
League Of Anarchy Vs League of Villains?!(1)

In the Now Empty streets, A Nomu was standing, behind him a collapsed building, The cry's and pleas of the victims could be heard, but did that matter to me, No.

[Foul Mouthed Black Egg]: Ok what the fuck is that abomination.

[Paranoid Bat]: That looks unpleasant and uncomfortable to the eyes.

[Cursed Kings Vessel: Wow that looks like a curse from my world.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: is that a reanimated human corpse, or something created from human experimentation?.

[Desperate Time Traveler]: As I was saying you guys didn't let me finish, That's a Nomu Basically a human that has been experimented by LOV For some Nefarious Reason, They usually kidnap children from Nearby Orphanages or just incapacitate other heroes and use them to create those..things.

"Oh yeah great explanation, So Ainz are you interested in this thing, if you are I could bring it to the base." I said while dodging one of the Nomu's claws.

"ARGHHHAAAAHHH" it screamed, and then threw a ball of electricity out of it's mouth aiming it at me.

I dispersed it with a knife made out of determination.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: I could try to revert it back to it's original state, bringing back its sanity, and we could possibly use that in our favor.

[Khaos]: I suggest if you do, You can lock it in the bases underground Prison.

[Cursed Kings Vessel]: uhm guys who's this?.

[Khaos]: I'm the Group chats AI, Nice to make your acquaintance Yuji Itadori.

"Ok let me just take care of this" I said as I jumped behind it, kicking its back and knocking him into another building.

But that didn't hurt it, it came back up the next second, and then it's spit acid my way, I dodged then with one step appeared in front of it, and then giving it a punch, slamming it down to the streets creating a small crater there.

"Tsk looks like I may have to use much more lethal attacks, anyways I'm just gonna bring you back alive that doesn't mean I'll bring you back in one peace." I said while creating a knife using determination , and then I ran at it,it's claws extended about to launch an attack , but before it could attack I grabbed its claws breaking them.

I slashed the knife at its chest, a huge gash could be seen on the Nomu, Dark green blood gushing out from it. Then it fell on the ground

"Well that wasn't bad was it, even though I didn't use anything that would kill you, That injury won't heal unless I let it, your little healing quirk won't work" I said while looking at the building the Nomu destroyed when it appeared, looks like we have some uninvited guests.

"Oh well as long as they don't interfere, I don't mind." I said as I made a chain which went around the Nomus Neck, then I nudged it to start following, it's body getting weakened by my determination chains.

It whimpered a bit but then complied, it we started walking like a an owner walking its loyal dog.

But before we could get any further, The building which the Nomu appeared from caught on blue colored fire.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: interesting is this one of those quirks.

"Yup and I'm probably not gonna kill them but, I definitely won't show mercy" I said as I watched a Black haired man who seemed to be in his twenties walk out of the fire, half of his skin seemed to have burnt, and he was also wearing a black coat.

[Paranoid Bat]: Those are some serious burns, did he burn himself with his ability.

[Foul Mouthed Black Egg]: it seems old, Maybe something bad happened to him in the past.

[Supreme being Ainz]: interesting flames I wonder what affect it has apart from burning.

[Desperate Time Traveler]: That's one of the villains from LOV he's name is Dabi.

"Now kid mind telling me how you beat that Nomu" Dabi said while he was 5 metres away from me.

" Why are you asking when you were literally watching from the start" I said.

"True but, you see I'm in a good mood today, hand me back the Nomu and I won't burn you to a crisp" he said with a smirk.

"Who does it belong to and who the fuck are you" I said clearly not giving a shit.

"The Nomu belongs to All for one, and the Leauge of Villains, And I'm Dabi you must be new around here, Say why don't you join LOV" he said trying to get me to join, or as I see distract me while reinforcements arrive.

In which a misty purple pörtle appeared behind him, Three more People came out of it

Kurogiri,Shigaraki and Toga.

"And then three more joined, What do you want" I asked decisively.

" We saw how you defeated that Nomu, Even though we just sent it out to cause some chaos and make the heroes job more, Tedious but I wasn't expecting someone to not only defeat this Nomu but actually dares to capture it. You must be a very insane kid." Shigaraki said.

"So why don't you join LOV You don't seem to be a hero. It would be a shame if a person which such potential were to die" he continued with a threat, while I looked at them expressionlessly.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: Hmm this looks a bit bad, Well for the villains that is.

[Desperate Time traveler]: I feel like he's going to kill them if they continue talking.

[Supreme Being Ainz]: Well looks like we have to move our plans further, I'll teleport me and Itadori there

[Desperate Time Traveler]: I'm Roughly Closeby it'll take me a few minutes to get there, Just don't kill anyone yet Chara.

"Fine…" I quietly muttered.

"Oh really and why do you think I'd join a disgusting organization such as yours, I have a second proposition, Since Four against one seems unfair let's make it even." I said with a bloodthirsty grin on my face.

"heh there's No one h-" But before he could talk, Homura jumped down a building and landed right beside me, Then the next second a man with black armor and golden lines, and a helmet was covering his head and a great sword behind his back Appeared, and a boy with a white Robe and a pitch black mask Appeared with his arrival.

"heh the league of Villains what a joke, today henceforth a new league Has been formed We Are Called the League of Anarchy, The world has forgotten what true Fear is, haha All for one the symbol of fear they say. No he is nothing more than a joke in the grand scheme of things, A foolish Human With a goal that cannot be achieved in this barren world, So 'LOV' Let's see who truly owns the title of 'Villain' let's see, How you'll beg and grovel to your knees heheheheheh" I said clearly enjoying this monologue.

The members of LOV Seemed to have gotten in their battle positions, Knowing they won't get out of here without a few injuries.

"Now then may the best Villains Win" I said as we got Ready to fight well before the heroes arrive, So now as a cat plays with its food, The mouse will desperately try to escape…..

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