
Revenge on the cheater

Rachel grabs her phone and her car keys and pulls Morgan by the hand and goes straight to where Javier is. She goes inside her car and turns on the car and starts driving to where Javier is at. Rachel was filled with rage. Her face started the turn red and her blood boil. She started to cry with frustration and sadness as she witness her best friend, cheating on her with someone that is not even from the same University. She cries with sadness and anger to get her revenge on Javier. She didn't know Javier would do this to her. He was always a spoiled yet loyal friend. But she now doubts herself.

"I'm gonna go live." Morgan said as she takes out her phone going to her social media started to go live. "HEY EVERYONE! RACHEL AND I ARE GONNA GO CATCH THE CHEATER!!!" Morgan shouted in the car as she pointed her camera to Rachel.

"I love your enthusiasm but this is not really the best time to go live Morgan" Rachel said as she was focused on the road. Morgan turned her phone to Rachel and added, " Oh come on. If we do this, we can ruin his reputation!"

Rachel stops at the traffic light looks towards the camera and says. "Go on live and make sure to show me killing Javier." Rachel said and made a sharp turn. Morgan said, "If you wanna kill Javier don't kill me!" She screamed at Rachel while being live on Facetweet.

"I'm sorry Morgan, I can't believe Javier did that." Rachel apologised. Rachel looks dumbfounded because her boyfriend cheated on her. Morgan looked sorry for Rachel and replied, "It's alright. Don't worry we will get back on that cheater."

Morgan looks out of the window, looking at the view and then looks at Rachel, sobbing a little, holding her tears. She then places her hand at her wrist and tries to calm Rachel down.

"Thanks Morgan. But I need these emotions right now and explode them towards Javier." Rachel said.

A few minutes later, they reached Javier's house. They peek through the window of his house. He lives in a mansion and it would take a while to look through all of them. Barging in inside his house would be an intrusion. They looked through the windows, and they haven't found any leads.

Sooner or later, Morgan found a girl inside the house and told Rachel to come. Rachel ran towards Morgan and looked

up. She saw the same girl in the tweet on Facetweet. She squinted her eyes and saw Javier with the girl about to undress themselves. She got furious. She walked towards the door and burst through the door.

Javier heard the sound and he looked back, "What's wrong?" the girl said. "Nothing," Javier replied back. He looked towards the girl's eyes and smarted to undress her and kissed her.

Rachel grabs her phone and her car keys and pulls Morgan by the hand and goes straight to where Javier is. She goes inside her car and turns on the car and starts driving to where Javier is at.

"I'm gonna go live." Morgan said.

"Go on live and make sure to show me killing Javier." Rachel said and made a sharp turn. Morgan said, "If you wanna kill Javier don't kill me!" She screamed at Rachel while being live on Facetweet.

"I'm sorry Morgan, I can't believe Javier did that." Rachel apologised. Rachel looks dumbfounded because her boyfriend cheated on her. Morgan looked sorry for Rachel and replied, "It's alright. Don't worry we will get back on that cheater."

Morgan looks out of the window, looking at the view and then looks at Rachel, sobbing a little, holding her tears. She then places her hand at her wrist and tries to calm Rachel down.

"Thanks Morgan. But I need these emotions right now and explode them towards Javier." Rachel said.

A few minutes later, they reached Javier's house. They peek through the window of his house. He lives in a mansion and it would take a while to look through all of them. Barging in inside his house would be an intrusion. They looked through the windows, and they haven't found any leads.

Sooner or later, Morgan found a girl inside the house and told Rachel to come. Rachel ran towards Morgan and looked up. She saw the same girl in the tweet on Facetweet. She squinted her eyes and saw Javier with the girl about to undress themselves. She got furious. She walked towards the door and burst through the door.

Javier heard the sound and he looked back, "What's wrong?" the girl said. "Nothing," Javier replied back. He looked towards the girl's eyes and smarted to undress her and kissed her.

"Rachel i know you're mad right now but you have to calm down a bit-" Morgan said getting cut off.

"CALM DOWN?!?! MORGAN HOW CAN I BE CALM WHEN MY BOYFRIEND IS CHEATING ON ME WITH SOME SLUT FROM ANOTHER SCHOOL?!?!" Rachel shouted. Morgan hushed Rachel and replied, "SHHH!!! They could hear you!!"

Javier heard a muffled scream and looked back to check downstairs of his house. He then got interrupted by the girl and she started to kiss him saying, "don't worry it must be the neighbours screaming again."

"I think you're right. Now where were we?" Javier replied. They both smiled at each other and began to kiss. They went to the bed and started to remove their bottoms.

"Rachel, you need to calm down. I know your mad at Javier right now but don't put it on me!! I didn't do anything to you. And if you don't calm down right now you may go insane!" Morgan said.

"You're right. I'm sorry for shouting at you." Rachel apologised. She took a deep breath and went upstairs. Morgan is still live with about a thousand people watching the live.

They went upstairs slowly to not scare them. Javier and the girl were busy making out and the girl said. "I love you Javier". Javier replied, "me too" and they continued to kiss. They heard a loud bang to the door and they both jumped. They covered themselves with the blanket. Rachel and Morgan burst inside the room.

"Wow. And I thought YOU only said that to me?" Rachel sarcastically said. She looked towards the girl who was beyond horrified by the sudden intrusion.

"Look, we're sorry for the intrusion, but." Morgan said getting cut off by Rachel.

"We can't just. OR I, let this go, don't you think Javier?" Rachel said.

"Wait, you know this intruder?" The girl said. She was confused and didn't know what was going on. How did this girl know who her boyfriend is? Is she her friend or are they classmates? But she then realised that friends and classmates don't say that towards each other. That is just weird.

"Rachel? What are you doing here?" Javier said. He looked towards the girl and realised. He then said, "look, its not what it looks like."

"Oh really? Kissing another girl when I was your only girlfriend?" Rachel said. She took out her phone and showed the tweet of him and the girl kissing. "Seeing you and some weird girl kissing ohh i'm sure there is an explanation."

"Wait, she's your girlfriend?!?!" the girl said. Looking all shocked and got the attention of everyone in the room. She looked towards Morgan and Morgan nodded towards her. She was beyond horrified by the fact that she was the side chick and she was the girl who is being used too. Just like Rachel.

"OMG I'M SO SORRY HE TOLD ME HE WAS SINGLE!" the girl deeply apologised. Rachel quickly looked towards Javier and said, "SINGLE? Wowwww"

"I can't believe I'm being used! And I'm your side chick!!" The girl said.

"Emily, wait-" Javier said. The girl said, "DON'T YOU EVER CALL BY MY NAME EVER AGAIN! WE'RE OVER!" She quickly dressed herself and rushed out of the room.

"Wow i can't believe my own boyfriend is not only using me, but her too. I wonder how many girls you are using." Rachel said and smiled towards Morgan.

"Rachel wait I'm sorry I love you i do i just-" Javier apologised but he looked towards Morgan and saw her holding her phone.

"ARE YOU RECORDING ALL OF THIS?!?!" Javier ran towards Morgan trying to knock the phone down. Maybe he can break it or something. Morgan moved backwards and Rachel ran between them and blocked Javier's way.

"Oh hell no. Everyone is gonna know what you did. And when the whole school finds out you are a cheater, you will lose everything." Rachel said. She then signals Morgan to end the live and they decide to leave the house.

Javier then kicked the door and started screaming at them saying, "YOU GUYS ARE GONNA REGRET THIS! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!?!" They ignored him and they drove off.

When they were driving back to their dorms. Rachel began to sob a bit. Javier was his first boyfriend and she is so sad about the fact that he cheated on him and possibly a lot more girls.

THey went back to the dorm and it was late at night. They decided that maybe they should sleep. They said "goodnight" to each other and they went to sleep.

But Rachel couldn't sleep. She was so devastated about what had happened within a day and she decided to drive around the neighborhood.

She then stopped at a peculiar place and she began to burst into tears. Tears rolled down on her face and her face turned puffy. Her eyes turned red and she couldn't hold the anger and the pain she's feeling at this very moment. She decided to lean towards a railing and saw some group of people walking towards a "CAUTION" sign and they suddenly disappeared.

She freaked out and walked towards the sign. She realised it's a few people being transported into some peculiar place. She touched the "CAUTION" sign and her hand disappeared. She gained some suspicion for the sign and decided to leave the place. She then tripped over a rock and she was transported to a place. That is not her neighbourhood.

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