
Chapter Two: Weird

As I got up from my fall, there was a big sign saying:


population 1-0-8-7".

"Weird, why would it need a dash? " I thought to myself. Anyways "Chaos" had tall and broad walls around it, "why would it need walls?" I said aloud. So I went inside and as I got in, there was a lot of flowerbeds [they smelled so good] and just steps away there was a big fountain [there was a cupid on top of it] and its water was sparkling, it looks so refreshing. As I was about to drink from it, I heard shouting from what I think is a plaza nearby. Never noticed them before though, I walked up to them, [from behind] saying hi and I think I may have startled them [it was kinda funny]. There was a girl and a boy, the girl was a bit smaller than me [like an inch or two] and she had a dazzling straight black hair with green eyes and the boy had a medium wavy hair [short], he had freckles, [which I

totally adore] he also had green eyes and he was a bit taller than me. "Hi, uhm sorry for the intervention but are you guys from around here?" I asked

The girl answered "no, are you? " she sounded really mature

"I'm not either" I replied "sorry, I'm Mira"

"I'm Kelly Anne and this is James David" she answered

"Are you guys siblings"

"Yeah, obviously"

"Oh, just making sure"

"And why would you?"

"Erm, eh, umm"

"I'm just kidding"

"Don't mind her and her annoying selfJames David said, chuckling

"Oh, shut up" Kelly Anne punching James David

"So how did you guys end up here?" I asked

"Thr-through a portal" Kelly Anne said

"Me too!" I said excitingly

"I'm tired" James David added

"We should find a house that no one owns, at least"


Azure_Sky_19creators' thoughts