1 Description & Characters (Not Chapter)

This isn't a Chapter but a description, just in case you don't understand what is what.

Narrator: The person kinda telling the story.

Draconis: Wyvern, two winged dragon with no frontal limbs. Replaced with two wings instead.

Dragon: Four limbed with wings on the sides, not like the Wyvern, it has all it's frontal and back limbs.

(Get the difference right, people.)

Shamons: Shape-Shifters/ and or just called Shifters.

Raymond: Experiment 0014, character later on in the book.

Zodiac: Another Character that's important to the book.

Me: Me/ and or I, clearly. The female lead.

Ourze: A experiment that uses one of the Characters as a host. (Also find that out later.)

Pocket: One of my friend's, she's a JackFox species.

JackFoxes: A sly and cunning fox mixed with a quick and smart Jack Rabbit and a few other things, their comically large ears and long hind legs gives off a obvious reason of the Species names. They come in different colors, sizes, weaknesses and strengths.

SkullElves: Mysterious ancient beasts that lives deep in the darkest parts of the woods, you'll see one later on in the book.

Chippers: Small, smart, and trouble-maker creatures that can hack into any Computer or Phone, you can befriend one but that won't stop it from doing what it does best. You'll also see one of these in the book.

All of these characters themselves have flaws, they are not a buff, strong, overpowered people. They all have their problems and isn't a king or queen, even if these aren't your ordinary people you'd see everyday in this world, they have every day struggles. Whatever you see in others books, is by them. This not being one of them. This one is special made with a little more imagination.

Now, let's get on to the story.

