

"Oh, really?" Sooyoung smiled, relieved.

He nodded, "Would you like to start now?" he took several pieces of paper including a pen, "Here are the interview questions I'll be asking you, don't worry it won't take long,"

Sooyoung just nodded, getting ready for the questions, "I'm ready, you can start now!"

Starting off with a simple question, "How did you come across Dex Corporation?"

"I came across this place because I was looking for a job, I saw a paper saying they're hiring for an assistant so I thought I'd try to apply," Sooyoung beamed.

"I see, can you tell me a little about yourself?"

Sooyoung thought for a minute before answering, "I am 21 years old, I am professional when it comes to matters that need it. If you ever need me to help I'm always there,"

He smiled, "Perfect! Why do you want this job?"

Sooyoung slightly nodded, absorbing the question, "Hmm, my family let me come live alone. I need money for somewhere to live, plus all my other bills. But most importantly, I admire writing books, they're enjoyable to create. I've written other books before but I've never published them!"

Mr. Kim nodded, "Great, what other companies are you interviewing with?" he questioned as he marked something on the paper with his ink black pen.

Sooyoung shifted in her chair, "This is the first company I've come across, so this one as of now," she smiled.

He smiled, "All right, your last question! How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?"

"First I would calm myself down if I were in a stressful/pressure situations, then I'd try figuring everything out. Always try figuring things out in situations like that, once I've done that I would just work things out, pretty simple actually," Sooyoung smiled.

"I like your answer, here is this paper just write down your number and you'll be contacted!" he smiled once again with those pretty teeth.

"Okay," Sooyoung wrote her number down, sliding it across the table to him.

"Have a great day!" he waved happily.

"You too!" Sooyoung said and quickly left, not trying to get on the other peoples nerves by taking so long.

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