

In a fully air-conditioned room bigger than a normal bedroom were two men dressed in black suits, standing behind a man who sat on a chair with a graceful and powerful aura. The man's gaze seemed to be piercing through the tunnel in front of him that kept on buzzing like electricity. The man's cold face becomes colder than before as he glanced through his wristwatch, his crossed feet shaking as he seemed to be running out of patience.

The two men behind him looked at each other before staring back at their boss. They knew that at any moment from now if he didn't get what he wanted, the whole building will take the effect.

The tunnel kept on buzzing as the electricity in it started getting intense and the lights brighter as the two men covered their eyes but the man who sat still with his icy poker face didn't seem to be affected by the bright light enumerating from the tunnel. Someone burst out of the tunnel and landed on the floor with his head bowed.

He stood up and was faced by his cold boss.

" There is fire on the mountain boss. The King is aware of the missing item and that you took it. "

The two men behind looked shocked when they heard the statement but the cold man wasn't affected by the news instead his gaze turned sharper.

" Let's go for plan A. " He instructed with a cold voice that could make anyone shiver with fright.