
5 years

We have watched over Annabelle, aka Himeko, for 5 years. For 5 years we have been her support group. We were implanted into her life by her father before he died. He knew what kind of man her husband was. He knew what kind of life she lived while she was with him. He couldn't do anything. He had no power. We four people, Mr. and Mrs. Newell, Ellen, and I, Dr. Martin, all owed life debts to him. He saved us several times before he lost all his money, all his power.

I think the thing he regretted the most in his long life was selling his daughter to Hiro. If it wasn't for the fact that the whole family was in danger he would have never agreed to the marriage. He should have never agreed. He should have ran.

When he was still alive us five would video chat and tell him about his daughter and grandson. He was relieved they were leading such a normal life. He was happy that she lost her memory. He was relieved that she didn't recall all the gory details.

I hope she will never know what happened five years ago.

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