
Chapter 25 Plane weird story (Rewrite)

They woke up on a plane. Clothed, with the body of 17-18 years old.

"Well this is nice, not having the body of a kid" said Leon slurping his tea which is left in the tray. Probably left by the stewardess.

"Yeah. Hmm, nice…. Boeing 747, Executive class" said Kate.

"So what's our story here?" ask Leon to Norn who shows up as an old lady.

"Well, you likely found out soon" said the old lady who disappeared.

"Cheap skate hag, trying to be mysterious," snorted Tsunade, she suddenly felt some pain on her head as a heavy book suddenly fell down right on top of her. Leon and Kate just laugh at her while Tina acts confused.

"Something is wrong. There are sound of gunfire from downstair" said Cameron

"Who the hell fires a gun on a plane?" ask Kate troubled.

"Well, it seems we would find out where do we being sent off very soon" said Leon.


Down below, a man is jittery. He was on a mission. IF he succeed his family would be spared. In his hand is a blue colored vial. He brave himself than he stand up as he shouted

"Down with Holigrad. Go Eastern Slav Revolution!". People are startled as he injects the vial into his body.

The body goes into seizure very quickly for a few minutes, then it stops. A doctor and an air marshal quickly walk close to the man when the man suddenly wakes up with a scary pale face, eyes blood red, the sick man quickly bite the neck of the air stewards, causing the man to bleed as he struggled to breath. The air marshall barely act when he was pounced by the man next. Very quickly the passenger goes frantic as they try to get away from the attack as the man attacked show the same symptoms and attack the other passengers.

Not too long suddenly some people start to fight the rampaging zombies out of nowhere.

"The mutation is too fast! This is not a normal T-Virus" said one of the fighter.

"Keep killing them. If not we are the next victim!" another one said.


"The one fighting downside are shouting about T-Virus" said Cameron.

"Fuck! Cameron, you guard the entry point to these Cabin. Tina, go downstairs to rescue as much people as we could! I found out where the hell we are" said Leon.

"Where?" ask Kate.

"We are likely in a Resident Evil world scenario. This is a zombie apocalypse world caused by the Biological weapons race. The virus and parasites makes people into zombies, and the zombies spread the infection and mutate its victims"

"Damn it!"

"Don't get scratched, don't get bite. Storm, you stay back and don't use your mouth" said Leon to Kate, Tsunade, and Storm as he brings out his bulletproof hooded jacket from his storage tattoo.

Tsunade, Kate and Storm also quickly change their clothes to their bulletproof hooded jackets while Cameron and Kate just stand up and walks down.

While the shouting are heard, the air stewardess tries to calm down the other passenger on the upper cabin, but Leon just passes them easily.

"We are off duty soldiers. We would try to check the situation below. Once we leave, do not open the door to the lower cabin. And tell the pilot to quickly land the plane at the nearest Airport. We likely have a bioweapon attack down below!" shout Leon.

"Are you trying to tell us we have a RAccoon City incident here?" shouted one passenger in panic.

"Do not open the door to the lower level until the plane is landed. My dog could identify if someone is infected, so we would not open the lower deck until the situation is clear!" said Kate as she pat Storm. The people just nodded. Leon walks down and quickly brings out Nuibari and a Kunai. A zombie tries to jump out on him, but Tina quickly smashes the Zombie head.

"Destroy their brain. The virus mutated the people if left rampant, but if the brain is destroyed they would die! If someone is bitten, kill them, we don't have the vaccine and the virus would turn them to zombies" order Leon to Tina.

"Yes, master," said Tina.

"Call me Leon. That is an order!"

"Yes Leon" said Tina with a nod. Leon still remembers that Tina learned many things from Catherine…. The wrong things are very likely.

"Don't use your ion cannon carelessly. If you could use a less energy intensive weapon, use it. Only use your ion cannon as a last resort weapon!" order Leon. Of course he remembered to tell T-X considering being sent to Resident Evil reality on a plane really resembles the fanfic he read before.

And Tina aka T-X is basically an airhead. She just get her independence from Skynet programming, her knowledge is basically zero.

"Why do you order T-X like that?" ask Cameron.

"Because compared to you, T-X is just a baby. Her battle record database is still shitty. She acts hunting us just like every newly born Terminator, going to their target without a proper plan. Just go to their target and start shooting. You who likely inherit some souls and have a long living time, or like Catherine that gain self sentience would not act like her. What would you do if you are a Terminator today?"

"I would pretend to be your friend, wait a long time to get closer to you, then kill you by planning an accident" said Cameron.

"Exactly. I would likely do that, or I would just check your schedule and sabotage your car on the highway" said Leon.

Cameron tilted her head "Experience. I have more experience than you on how to be subtle in battle or problem solving. Robots like you or I would prefer to call you guys Android are considered toddlers by me. You guys have basic imprinted knowledge, but you lack experience or you could call data on how to apply that knowledge"

"No wonder you order her to follow you. This mission to another reality are likely a good place to give her an experience on dealing with people, dealing with problems, without causing issues in our home reality" said Kate as she beheaded another zombie.

"Storm! Stay back. Don't bite! Just warn us for infected ones," order Kate to her dog who seems eager to fight. Storm whines because of that order.

"Be patient girl. I would make a weapon for you so you could play around" said Leon.

"Don't worry. I would make a vaccine so you would be immune to the virus" said Tsunade the next. Storm barks happily to those two as she wiggles her tail.

Kate gives a stink eye to Leon and Tsunade. "Don't steal my baby".

They finally reached the first deck. The place is a mess with people struggling to get away, to fight the zombies, and zombies are trying to bite people.

Storm just barks pointing if someone gets bitten, then Kate would quickly put them down. One good thing about chakra enhanced bodies is they could show inhuman strength. Just using a simple steel Kunai tied with a steel wire, Kate and Tsunade killed zombies and infected very quickly.

They quickly found the Traverser teams that likely were sent to this reality. One of them used a Desert Eagle, while the other used a Jian sword. These two guys are likely Asian while the rest are one Indian and three caucasian, what they use is just a regular Glock 17 handgun.

"Another one?" ask the one with the Desert eagle.

"So we have some survivors down here huh" said Leon. The others are watching the other one with wary eyes.

"So you are likely newbies, and these two are veterans right?" said Leon to others.

"Which team are you?" asked the gunman.

"We work for different employers, so don't bother to ask," said Leon nonchalantly as he hacked the zombies using Nuibari.

"That sword. Is it Nuibari?" ask one of them, it was the young Indian.

"What?" ask the sword

"It seems you realize what the sword is in my hand. Don't try to mess with us" said Leon as he glared at the two experts in the other team, especially at the swordsman.

"What did he mean?" ask the gunman to the Indian.

"Well That sword is quite famous in the Naruto series. Nuibari, one of 7 swords of Kirigakure. If he brings it, it means he either kills a Nuibari user, or he is one of 7 swordsmen of Kiri"

"A Naruto Shinobi? Damn. This would be hard"

"Perhaps we could cooperate with them. Who says we need to finish the mission just by our own power" said another one.

"Decide on your own. I do my own way" said the swordsman.


"What's the big issue?" ask Cameron.

"That man smells of poison. He is likely a poison user, that sword is a short Chinese Jian sword, so he is likely a martial artist or a cultivator. If he is a proper sword user from a decent sect, the sword is likely longer. But his sword are short, so it was likely he use it mostly to defend himself" said Kate.

"Good analysis," said Leon.

"Are they a threat?" ask Tina.

"Not likely. But we need to be wary of them once we land. Have you found out which scenario they are dealing with?"

"They talk about Resident Evil 6, or damnation something" said Tina.

"Where are our location?" ask Leon.

"We are above the Mediterranean, we are heading to Eastern Slav Republic International airport. The pilot reported that their systems were damaged" said Tina.

"Wheres the first infected?" suddenly ask the gunmen.

"Oh for god sake" groans Leon as he follows Cameron and Tina walk through the back of the plane. There they found a hole leading to the cargo area.

"Infected found!" said Cameron.

There was a zombie clinging to the plane body. It attacked the airplane wiring. No wonder the Pilots are frantic.

"Destroy it! Use melee!" order Leon. Cameron and Tina jumped to the Zombie. The zombie roared as it tried to kill the two androids. But Tina and Cameron bash the zombie with ease.

When they arrived upstairs, Leon realized something. There are two dead zombie corpses who wear the same bracelet as the Traversers. Leon then stole the two bracelets and hacked the systems in it.

"Want my help?" ask Norn suddenly from behind. This time she takes the form of a 30 years old lady..

"Yes please"

The Norn then touched the two bracelets and spoke "Done. With this bracelet you could move to another reality like those Traversers. But you would need their coordinates. You can't enter the Company Reality, they would detect and destroy you. But you could roam between other realities. I made another copy for Tsunade and those two androids. By the way, you could study this bracelet safely now if you want to learn to travel in the multiverse on your own"

"So If I want to get something like those Coordinates, I would need a middleman in the Company?" ask Leon.


"Well. I could deal with that for now"

"So what do you want from me in this reality?"

"Take a few troublesome people out of this reality. Kill, kidnap them out, I don't care. The will of the world of this reality need those people out,"

"The C-Virus" said Leon.

"Prevent that Virus from existing in the first place in this reality. And you could return home"

It was at that moment a voice was heard.

"We are landing on the Astragrad International airfield. Brace for emergency landing" order the Pilot. Leon and co quickly sit on a clean seat. The plane landed safely on an empty airport.

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