
This little coyfish is too cute and gluttonous.

"I said, what's your name?" Zeki repeated his words in a pitch where she could hear him enough.

Xiu Yen lamented as to why this man ask her name.

'Didn't I make it clear to him that were even already? Why was this man still asking for my name? God, is it because of the clothes that I am wearing. Is he going to let me pay for this. Holy! I can't even feed myself, how am I supposed to pay him?'

Xiu Yen's thought ran wild but in the end, he forced herself to answer him.

"X-Xiu Yen." She answered timidly.

"Zeki" Zeki talk back shortly without any hint of expression in his face.

"Eh?" Xiu Yen asked with a puzzled expression.

"My name." Zeki answered shortly. This man didn't like to talk too much.

"Uh...Okay." Xiu Yen relaxed and sigh in relief. She thought his going to ask her for the pay but it seems not like what she thought.

Zeki didn't talk any longer as well as Xiu Yen. They were both focused on the food. Xiu Yen was so hungry though. She forgot that their was another person in front of her and eat like she had not eaten for weeks. She look like a hungry gluttonous squirrel. Her chicks was fully pack with food.

Zeki was dumbstruck. She can't believe that this delicate woman has a big appetite. This woman is quite gluttonous but he finds it cute though. She's so adorable with her puffy chicks.

"hhrrrmm...Eat slowly, you might choke yourself." Zeki said reminded Xiu Yen. He was concern about her getting choke from eating too fast.

Only when Zeki talk did Xiu Yen realized that her action is too improper and the man was eating too little cause she almost devour all the food. Only a piece of ham was left and it was already in her chopsticks. She was embarrassed to eat it while his eating too little. So she decided to give it to him instead.

"Uh... You haven't eaten much. Eat more." She said while putting the ham in his plate with much hesitation and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She was so hurt to part with her delicious food.

"I'm full, just eat it." Zeki said while putting the ham in her plate. He could detect her hesitations when she hand it over.

"Really?" Xiu Yen muttered coyly. She was eagerly waiting for his response.

"hmm" Zeki nodded as a sign of approval.

"I'll eat it then." Xiu Yen happily devour the ham in a whole. She was even licking her lips wanting to savor it more.

"so cute."Zeki muttered softly. 'This little coyfish is too cute and gluttonous.

" Eh?" Xiu Yen ask. She seems to hear him muttered something.

"Nothing." Zeki said while curling her lips upward forming into a smile.

"Uh....Let me wash the plates." Xiu Yen presented. She was about to get up when her stomach ache. Her face twitch in pain. She was too full and her stomach was in discomfort.

"Are you in pain?" Zeki saw her struggled face. She seems to be in pain.

"I...I seem to eat a little too much?" Xiu Yen said timidly. She was so embarrassed saying it loudly.

"Don't eat too much next time." Zeki said while getting up and headed towards her.

Xiu Yen was puzzled but was astounded when the man lifted her up like a bride.

Zeki headed to the living room and carefully put Xiu Yen to the sofa.

"Just wait me there and rest." Zeki said and turned his back.

"T-Thank you." Xiu Yen said awkwardly.

Zeki didn't talk futher and head back to the kitchen.

A minute after, he came back with the medicine and a glass of water in his hand.

"Take this." Zeki hand the medicine and water to Xiu Yen.

"hmm." Xiu Yen nodded and take the medicine then drink a little.

When Xiu Yen was done, Zeki got up and headed back to the kitchen to wash the plates.

After five minutes, he get back and get his phone to call his secretary.

"Cancel all my appointment today." Not waiting for a response, he immediately hang up the phone and call another number.

" Hello boss." The male's voice could be heard on the other end of the phone. It's Zeki's assistant Gao Tao.

"hmm, I want you to buy a woman's dress. I'll send you the sizes and bring it in my apartment." Zeki said in a stern tone. And as usual, before his assistant could react he already ended the call.

After sending the sizes for the dress, he headed to the sofa and turned on the TV. He sat at the couch not too far and not too close to Xiu Yen.

Xiu Yen was currently leaning on the sofa while caressing her tummy.

"Is it still hurt?" Zeki turn to look at Xiu Yen with a concern expression.

"Much better than earlier." Xiu Yen said and look away awkwardly. She was still ashamed to look at him.

Zeki sigh in relief and turn his eyes on the TV but his attention was still with Xiu Yen.

Xiu Yen was now contemplating on how to start the conversation. She was troubled on how to tell him that she was leaving now. But after sometime, she pull her courage to talk to him.

"I..I need to go now. Thanks for the trouble." Xiu Yen was about to get up when the man reach out to hold her wrist.

"Where are you going?" Zeki farrowed his brows seeming to be displeased with what the woman said.

"I..I'm leaving." Xiu Yen said with a confused look. She was trying to pull her wrist but the man's hold was so strong.

"Where to?" Zeki continued asking. He didn't want her to go but he can't keep her either. Her family might look for her if she didn't go home. But he wanted to at least know her whereabouts.

"I..I-" Xiu Yen was about to response but was out of words. She was also wondering where to go herself. So how is she going to answer him? Sadness was crept in her eyes with the thought of it. She doesn't have a place to go anymore. The only person she cared the most had died already. The place she was suppose to go, the place she called home was now ruined all because of that person.

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