
chapter one part 2/5

So.. where was I?

Oh right, well I woke and pulled myself from beneath the large tangle of roots. There i was dirty and with absolutely no idea where i was. This terrified me but i just had to find something, someway to understand my situation better. i mean even though this place seems like an island theres a possibility that its bigger. Maybe its just a part of the country ive never seen before? its entirely possible.

However I've never been able to really walk around the island before... ok im jumping the gun. My second day here.

I placed my footsteps with the intention of going somewhere but really i had no idea just where i was supposed to go.

I need answers.

I need food.

I need my family.

my home.

i was promptly pulled from my thoughts as I suddenly realized that I was being watched, this surprised me at first but when I realized exactly what was looking my fear calmed a bit.

It looked like a monkey but was significantly smaller and with white fur.

Slowly but surely more joined the first. They all just watched as I walked along the path making low grunts as they jumped between tree branches.

This distracted me a little, they seemed so interested in me and at the same time very wary as if they were afraid I'd attack them.

As they were fairly small I could if I needed to defend myself however these guys were too small to seem like a threat. Although occasionally they'd make a shrill shriek that'd momentarily scare me, making me jump a little.

Slowly the large trees became more sparse before being completely replaced by smaller more ordinary are trees and as I walked, the path became easier navigate, less gnarled roots poking up from the ground in unexpecting places threatening to make me fall with every inattentive step I planed to take.

Before long I was in a small clearing, there were very little trees here and a small river flowed by the clearing in the general direction of the sea. The warm sun soon became uncomfortable and the grass' golden brown color became more obvious. Was it a sign that it had been parched under the hot sun? Maybe it was just because this place was so close the the sea? Regardless this place seemed very different from what I was used to. I know, as a city girl I have no business trying to figure this stuff out, but it wasn't really like that its not as if I hate nature or have had no experience with it, I've been to my grandparent's farm many times before but this place just seemed so, alien in comparison. This place was different, very different and if it wasn't clear before, it was all-too-clear now as I knew I was completely and utterly lost.

Without being aware I started making list of the things I had, at my disposal.

The small river had fish and clean water but there wasn't a shelter anywhere, if I wanted to survive until I could be rescued I'd need one. Something that would protect me from the rain and or freezing cold the nights would undoubtedly bring with them.

The river wasn't big enough to have any large predator's like alligators or the like but I kept an eye out just to be sure. Looking down into the clear water i saw myself, my reflection confirmed what I had been feeling. Slowly I took some of the water between my cupped hands and raised it to my lips.

the cool water was heavenly and made me realize just how thirsty i was, i drank some more and more until a small rustling behind me startled me enough to cause me to jump, toppling into the river. i quickly stood spinning to look behind me my hair was now wet, and my clothes were too. i sighed a little as i realized the small white creature quickly scurrying back to the tree line.

"So you wanna play it like that huh?" the water was just a bit over my ankles.

The cool water flowed by nonchalantly making small swirls by the banking, the small pebbles underneath trapping tiny bubbles that would slowly come to the surface. If there's no-one here then I might as well.

Quickly I shed my clothes and tossed them over a branch from a small tree that stuck out in the sun. I needed them dried as quickly as possible. So I figured this would be as good a place as any to put them. I was a littles scared at first being completely naked and all, but as I made my way back to the small river the sound of the lapping water calmed me. I sat in the water and poured it over myself cupping my hands. Bringing some to my face.

The cool water flowed down my skin back into the flowing river, dripping from my chin onto my chest, I cupped my hands and brought more water up to my chest lifting my breasts then softly pulling at my nipples.

this was weird.

Here I was, taking a bath in the middle of god-knows-where and I'm slightly turned on from being naked out in the open, what am I an exhibitionist?

Pouring water over my legs I used the water to remove the dirt I had on me from sleeping under the roots of that huge tree last night. slowly it became painfully obvious that something else was happening here. My upper thighs, legs and wrists had a purple bruising around them in a circular pattern. Seeing this my breathing became more erratic as I remembered my situation in full this time however I managed to calm myself.

I was tied and brought here... who would do something like this?

why did they do it?

why me?

Slowly I pushed the thoughts from my mind. I'll have to be careful but I'll get to the bottom of this.

Next chapter