
Day 1

saku had always dreamed of meeting bts but especially her bias, jungook. She was getting ready for school although she had one excited event to attend which was a bts concert so she was so excited. At school she was going to class but she saw a person standing their staring at her but she couldnt see who it was but she just ignored him and went inside, she met up with her friend amy and told her about the person and amy said that she was probaly paranoid. 3 period bell rings which is p.e so they get to go outside, amy and soku like to stay fit so they always go outside to exercise they do 60 pushups 50 sit ups and always jumprope. So they went to do their routine and nobody noticed not even soku or amy but the man that was staring at soku in the morning was their.

ok so this is my first book and i would like you guys to comment some ideas for chapter 2 and. some tips for improvement

bts_biasVcreators' thoughts