
Tony Stark [EDITED]

Noah began to wake up. But he was surprised by the room he awakened in. He was not familiar with the room and it was not Kamar Taj's room. It was modern. And he was strapped to an IV bag.He pulled out the tube and walked out of the room. He needed to be clear of his surroundings first.

When he walked out of the room, he was greeted by a mature lady. But he was secretly shocked inside by what he saw. 'Isn't this Pepper Potts?' He already knew who was in front of him, the future lady of Tony Stark, the Iron Man. The urgent question was why was he here?

"Oh, you are awake? Tony wants to see you. Can you come with me?" She flashed a smile to me. Noah nodded as she was nice in her request. He was also curious about his situation.

Noah followed behind Pepper towards a vast living room where Tony was sitting with a drink in his hand. I took a seat in front of him and flashed him a questioning look. He was not much of a speaker anyway.

Tony Stark, a billionaire and a playboy and soon to be a hero of the Earth. But right now, he seemed nervous. "You fainted in front of my door. So, I took you in, kid. But guess what, I felt like you're as handsome as me. So, I did a blood test. I found out you are my son." He seemed somewhat out of character but it was understandable as he just found out he had a son. In Tony's opinion, Noah's appearance did somewhat have a familiar structure with him. But what striking about Noah were his eyes. They were so stunning that people would be in a daze when they met Noah for the first time.

For Noah, he was in a shock.

Now, it seemed awkward. Noah really did not know what to say.

"Tell me your name, kid as well as your mother's," Tony sounded somewhat guilty at some point.

Noah, "I'm Noah Miller and my mom is Layla Miller."

Tony had a shocked expression carved on his face. "It is Layla. Where is she right now?" Tony seemed to be looking forward to meeting Layla. It seemed like he recognized her and she seemed to be important to Tony too.

"She's gone. She was in a car accident." Both of us were quiet again. Tony was shocked by the sad news. He was at loss at how to proceed with his long-lost son right now. He closed his eyes for a moment and opened them back but this time with a hint of determination.

"Look, I know I'm not a good dad, kid. But do you want to stay with me?" Tony wanted to have a relationship with his son. He may be a playboy. But the truth was that he was a family man. Even though he somewhat hated his father, he always thought he would be good to his children. He did not want them to grow up like he did, lacking their own parents' attention.

Noah did not immediately agree, instead, "I would like to take a night to figure this out." Tony looked at me with a hopeful face and agreed. He knew this was also a tough decision for me.

Pepper joined us afterwards, and Tony chatted with Noah, he wanted to know more about Noah. Noah told him about how his mother died. And then he was adopted and taken care of by an old woman. Since then he had lived with her. He did not directly tell them about him being a practitioner of mystics arts. After all, there were not many people who believed in magic, especially a science guy like Tony. Tony did find some hole in Noah's story but he did not ask anything as he figured Noah would tell him when he was ready.

Noah went back to his room and sat down cross legged and meditated for a moment to clear his mind. He was confident that he was dropped by The Ancient One using the portal in front of Tony's house. Maybe it was a good idea to stay here for a while. He did resent Tony for a little bit for not being there for him and especially his mother, Layla. But he was not a child anymore, with the mind of an adult, Noah knew there was a story between his parents. Tony also seemed surprised by the fact that he had a son.

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