

 " okay class please welcome our new classmate". The teacher said with a smile on her face.

" welcome to class A" . Everyone said, with a look of disgust on their face.

"why don't you introduce yourself to the class". The teacher said , giving me a go ahead sign.

 I noticed she kept her distance from me, i could see it in her eyes she hated me.

" Hi, i'm Megan, i'm half korean, half Nigerian.

i said giving a slight wave, but got an expression of disgust.

 ( hours passed, and the last bell rang as a sign of going to our various hostels)

" okay, class dismissed see you all tomorrow" . The teacher said.

shortly after the teacher left and the class became empty, three girls walked towards me with a displeasing look on their face, as they surrounded my table, one of the girls sat on my table while the other two stood behind her .

" Megan right,... I'm Kylie" Kylie said making room for herself to sit beside me.

 " yes" i answered with no intentions to continue this conversation any further.

Just then i heard a small chuckle, it was coming from the who sat on my table holding a lollipop .

" megan, as in megan, from that horror movie about a robot....anyway, my name is kacy.

kacy said handing me a lollipop.

" do i look like a robot to you....but don't worry i get that a lot, but i'm just megan" . I said packing up me my things into my bag about to leave.

 " why are you in a hurry" Kylie said.

" it's getting late and..." I was cut short by kacy who forcefully pulled me back to my sit.

 " we are not done yet,....the only reason we approached you was because we wanted to give you a proper welcome and tell you the set of things your kind are allowed to do and not to do". Kylie said.

 Suddenly the girl who has been standing behind Kylie ever since , spoke up.

" here you go" she said handing me a paper and continued " those are the rules.... It's almost curfew let go, we don't want to be behind schedule. Said the mysterious girl.

 morning came by so quickly, it has been a week since i enrolled in this all girls boarding school. Its' sport day in school, everyone dress up nicely with their appropriate uniform handing to the field, i noticed Kylie, kacy and the mysterious girl didn't wear their uniform.

 " why ain't they wearing their uniform" i asked ji-eun. Ji-eun became my friend after have a embarrassing moment in the toilet.

 Flash back.

i just finished having lunch, few moment later i had an upset stomach which made me hurry to the toilet , i got to the toilet but forgot to check if any one was in one of the stall, but just then i saw a sign that two out of the three toilet is out of order, then i decided to open the first toilet without knocking that was when i saw ji-eun fighting for her life ( as in pooing) i got embarrassed and quickly close the down.

" ahhhh,what are you doing here!!!??" i said.

" you can clearly see i'm pooing....and haven't you heard of knocking before entering!!!. She said.

 " sorry i didn't mean to!! " i said holding myself back from pooping all over myself.

" can we quiet the shouting for a moment" she said then continue " i'm guessing you are new here, i'm ji-eun, i'm in class A, you?.

" i'm megan... nice to meet you ji-eun, i'm also in class A. i said

" it's weird introducing ourselves like this" she said.

" yeah...you in the toilet me here....it's kind of weird. I said resting on the sink.

" you see..... i....megan.....can..... Ji-eun stuttered with her words.

 "What ?" I said

" can... can ....you ....youu....can you help me get a toilet paper, i ran out of toilet paper !!!!!.

 " okay, is that all you need?" I asked before living to get the tissue.

" yes that's all, .....thanks." She said.

  i felt as if i was about to burst holding in wasn't easy as i looked for tissue in the storage, i was sweating with out control, i finally found the tissue and hurried back to the toilet.

"here you go" i said placing the tissue paper on the floor close to the toilet door and quickly turned around.

 minutes later after ji-eun left , i finished quickly and exited the toilet only to see ji-eun waiting for me. She sat on the floor outside beside the toilet door resting her back on the wall.

"you are still here....don't tell me you were waiting for me? " i said 

" i was waiting for you....i know it may sound weird but can we be friends...you can take is as a thank you gift for helping me ...plus i know everything about the school , where to get the best food ...ji-eun was cut short by my chuckle.

 *chuckle* it's okay.. I will loved to be friends with you ji-eun...come on lets go we are already late for class.

 ( flashback ended)

" why ain't they wearing their uniform" i asked ji-eun.

"They don't want to i guess" said ji-eun as she began stretching.

"What do you mean. They don't want to" isn't it a big deal in this school to always be on uniform. I said surprised at ji-eun reply.

 "Girllll, you have spent at least a week and half in this school and you still don't understand the system in this school" ji-eun said still stretching.

 " No i guess" i said 

" Kylie, kacy and kim, they are called the 3k's their parents own the school, from this building down to the equipment in this school, so no one dares even the teacher and the principal question them, if i were i won't be to curious about them or get involved with them" . Ji-eun said.

 " why would i want to get involved with them, but their name can of ... I was cut short by ji-eun.

 " boys over flower...while we are not in a kdrama or a story. Ji-eun said.

" but if we were... I bet we will be the hot cool girls who has boys bowing down to us.

 " you are imagining things again, come back to reality megan" ji-eun said dragging my ear.

" okay, mum" i said laughing.

 Just the the teacher arrived, he stood on the bench just a few inches away from us and said

 " Okay, girls let's begin, we only have four weeks before the 'meet update' . said the teacher.

 " whats a meet up" i said looking at ji-eun with a confused look.

" its when the boys boarding school and the girls boarding have a competition about whose school is more better and some other stuff people really don't care about, while some use it as an excuse to....you know....ji-eun said.

"Oh .....oh...ewww.. Gross" i said disgust.

 Megan pov

 An hour passed me and ji-eun Walked towards our locker, i felt strange glares looking at me but i brushed it off , opening my locker only to see a black note with an X mark on it.

 " whats this ? " i said looking at nancy with a confused look on my face.

" it's nothing" ji-eun said as she hurriedly snatched the note from my hand and left.

 Ji-eun pov

As soon as i saw what megan was talking about i quickly took the note and left....this note is a bad sign..it reminded me of the death that happened two years ago, i can't let that happen to megan.

 Thanks for reading megan, please stay for megan vol2.