
Chapter 1

As I awoke and looked around to a half burned meadow and the other half completely void of life I managed to get up but quickly winced in pain and fell back down to my knees. I removed the palm of my hand from my side and could see blood dripping down my hand onto the scorched land. That's when I heard the heavy clanking of metal on the ground I quickly turned to see some weird people in armor. (I need to get out of here but I won't be able to do much with this wound.)

I quickly scanned the area and realized my only way out was to get captured by these people. One of the knights ran over to me and held their sword at the ready as they called over their friends. "Don't move by order of King Julius I Cosmic Knight Vinita hereby place you under arrest." "Vinita, is it? I have no choice but to come with you as you can see I'm in no shape to fight nor flee."

I began to slowly remove my hand from my wound so she could see it. Vinita quickly yelled for one of her friends to hurry over I just smirked and lied back on my back as the pain was unbearable. "Captain Vinita what's...." The Knight stopped mid sentence as they looked at my wound and quickly took off their helmet and began to use magic to disinfect the wound and take the pain away. "How does that feel? " "More bearable thank you Cosmic Knight..." "You can just call me Icari."

He smiled and continued to heal me. "Thank you Icari." I said still somewhat weakly. "No problem." "HEY, ICARI! CAPTAIN WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?!" "WE'RE OVER HERE ZIAN!" "Um, excuse me Mr..." I chuckled to myself and replied: "You can just call me Meldrin. What's the matter Icari?" "I need to cut your shirt to get a better look at how deep the wound is do you mind?" "Hey, you're the medic so do what you got to do." "Thank you for your consent Mr. Meldrin. Captain, can you hold this for me." Icari asked as he handed his spear over to Vinita and quickly drew his hunting knife from it sheathe in a quick flash and began to cut my shirt as he did he quickly dropped the knife and stumbled back.

"What's wrong Icari?" Vinita asked as she turned from Icari trembling body to his gaze as she looked at scarred body and the wrapped thorns of the DragonFruit Rose tattoo on my chest and wyvern dragon scales covering half my upper body. "That tattoo, the Carmel brown skin, the shaggy long hair, those cold gold and midnight blue eyes...You're the Son of the Demon King and the Wyvern Dragon Goddess!"

Vinita quickly got in a defensive stance protecting Icari. I sighed heavily as I began to sit up slightly and looked at her. "Vinita, I get you're skeptical about trusting me especially with me being the son of two of the most powerful clans in this war. Not to mention my reputation but; I can honestly say it's so dull being immediately ridiculed. Tell me is that how humans are? Overly cautious and hypocritical beings with no sense of mortality or empathy?" "Wha-What?" "You're hatred of both of the Dragon Clan and the Demon Realm is just spewing out of you. Causing the air to get diluted. I want to change both of the clans but I can't do that alone I need help. Just lower your weapon and we can talk about this yeah?"

"SONIC BARRIER!" A sonic burst of energy and vibration shot up in-between me and Vinita and Icari. I quickly jumped back and that's when a bunch of bubbles began to surround me. "Target surrounded, beginning the capture process." "Captain, Icari. Are you two alright?" "We're fine Zian, just be careful his magical power is..." "He's magic power is only six." "We've got this. He's basically a fly." (Hmm, the one they call Zian, he has potential. He's strong willed, loyal, but he's arrogant and fool hearty. Possible liability his magic power is:667. Then there's the bubbles woman she's still a mystery. However, her magic power is: 2,678. She's on near the level of me at just half base power. So how did she get looped into this group? They each have potential but lack teamwork and coordination clearly this team is half hazard team given the most miscellaneous task and the worst gear.)

"SONIC VIBRATION!" As Zian slammed his gauntlets down into the ground I quickly jumped in the air and blitzed right behind him then sliced his back with steam from my hand. He yelled in pain as he collapsed to the ground as I stepped away from his unconscious body I could smell soapy liquid. (This is bad I need to get out of range of this attack.) I back dashed only to get met with a barrage of magnetic sand. I groaned in pain as they pierced my body and I fell to my knees that's when Icari and Vinita gasped in surprised as a man in purple armor walked up to me and knelt down and cupped my face into his hand.

"So this is the power of the Wyvern Dragon Demon Prince? How pathetic." "Commander Finor; what a surprise to see you here." Vinita said nervously. "Incompetent bastards you had one job and you couldn't even do that right. All you had to do was survey the area and report back any discrepancy to me and do not engage the enemy. Yet here I find you down one solider and another in battle ready position and another cowering behind you. You're useless and uncoordinated good for nothing knights and do not deserve to be called Knights of the kingdom of Grishon." "Hey Commander Feathers." The commander turned his gaze to me and that's when I spit blood in his face then punched him so hard his armor cracked and he flew back into the scorched woods.

"I may be a alcoholic bastard with deep seeded parental issues. But if it's one thing I hate more than entitled bastards are entitled self-absorbed pompous assholes with barely any magical power. You don't deserve my respect nor my acknowledgement I feel sick just looking or even explaining this to you." "Commander Feathers, squeal like a pig you damned swine!"

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