thought Tom" Hart said,

"I think it's time we get the government which is me, and the political body involved and if things get totally out of control, then we will need to involve the King as well because it's not personal anymore and it's not something the cops can handle on their own, we need military back-up and every possible help we can" Gabriel added, Tom thought for some time before he finally spoke up,

"George we're coming to meet you" Tom said ending the call,

"Hart, make an announcement, let everyone get to work, they should make research on Andrew's life history and see what they can find, they should also go through all the recent and past deaths and try linking them together to see what they can find and Mr. President, you need to make an announcement" Tom said then waited for the approval of the two before leaving the office, Hart made the announcement while Gabriel made a call to arrange for a meeting at the Cabinet.



Lunch time at Angels High (The Schools Café)


"So how long have you liked Mia for" a boy named Diego asked,

"From the very first day she joined our school" Adrien replied,

"Everyone has a thing for her and I just don't get it" Diego replied,

"Keep it down, no one most know I like her because it will definitely get to my father" Adrien pleaded,

"Sure, I won't tell anyone and I think this conversation ends here cause your father needs you" Diego said pointing toward a teacher named Caleb who now approached them,

"(sighs) what does he want now" Adrien said a bit frustrated, Caleb finally gets to Adrien's table and whispered in his ear,

"Your father sent for you, Henry's waiting for you outside" Caleb said then waited for Adrien to finish his lunch,

"I'll get going now, talk later" Adrien said to Diego then left the cafeteria with Caleb following closely behind him, they got closer to Mia's table, Mia locked eyes with Adrien and he smiled at her, Hazel who was sitting beside Mia nudged her with her elbow and started teasing her,

"Oh my, you've got a new lover"

"Can't you ever be serious Hazel" Mia replied blushing,

"I am being serious, looks like his dad sent for him again" Hazel said as she watched Adrien leave the cafeteria,

"How do you know that and what do you mean by sent for him?" Mia asked surprised,

"Once in a while his body guards escort him out of school during school hours and the excuse is that his father sent for him, I don't know who his father is but everyone is afraid of him" Hazel said,

"Body guards?"

"Yes, some staffs here are not actually staffs but Adrien's body guards"

"Now I'm so interested in him, why does he need secret body guards"

"Probably the same reason the Williams and Hart family needs a body guard"

"(sighs) whatever, will you attend Jack's hearing this Friday?" Mia said,

"Definitely, you?"


"Looks like Shawn and Jaden are friends again" Hazel said looking over to Shawn's table which was two tables to the right away from theirs,

"It's a good thing"

"You two also need to sort things out"

"He doesn't want to speak with me and neither do I"

"(sighs) you both need to grow up,

"(scoffs) he's the one being childish" Mia said after which the school bell went off,

"we'll discuss this later let's get to class" Mia continued then got up to leave the cafeteria with Hazel following beside her,

"Hey I just remembered something" Hazel said in a tone louder than her normal tone of voice,

"What?" Mia replied a bit scared,

"I forgot to do my homework"

"Seriously, I thought it was something serious" Mia said then continued walking not waiting for Hazel,

"Let me copy yours" Hazel shouted running up to Mia,

"Sure whatever".

"Sure whatever".