
Their Story

"You should have punched her in the jaw!" I said artfully in Drei's story.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Are you stupid, Aki? I don't hurt women no matter how angry I am."

I blinked and folded my arms. "That's the problem! You're so kind and giving that's why you always get hurt and that's not funny!"

"It is because the world is already too bad, I don't want to add more."

I shook and jokingly punched his arm.

"That should be your last time for now, alright?! It's okay to flirt, but stop when you're already in so much pain! Less than two months, two women immediately hurt you? The truth is, Drei ?! Are you really that desperate to have a girlfriend?! "

Just a month ago, this man was crying for a different woman. And now something else. He is too fragile, Just a little push and pulls, and a little toying he will immediately give in. It's just like Jessica. Alex told me that Drei was just locked up with Jessica because she liked him and because he was fragile easy to fall, he fell immediately. Probably the reason why we become close. I wanted to protect him, well ... I can't control who he will date, but I at least want to be there whenever he got hurt.

As always, I am his friend that he always approaches whenever he is hurt. I was the one who comforted him. I am the one who makes jokes and advises him whenever he is hurt. I'm a friend so of course, I can't help but get angry with the woman. You idiots, why do they hurt serious men?

Wow, Aki, coming from you ?! Didn't you hurt Samuel who did nothing but love you.

Well, this is always what happens. I was good at comforting and advising, so Drei and I got along, and the other men became my friends. There are some in the past who have also fallen on me, even though I have no motive to show. And Samuel is one of them.


Why don't you talk to me? I'm so friendly with you don't want it? you are so choosy, yet not so yummy!

I laughed at my message for Samuel, he was funny very uptight. It's a bit elusive. he's in denial, I knew he finds me cute. Make sure it's quiet.


Don't chat with me! I am broken-hearted

My forehead furrowed? I think he was fooling me. It's been only 2 days when I chatted with him, he was still teasing me that he had a girlfriend, he said I should not expect from him and now it is broken? He is so assuming, he thought I liked him, eh! He's not even my type! DUH!


You are crazy! It seems like only yesterday you were still making me jealous because you have a girlfriend! You're not my type, crazy!


My girlfriend and I are done

Ay? Hala? Why am I being told? For me to be the next one? Seems stupid


Oh, cheers, bro!

He immediately replied


Won't you comfort me?

I frowned. What the fuck! Is it always be the scenario for me? Why do the broken-hearted approach me? Why do they always seek comfort from me? Do I look like a comforter?

Well, since I don't really have anything to do yet, might as well I'd be a listener. So, yeah let's go ahead, it's not that bad.


All right, tell me your story.

Just a moment later my cellphone rang at his call.

("hello") he said in a low and cracked voice.

"Oh, come on! You really are a broken-hearted! I thought it was just a joke so that you can have the reason to call me." I laughed, trying to light up the mood.

("It's tiring. I really got tired.") His voice broke even more. I heard her sigh. I closed my eyes and waited for him to say something. (I love her, but love is not really enough if a person does not know how to be contented. I have forgiven her a lot of times but she always repeats it over and over again. It's tiring .... so I let her go.") I even heard his cries on the other line.

God! I hate this feeling! Well, I am not in a position to speak because I do not know the reason for the woman but only one is for sure. Samuel is hurting now, he really loves the woman ... I also can't blame the woman because I don't know her but I can probably comfort Samuel.

I just let him cry and vent his resentment. It's hard because you carry the weight on your chest. The difficulty is hard, so I let him express his feelings to reduce the weight. Sometimes you just have to cry, you just have to be weak and then be ill, if you are not okay again. Just cry today so that tomorrow you will be okay again.

"Hmmm.. I can't tell you that it's okay because you're not okay. But you will also be okay eventually, I know. Maybe hmmm .. maybe just belittle the woman." I said seriously

I even heard him choking on the other line so I laughed.

"Hey, it's effective! Insult the one who hurt you! Look for the ugly things in her. For example, like this ..." I released a coughed before continuing, "Kelvin is so ugly, he only thought he was handsome. He looks like a monkey. He's a big-fat uncircumcised asshole! He is useless! " I said with feeling.

I heard him laugh on the other line, wow wow you laugh, ah? Are you? Happy? Happy?

I heard him laugh on the other line, wow wow you laugh, ah? Are you? Happy? Happy?

(Why would I belittle her and insult her if I still love her?) he said when he recovered from the laughter.

"I thought you wanted to forget and move on? I was just advising. It's up to if you want to follow." I shrugged and walked over to my bed to lie down.

("You're a scary enemy.") He promised with a laugh.

I just laughed and stopped talking. Am I scary? Well, I was certain that I was not! I am always warm and soft so, though sometimes I was harsh and sarcastic especially when the person talking is stupid. But I'm sure I'm kind.

("Who is Kelvin? Your boyfriend?") Samuel noticed that I probably didn't speak anymore.

I laughed before saying, "No, he was just my crush! Stupid case, eh. He doesn't like me, choosy! he thought I was going to chase him. if he doesn't want me, then fine! I won't chase him! He's not a gem, besides others will find me!"

("So, are you single? You don't have a boyfriend")

I frowned, he's annoying, ah, does he really need to reiterate that I'm single and that I never had a boyfriend??

"No. I haven't had a boyfriend yet. Do you want to try? If you want me, you will be my first boyfriend." I'm still kidding

Because of that Samuel and I almost always talked, there was not a day that we did not talk. Which messed-up my brain and made me confused. First of all, it was wrong .. he just got better and recovered from his breakup and it seems weird that I will be the next one. It would look like I am a guard waiting for him to get better so I could make him my boyfriend. Second, I don't like him. I don't like him yet but I like him as a person and he is nice to talk to. Third, one of my friends likes him ... so it's even more impossible.

"I'm jealous of you, Aki!" Joy nodded at me, she's my friend.

I frowned.

"Huh? Besides from I'm beautiful, why would you be jealous?" I asked confused.

She averted her eyes, "Because I see you and Samuel are close. Eh, how about me? He didn't even chat with me. I chatted him the other day but he just seen zoned me."

I closed my eyes firmly before looking at her. "Do you want me to just avoid him? Just tell me and I will. I don't want our friendship to be ruin just because of a man."

Her eyes widened, she looked at me for a moment before smiling sadly.

"No, Aki ... You don't have to avoid him because of me. Just let him like you and I know he doesn't like me. I see you are the one who he wants, eh. If you like him, don't be shy to me. Don't think of me. Don't hesitate because of me. " she said bitterly.

Okay but obviously not liked? I somehow felt bothered even though I was not doing anything wrong. Before I could talk to Samuel I told her that Samuel and I were talking. Not because I plan to make Samuel as my boyfriend, but because I respect our friendship. She is my friend and I do not want our friendship to be destroyed over a man.

"Joy, look. If you see it too, I don't like Samuel. We're just really friends, I swear! And if you think I'm flirting with him, Joy, that's not true! He's just really a friend. If you want I can tell him to talk to you, in that case, you two might develop and progress to be lovers. "

She shook her head violently and stared at me.

"You don't have to do that! If you did that, I would look desperate! You really want me to be the bad person here so that you could remain your fake good to be true image!" she said irritably before turning her back on me.

My jaw dropped at her behavior. Seriously? Does she really think that way about me? That I will exchange our friendship for a man? Something drawing in my chest. Gossiping about my friend. Why would she doubt me? We have been friends for a few years yet she still doubted me. So immature huh? Really, because of a man?

"What so violent are you thinking, ah! It seems like anytime you're ready to kill." I jumped in shock when someone spoke next to me

"Samuel!" I shouted in shock.

Samuel just laughed and reached for the water.

"Drink first, it looks like your enemy is dead in your brain, eh."

I accepted the water he offered and drank it. I grinned at him and thanked him.

His gaze worried me.

"What's the matter? You can tell me."

"Just a misunderstanding between me and Joy. She got mad at me."

I bent down, I could not tell him what he was the reason for our misunderstanding. If I would say it it would just come out that I was complaining and Joy might think I was begging and brainwashing Samuel.

He smiled, "Whatever your misunderstanding, you can fix it too."

I sniffed and just nodded. When I turned to him I saw his gentle stare at me so I laughed and averted my eyes. I suddenly felt conscious. Do I have dirt in my face?

"Oh, why do you keep on staring at me? You find me that pretty? I might melt!"

I laughed, trying to make it looked like I'm not bothered by his stare.

"You're right, you're beautiful."

I, on the other hand, was strangled this time and blushed. Get out, Aki! You are beautiful! Calm down, Aurelia! He's just telling the truth, don't be nervous!

"Are you hitting on me? Cause I'm telling you, I won't buy it. I am certainly not a rebound. And I'm not willing to be one."

He was surprised by what I said and immediately shook his head, he slowly took my hand.

"No, Aki .... You are not going to be a rebound. I have no plans of making you my rebound. Maybe it is wrong to say it to you right away. Too fast, but I want you to know ..... I'm falling for you. I think I already love you. And I also feel that you love me too. So, Aki ... please, give me my chance."

I raised an eyebrow at what he said. Assuming! that is why he often got hurts, eh! Do I want him right away? Hala, less than 1 month. Besides, he is not difficult to get along with but I have not seen myself having a relationship with him. But, I am single, he is also single. The only problem is Joy. She would probably hate me for this. I should be careful. Friendship over boys!

"Samuel, let me think of it first, okay? Just like what you've said, this is too fast. And we're not in a hurry, are we? We're just 17 and ... uh, let's just go with the flow. "

The next day, Joy approached me and said sorry. He also told me that it would be okay if I liked Samuel, he would just look for another crush. she doesn't want me to turn Samuel down because of her. Which is a little bit confusing, because last time I checked, she had fought with me because she wanted Samuel and now she doesn't? But since she is my friend, even if there is a little doubt at the back of my mind, I trust her.

Samuel, on the other hand, kept telling me that he really like me, and sooner I agreed. He is not difficult to like so I agree. It's only been a few months since I liked him, do you think that? Is there an expiration for my feelings? I just hope he really asked me to be his girlfriend, not just her side chick.

At first, our relationship was fine, there was the thrill but later I was being obturated. He's always been Jealous! He even got jealous of my cousin! I tried to fix and fix it but nothing is really to fix for!

"Aki, why is someone chatting you again ?!" Samuel said emphatically, which made me angry too.

I stood up and approached him.

"I can't hold the minds of those who try to chat with me! And one more thing, why are you angry, I do not even reply to them!"

"You're not replying, but I'm still jealous! I should be the only one who can chat with you! The others shouldn't!"

My ear throbbed at what I heard. Fucking Shit? Check our label first, boy before jealousy! The demon in me is dominating and I can't do something about it!

"Why are you so jealous if I never have ever given you the reason to get jealous? and why are you so controlling, May I just remind you that you are not my boyfriend yet?! you act like you're my boyfriend when you are not in the first place!" I told him irritably before I started to leave.

Before finally leaving I turned to him, he got his jaw dropped at the moment. Can't believe what I just said. You're scared, aren't you? Do you think I like you to death? Luh!

This is bad, I know. I started this game, I thought I like him, but then along the way my feelings disappeared. That was the reason why I really think that I should not be impulsive in making a decision, especially if I am not really interested enough in the person to take it to next level. there is an expiration, eh. It's not unlimited so next time I flirt, I'll weigh first and try to foresee if it will last so that next time I won't get hurt and I wouldn't hurt others.

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