
Means to love

.... MEANS TO LOVE .... Authoress judith ... GENRE - Romance, thriller, family drama, suspense and youth... Setting - Mexico city romance... Synopsis Fernanda is a tough girl, she prefers doing things in boys terms. She dresses like a boy, behaves like a boy and only make friends with boys. She chose to be that way because she didn't want to be intimidated outside by others. Fernanda lost their mother when they were little in a flying bullet which was planned by a syndicate and drug dealer. Fernanda has an extended family, the Dante family where all her uncles and their wives and children all lived together. She was the only girl in the Dante generation so she was loved and showered with so much love and attention. Fernanda had brother cousins and elder brothers to look after her. She would have been a princess in the perfect world her family built for her but she fell into a trap of love. Fernanda fell for the son of her mother's murderer without even knowing... What do you think Fernanda will do if she finds out her true love Jeromino is somewhat connected to her mother's death? Fernanda faced so many obstacles as she fight for justice for her mother.. She bore a child on the process and she had no idea who the father was? Stay tuned for episode one

Judith_Valentine · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 23

🥀🌷☀️.... MEANS


LOVE ....🥀🌷☀️

Authoress judith ....

CHAPTER 23 °°°


At the hearing..

God please help me. I can't rot in jail, I haven't committed any hideous crimes to be thrown in jail. Fernanda uttered in her head as some police officers brought her into the court.

"Mum everything will be fine" Bruno said as he held Abuela's hand.

"We have to be strong for Fernanda" Fred said to brothers and everyone stared at Fernanda nervously.

"Mino I can't believe you dragged me all the way here. I don't think I have any business here" Elvis whined and Jeromino rolled his eyes.

"Stay put, you're here for me so stop whining" Jeromino said staring at Fernanda worriedly.

"Her lawyer doesn't look like much of a work, why didn't you get her a good lawyer? This case isn't ending anytime soon, I've got that feeling" Elvis blurted and Jeromino glared at him.

"I know I dragged you here with me but can you please not jinx the hearing. You have no idea how horrible I will feel if Fernanda gets a sentence. I tried getting a very good lawyer here in Mexico but it didn't work out but I will be traveling to Germany next week to get her a good lawyer, I also don't have faith in her lawyer. I know someone there in Germany" Jeromino whispered and just then the judge walked into the court.

ONE HOUR LATER After the hearing...

"Fernanda, please don't go" Abuela cried as the police held Fernanda.

"Abuela please don't cry, I will be out of here soon. You have to be strong for me and Marisol. If you keep crying, how will I hold on. Abuela your tears breaks my heart" Fernanda said with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Fernanda I promise to get you out of here" Bruno said slowly as his heart broke into pieces.

"Fernanda you have to be strong okay, your family is always here for you and we will make sure to get you out of there. I'm so sorry" Fred said sobbing.

"Yes Fernanda, you don't deserve this" Fernando said holding back his tears.

"What's wrong with everyone? You're all crying. What do you want me to do?" Fernanda sobbed.

"Grandma won't you say anything to me?" Fernanda asked with a smile and Isabel wiped off her tears, her eyes are all swollen because she has been crying.

"Fernanda I'm sorry I couldn't do anything. I really wished I was a lawyer so I would defend in court but I love you so much dear and worry about Marisol, she will be fine" Isabel said with a smile.

"Miss we have to go now" The policemen announced and they took her with them and Abuela boost into tears.

"Fernanda!" Abuela cried out bitterly and Fernanda looked at them in tears as they got into the police van.


"How's that even possible? Why would Fernanda be sentenced with 11years in detention with case pending. What's that supposed to mean? She didn't plee guilty" Jeromino said angrily as they got to his car.

"I told you her lawyer doesn't look good. I will help you talk to some people I know of, Fernanda doesn't deserve to be sentenced. She's obviously innocent but the witnesses and the CCTV footage is saying something else. I have the feeling this is all a set up. Do you think Fernanda have such strong enemies?" Elvis asked and Jeromino stared at him.

"Now I see the reason why you're my best friend, you're so intelligent Elvis. But Fernanda doesn't look like someone who has such strong enemies. Do you think Elias is holding any grudges?" Jeromino asked and they both stared at each other.

"Elias sure do hold a grudge but I don't think he would do such a thing to Fernanda. He's heartless but he's not that heartless" Elvis said slowly.

"I don't know about that but for now, I will go confront him" Jeromino said seriously then entered his car and they drove off.

"Mino do you think that's a good idea?" Elvis asked as they drove down to the prison.

"Do I look like I care if it's a good idea or not. If I can't fix the puzzle I can as well go find out myself, are you going in with me or not" Jeromino asked with his eyes on the road.

"No thanks, I will pass on that one. Just make sure you get the truth out of him, you know how nasty Elias can be" Elvis advised and Jeromino scoffed.

"I bet I'm more nastier than he can be" Jeromino smirked.

They got to the prison and Elias came out to the visiting room.

"I was excited I had a visitor, I had no idea you were the one. What do you want? Why are you here? You're not possibly here to mock me right? You can't be that petty" Elias said sarcastically.

"What did you do to Fernanda? Why are you so heartless?" Jeromino asked seriously and Elias laughed.

"Don't tell me you're still crying over Fernanda? Jeromino you're indeed a loser, I've been in here for weeks now and you still couldn't get Fernanda's attention. Too bad I'm in here so I can't help you" Elias said laughing hard.

"You're the least person I would ask for help to get what I want. I don't need your help to make Fernanda fall for me again. Have you ever asked yourself why you're in here? You're in here because you're a loser Elias, the faster the you accept that fact the faster you know your flaws" Jeromino sneered and Elias clenched his fist.

"How does it feel to be called a loser? It suits you perfectly than I expected" Jeromino mocked.

"You're never going to get Fernanda back, once I get out of here. I'm left with no choice but to get the custody of my daughter and you will be shocked to see Fernanda follow me around because every mother has a connection with their kids" Elias said seriously with a wicked smile.

"We will see about that, at least I've heard about your what your future plans are so rest assured you can't use that to hold Fernanda down" Jeromino said seriously then stood up.

"Your visiting is over already?" Elias asked sarcastically.

"Don't worry, you won't see my face here ever again so enjoy your vacation in here" Jeromino smiled then he left and Elias hit the table hard.

"Son of a bitch!" Elias cursed.


Few days in jail is like a million years in hell, when will I get out of here. Mummy are you watching me from over there? Your baby girl is going through a lot so please can you come to her aid. Fernanda needs you so much.

I told everyone at home not to visit me for the time being but home am I supposed to survive here if I don't see my family. If they keep on coming here, it will only make me weaker. The bitter tears in Abuela's eyes breaks my heart.

"Fernanda, you have a visitor" One of the security woman informed and I stood up from where I was sitting.

They're really my family. They really came after my restrictions. I uttered in my head excitedly then I ran to the visiting room.

My heart beat multiple times as my eyes landed on Jeromino. He was looking so gorgeous in his white t-shirt.

"Fernanda!" Jeromino called out excitedly and he gave me a tight hug.

"I missed you so much Fernanda. I was hooked up with work so I couldn't come visit but I said to myself before I leave for Germany, I have to come see you" He added in swiftly and for the first time in a long time, I felt peaceful inside.

Fernanda you can't just help it can you? You still love him like crazy..

"When are you leaving?" I asked coldly and he broke the hug.

"In few days time" He said sadly and I stared at him passionately.

"Fernanda I'm not leaving you here, I will try my possible best to get you out of here. You're too prescious to be kept in a jail hall" He said and i was about to sit down when he hugged me from behind.

"I'm sorry Fernanda but I can't stop thinking about you. My whole thought is crowded with you, I'm sorry for everything I did to you. Please can you find a place in your heart to forgive me? I love you so much to lose you Fernanda" Jeromino said passionately and I removed his hands around.

"Jeromino I don't know if I will ever be able trust or forgive you again because what I felt for you was real Jeromino but you toyed with my feelings and that's why I feel so much hurt inside, the forgiveness will take a while" I said slowly and he smiled.

"I'm a big jerk" He said remorseful.

"Go ahead with the DNA, I also want to find out if Marisol is our baby together" I said slowly and a smile appeared on his face.

"Thank you so much Fernanda" He smiled holding my hand.

I want to keep Marisol away from all this troubles and obstacles. I think my enemy is after my life so I need to prepare myself for anything I'm going to face next.

Marisol you have to be strong for mummy....


You're finally getting the vibes Fernanda 😎

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