1 Chapter 1: Snow

A soft breeze blew through the forest. Land untouched by man that has laid here since the beginning of time. An orange figure runs through the forest, silent as if it wasn't there. Over the decayed leaves, it ran as far as it's paws could take the little fox. Coming to a rocky clearing the fox lingering on the edge of the tree line, smells the air for any sign of danger. It was safe. Putting one black paw in front of the other the fox treads out of the safety of the trees and onto the rocky cliff. Looking over the edge the little fox sees the crashing of the waves against the jagged rocks below. Looking up from the rocks below there lays water as far as the eye could see. The little fox sits down letting the sun hit it's fierier orange fur, and enjoying the summer breeze blowing over the island where she lived. The little fox's name was Snow. She had lived on this island as long as she can remember and dreamed of nothing more beautiful than her island. As the years went by the little fox grew until she lived no longer. Only her spirit stayed to watch over the island. As her spirit grew stronger she became a beautiful yokai who watched over the island. She had skin as white as snow and bright orange hair that brushed against the ground as she walked. Her golden dress shone bright even on the darkest of days and her eyes where the color of the greenest trees in early summer. Snow kept the island in balance as she watched the seasons go bye. From her little burrow she lived happily. Until late winter was when the first man came to the snowy island.

Chapter 1: Snow

Year of 1880

Snow was sitting on the beach watching the icy waves crash against the snowy shore. The wind blew her long hair in the chilling breeze. It was a cold morning, so cold that every breath you could see lingering in the winter air. Her bare feet left footprints in the snow as she stood up from her resting spot. Making her way across the snow covered beach, the wind now against her back making her hair blow in her face. Pushing it out of her way she looks up once again at the icy water, but this time instead of just water as far as you see there was a little boat bobbing up and down in the rough water that was making its way towards shore. This new thing scared Snow. She had never seen a boat before and the sight of it scared her to death. Quickly she ran into the forest to the rocky cliff where she could watch the boat, but not be seen. The boat hit the shore with a loud scraping sound echoing throughout the snow covered island. Snow watched from above on her rocky perch as a man pulled his boat farther up the shore. It was the first time she had ever seen a human before. She wanted to get a better look at the new stranger, but she was scared of being seen. A huge gust of wind blew behind her, making her long orange hair wave out in front of her. Like a bright orange flag blowing in the wind, it caught the man's attention, but before he could see any more of the long strands of orange it was gone. Snow quickly pulled away from the edge and hurried off. She kept away from the new stranger and stayed in her burrow in the day and hunted at night. As the winter melted away spring came. Snow woke one spring morning to hear the sound of cutting. Startled, she followed the sound to a clearing where the new stranger stood cutting wood. There behind him was a log cabin. Snow stayed away from this part of the island so she didn't realize the new stranger actually stayed. Seeing her beautiful trees being cut down right before her eyes enraged her. Running out she threw herself in front of the tree the stranger was about to cut down. He looked shocked and stumbled backwards at the sight of her. Snow was about ready to attack him until she noticed he was still young.

"You're that girl from earlier with the orange hair," he says terrified. Snow puts her katana away realizing he ain't a threat. She nods. "You're a fox," the man says, seeing Snow's fox ears. Snow nods again.

"I'm Alexander" He says, putting out his hand for me to shake. I paw at it. His hands were rough to the touch. "What's your name?" he asks. I point to the sky.

"Sky" I shake my head and make falling motions with my hands.

"Oh, is it Snow?" He says. I smile and nod. He takes a step back seeing my sharp teeth. "Can you talk?" Alexander asks. I shake my head sadly. "But you can understand me." I nod.

"Do you want me to teach you how to speak?" Alexander asks. I nod excitingly.

That was the start of our friendship, as the days went by Alexander taught me how to speak, read, and write. In exchange I taught him how to hunt and get fresh drinking water. It was around mid june and about a year had gone by since Alexander first arrived, when I found out my new friend was leaving.

"Snow, I got to tell you something important," Alexander says to me as we both sit beneath the stars. I was wearing a sundress that Alexander made for me as a gift.

"Yeah" I say, setting a flower crown on his messy brown hair and one upon my own. I smile at him.

"Well as you know my father wanted me to come here to learn how to be self-sufficient and learn the way of the world and as you know I can't stay here forever" Alexander says nervously.

"Yeah I know that" I say watching a shooting star fly across the black sky.

"Well I hate to break it to you, but by the end of June I have to go back to the mainland" He says sadly. The thought of Alexander leaving made tears come to my eyes. "It's okay," he says, embracing me in his warm arms in an attempt to comfort me. "Hey, do you want to come with me? '' Alexander says getting excited. His words made me happy and somewhat scared at the same time. .

"Really" I say, a smile spreading across my face.

After that night we started packing. It was going to be sad to leave the only place I ever knew, but Alexander promised we would come back. The only thing I had to do when we got to the mainland was hide my fox ears and tail around people. I also wasn't allowed to be in my fox form around people either, Alexander said it would be hard to explain and people didn't understand things easily.

Alexander helped me cut my long hair since it was so long it trailed behind me when I walked. So now my hair was in a bright orange pixie cut. Alexander sewed a new dress for me. It was light blue and I stitched white flowers into the light material. I had no shoes so Alexander made me a pair of slippers that matched my dress. It took awhile to get used to wearing shoes.

I stretched out my hands full of bread crumbs letting the birds eat out of my hands. I just watched them nimble away with their colorful feathers, so soft and delicate.

"Snow it's time to go" Alexander yells to me from the beach.

"Goodbye home, I'll be back in a year or two tops, so take care while I'm gone" I tell the little island. Holding my bokay of wild flowers Alexander helps me onto the little boat. As we push away from shore Alexander kisses me on the cheek.

"Don't worry we'll be back again soon and when we come back we can bring our children with us too" He says, hugging me, as I watch the island slowly fade out of sight. Our wedding rings gleaming on our hands. I wish our happiness could have lasted forever, but happiness doesn't last forever. That is a lesson I learned the hard way.
