
World overview (Concept)

<p>Evernear is a world, very similar to Earth 2020 politically and technology wise.<br/>Geographically, though there are two continents that don't exist on earth, one in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and another in the Pacific Ocean. The planet is a bit larger than Earth by about a quarter. <br/>the two continents are vastly unexplored and contain plants and animals that exist nowhere else in the world and have developed/mutated in many ways, making exploring more than 50 miles in extremely dangerous. so there are only costal towns and villages.<br/><br/>The current year in Evernear is 2030, and the protagonist is a 27 year old engineering major, just a year away from a double doctorate major in both mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, while minoring in computer engineering, along with electronic engineering. <br/>Since he was young, he was able to rapidly absorb and retain knowledge. </p>