1 The Big Move

You were sitting down in your room a reading a book like any other day in your basic life.

You loved reading because it helps you calm down when your having a stressful day at school.

While you were reading your Mom and Dad came in.

Y/M/N: Hi sweetie! Me and your father have big news to tell you.

Y/D/N: We are moving to Seoul, South Korea. I know you have always wanted to go there since you didn't see much when you were only 2.

*Your 16 now. In High school you live in Seattle Washington, USA*

Y/N: Are we actually moving there!?

Y/M/N: Yes! We are leaving in two days so you can start packing now.

Your parents left your room and you instantly started packing

Y/N: Hmm what should I bring and what should I leave?

You started thinking deeply for 5 minutes and finally decided.

You packed your clothes and put them in your suitcase. You get 2 suitcase so you put clothes, shoes etc. in one bag and Accessories, Supplies decorations etc. in your other bag.

After 2 days you were all packed up and ready to fly off to Korea.

The plane seats 2 seats each so your parents are together and your alone with some guy you don't know.

That guy turns to you and introduces himself

???: Hi I'm J-hope! *He gives you a warm smile*

Y/N: Nice to meet you J-hope I'm Y/N. * You also smiled back*

You both shake hands. Then you two started chatting a bit and got to know each other turns out you both have something in common.

J-Hope: I also like dancing! I want to see you dancing some time. Can I have your number?

Y/n: Oh sure!

You exchange numbers.

To be continued
