
the mecha massacre

Rio link had just returned from school but what he was not expecting was a burglary of his house and unfortunately he had arrived a bit to soon as hes a week teen and u can tell what I mean from the info blah blah blah he gets stabbed blah blah blah reincarnation into a modern video game blah blah blah picks the wait wait wait you are not about to pick the human race *beep* ok ok ok I wont= *authors who are boreing* ok let's see what do we want as our mc hmmmmmmm I think we should have the mc be~ a beast man yea that sufficient ok hear are the stats and special abilities of this rase

a beast man has a high agility and a high attack but low magic ability although if a beast man requires the right stats ot can adapt and turn into a magical beast losing all humanity but if a beast magnets through this without losing humanity it will become (I made this race up) a fire element being know as the dominancers although there is not many of these (remind me if I forget about this creature thanks!) after choosing the beast man Rio had to set up his stats (I'm not using his full name becouse I'm lazy and am already forgetting his last name)


name:Rio link







(extra stat stuff you can skip if you want to be confused when he uses it)


predictor- can predict a animals movement the higher your mana the further you can predict cost:10 stamina.skill level 1

animal intuition-u can know every weakness to a animal but if the animal is double your level it cant be read cost:100 stamina.skill level 1




(tell me if u need more info in the comments)

after setting up the stats Reo realised he could open his stats by thinking status or indicating in any way you want to see your status Reo became exited of what's to come

but~ if u want to find out what that is you got to read the next chapter~ haha!

Next chapter