
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Movies
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158 Chs

Ch. 88 - The Elites

"Ryuma, give me a report." Ryuma, the chief of the ninjas did as he was told and immediately reported everything that she happened foger the past 5 years to Doflamingo.

According to Ryuma, they didn't stay idle all those years, instead they focused on their goal of destroying Hydra, which is Doflamingo's last order to them before he disappeared 5 years ago.

So now, except for the Hydra inside S.H.I.E.L.D, the other Hydras are eliminated and destroyed, leaving nothing but ruins and destruction.

Not only that, they've also got some hostages that they either brought back to their families or they made those who are left with nothing as one of their own.

This is a good strategy but also a bad one as there might be instances of betrayal and unloyalty, so he might ask Matilda later to make another brainwashing process.

"You also said that there are 5 teen that belonged to my orphanage that stood out right." Doflamingo asked, as if asking for confirmation.

"Yes, Kami-sama. They are Matt, Clara, Laura, Kevin and Xhin." Ryuma said, making Doflamingo nod his head as he knew who those teens are.

"What do you mean by they stood out? Do you mean that they're strong or what?"

"They're very excellent sir, the first few months that they started training here, they could already defeat a veteran ninjas who has years worth of skills and experience." Ryuma said with satisfaction in his voice.

"But now, it's been 5 years and each of them are already on par with me. Just a few more years or so, they would surpass me." Ryuma said with the same satisfaction tone can be found in his voice.

"How about you show me? You can't just expect me to believe everything you just said, right?" Doflamingo said and smiled as Ryuma happily led him inside the cave or a it can be called a base now as it doesn't look like a cave anymore but instead, it looks like a bunker attached to a small mountain.



As Doflamingo walked in, he could see countless ninjas sparring with each other and as they saw him, they didn't hesitate to drop their weapons and kneel.

'This feeling never gets old.' Doflamingo muttered to himself as he could feel arrogance swelling on his chest and he knew that this is bad, so he held it in.

He's not gonna turn into a Chinese young master who wants everyone in the entire world to kneel and kowtow to him 3 times as he steals their daughter and wife.

"Kami-sama!" They shouted as they kneeled one by one.

From the looks of of it, the base has been upgraded as there are now around 20 arenas built solely for training, sparring and such.

As he walked through, Doflamingo could see 5 unique ninjas that seems different from the others as each of them are fighting around 10 to 15 ninjas at the same time.

Doflamingo could see the familiar faces so he already knew that they're the Elite Ninjas that Ryuma was telling him all about.

As Laura and the other 4 saw him walk by, they're about to yell his name when they suddenly seem to remember something and immediately kneeled on the ground and yelled 'Kami-sama' like the others.

"How's the five of you. I heard from Ryuma that you 5 are splendid and I wanted to see some kind of proof." Whirl Doflamingo was speaking, he was already heading towards the center of the arena before continuing.

"Fight me. Give me everything you've got." Doflamingo then taunted them with a hand gesture.

Laura nodded her head seriously, she heard from Ryuma that Doflamingo might test their capabilities himself, so she's already prepared for it. And she won't hold back even if the person in front of her is Doffy, a man who used to be her bestest friend.

But now, he's her Kami-sama and she must do everything he tells him to, even if he orders her to die. After all, if it wasn't for him, she's be dead in the first place.

"Not one but all of you." Doflamingo shook his hand and said before pointing at the 5 of them.

Matt and the others looked at one another before nodding to themselves and prepared a stance to fight against Doflamingo.

Meanwhile, Doflamingo just yawned and raised his left hand while keeping the right one behind his back.

"Bring it on." As if the words were the signal, Matt and the others immediately rushed towards Doflamingo with each of them taking a different path.

Matt goes to the front, Laura and Kevin goes in the left while Xhin and Clara went to the right.

At the first look, it looks like Doflamingo was at disadvantage because of the numbers but the moment Doflamingo kicked Matt on his chest says otherwise.


Luckily, Matt was fast enough to use his forearms to block the kick but the force was still strong enough to make him skid back a few meters.

"Amazing, you could block a kick from me." Doflamingo nodded his head in approvement, although that kick wasn't his all but it was still impressive enough that Matt didn't attain any injuries from it.

"Hyaaahh!" Laura suddenly came up on his left as she wields two daggers on both of her hands.

However, Doflamingo dodged all of her attempts with ease. But that changed when Laura suddenly threw the daggers towards him. Now, that wouldn't be a problem to him but he was just shocked as the two daggers were glowing in orange and their speed seems to be more faster than usual.

"Chi?" Doflamingo muttered as when he was about to dodge, Xhin came on his side at the right time as his nun-chucks were also glowing but in red.


Both the nun-chucks and the daggers hit the same location at the same time, causing a clouds of dust to form.

Just as the 5 of them were waiting for the results, the clouds of dusts dispersed and reveals Doflamingo who seems to be fine as his the daggers were stuck in the middle of his fingers while his right hand is holding Xhin's nun-chucks.

"Impressive. No wonder Ryuma kept complimenting you guys, it seems to me that yo-." Just when Doflamingo was speaking, Clara suddenly appeared behind him with her palm also glowing in orange like Laura's.


Clara's palm came in contact with Doflamingo back, causing a small burnt hole on his back, revealing his muscular back with a tattoo of a skull that seems to be smiling.

'So, they're also taught not to give time and space for their enemies to breath and buy time to rest. Ryuma really did a great job nurturing them.' Doflamingo nodded his head in approvement as Matt and Kevin came in front of him with both of their glowing fists heading right towards his chest.

Although it won't cause too much to Doflamingo but he would still receive a bruise and a burnt hole on the chest part of his shirt, which would be quite a hassle, so he pulled Xhin's nun-chucks out of his hands and used them to strike both Matt and Kevin on the faces.

It was so fast that it was too late for everyone to react before Kevin and Matt fell on the ground with a bleeding face.

"My turn." Doflamingo muttered as he stomped on the ground, causing shockwaves to form in a circular shape, causing Clara, Laura and Xhin to lose balance and almost fell on the ground if it wasn't for them immediately recovering balance however, as they did, it also gave time for Doflamingo to strike each of them

Doflamingo threw both the daggers on his hand towards Laura and Xhin while he turned around and grabbed Clara's neck and lifted her up in the sky.

"Times up." Doflamingo said, loud enough for everyone in the base to hear.

"You 5 really impressed me. You guys did a very wonderful job." Doflamingo gently dropped Clara back on the ground as if he didn't just thrashed them earlier.

"I will announce something, so I hope everyone listens." As Doflamingo said that, everyone perked up their ears, trying their best not to miss any of his words.

And when Doflamingo saw that they're all listening attentively, he then proceeded to his announcement.

"From now, the five of them, including Ryuma will be called Cipher Pol or CP for short. Which means that they're the Elite Ninjas, the most powerful ones amongst the others. If you think you're up for it, then I'll be waiting for you to impress me. So, I want everyone to train hard and do their best to stand on the same ground as them. The Cipher Pol will be receiving great benefits and especially respect." Doflamingo announced, making all the ninjas look excited and motivated.

Meanwhile, Matt and the other four look at each other in excitement.

"The Cipher Pol will be given 6 techniques for them to train with. I hope this will motivate the others to become strong and reach for a position as a Cipher Pol. So, I'm going to demonstrate each technique to you."

Doflamingo then went in the center of the base and started showing each Rokushiki Techniques one by one.

As he showed them each technique, he would gather quite a lot of gasps and shock looks from them.

The excitement on Matt and the other four's faces increased greatly.

Meanwhile, Ryuma can't believe that he would learn all these techniques and almost can't help but kneel on the ground and worship Doflamingo more.

"That's all. Work hard everyone. The six of you, prepare tomorrow, I'll bring you to your new base." Doflamingo said to Ryuma, Matt, Laura, Clara, Xhin and Kevin before leaving in a portal.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.