
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Movies
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158 Chs

Ch. 82 - Hela Odinsdottir

Hela was just about to push the rocks and boulders lying on top of her when she suddenly heard a strange sound.


When she looked up, she saw two orange Tao Mandalas spinning very fast, threatening to slice her in half.

Having a bad feeling, Hela used her strength to throw that boulders that lied on her towards the spinning Tao Mandalas.


Without any resistance, the huge boulder was sliced in half as if a hot knife sliced through a butter.

Now knowing how dangerous this is, Hela didn't hesitate to conjure more necroswords to block the spinning Tao Mandalas.


Thanks to the durability of her Necroswords, it managed to halt the moving Tao Mandalas, however it didn't stop it's spin, so after a few seconds of resisting, her Necroswords was also sliced in half and was about to slice on her when suddenly the Tao Mandalas stopped in its place.

'I probably shouldn't kill her now, after all, she's still Odin's daughter and if he received the news that I killed her, he'd definitely be up for my ass and my chances of learning magic from his wife will go down on the drain.' Doflamingo analyzed the situations first and weighs the advantages and disadvantages.

'Luckily, she's weakened greatly because her source of power is supposed to be Asgard and being sealed here for thousands of years without any connection to her source of power, she would definitely be in a weakened state.' Doflamingo said to himself.

'I wonder how strong she is when she's at her prime? Even Prime Odin can't kill her, so he decided to seal her instead.' Doflamingo held his chin in thought.

"Why didn't you continue! Kill me! It is a shame for warrior to be spared by his enemy!" Hela yelled in anger as she groggily stood up while using a Necroswords as a cane to assist herself.

Doflamingo frowned at this kind of mindset. This is quite unhealthy in mentality for someone to have. Though he could understand why she said that, after all, she was raised by her father to become the strongest weapon of Asgard, only to be abandoned after being used.

"I see no warrior." Doflamingo said as he slowly walked towards her before continuing.

"All I see is a woman full of hatred for being abandoned by someone she trusted." Doflamingo finished as he finally arrived in front of Hela, who looked as if a weak and defenseless woman in front of him

'What is this?' Hela clutched her chest as something weird that she can't comprehend was happening to her.

"What's with you clutching your chest all of the sudden?" Doflamingo raised his eyebrows in confusion and asked.

However, Hela didn't answer his question, instead she tried her best to calm her beating chest down.

'This must be a magic curse! This despicable man knows magic very well!' Hela thought to herself as she casted a glare towards Doflamingo.

'Now, she's glaring at me. Women are truly weird creatures.' Doflamingo shook his head and said to himself.

"Look woman, I know we didn't have a good start. So, how about we forget what just happened and get to know each other, agree?" Doflamingo explained to her and said. After all, he didn't want to face Odin's wrath yet. He might be very old now but don't be fooled by his age, he could probably take on army of Sorcerers all by himself. He's known as the Allfather or the King of the Gods for a reason.

Hela just silently glared at Doflamingo before turning her head away, as if she doesn't want to see Doflamingo's face.

'What are you? An Anime Character?' Doflamingo sweated when he saw Hela turn her head on the side, as if some kind of Tsundere, pouting when the main character did something to arouse her anger.

"Cold but okay. Anyways, my name is Donquixote Doflamingo. You can call me Doffy for short." Doflamingo then offered his hand as he introduced himself.

When he saw that Hela doesn't seem to want to shake his hand, Doflamingo's smile twitched as he forcefully grabbed Hela's left hand and made her shake his hand.

"Sorry 'bout that, I just don't like my hand to be left hanging." Doflamingo said to her shocked face.

Hela just gulped her saliva before ignoring Doflamingo's face and introduced himself.

"My name is Hela Odinsdottir. Remember that, human." Hela said with a bit of an arrogant tone, though it seemed to have been lessened slightly.

"Doffy." Doflamingo corrected her.

"Doffy." Hela nodded and corrected herself. As of now, she's at the disadvantage in this situation, she's not a brute so she knows where to put her arrogance to and where to not put it. She's a smart person not a savage.

"It's pleasure to meet you, Hela." Doflamingo smiled and said before continuing, wanting to know more about Hela. After all, the movie didn't portray her entire background, character and what she experienced when she was sealed in Hel.

"From the looks of it, you've been here for thousands of years, right?" Doflamingo took the initiate to start a conversation. It's better to get to know her and if possible, make her an ally.

After all, when he first landed here, the Ring of Authority sent him a crucial information about why he was transferred here.

It turns out, the Ring of Authority has been scurrying around the universe, searching for an available Dimension or Realm for him to take over.

After a few years, it finally found Hel. Which is a small dimension inside Nilfheim. Although Odin has a basic authority in this dimension, but he doesn't fully control it, so the Ring Of Authority deemed the dimension as Masterless.

Now, the reason why he's here was because the Ring of Authority needed to be in the same place as the dimension that its about to take control of.

It'll take some time before the Ring of Authority could control the Dimension, so no matter what happens, Doflamingo must ensure that he won't leave the dimension or else, it will disrupt the process of taking control.

"....Yes." After a bit of hesitation, Hela finally responded.

"So, tell me about yourself. Come on, don't be shy." Doflamingo sat on the ground as he fired another question to Hela while at the same time, teased her.

"Human, are you saying that I'm a coward!? I've fought countless enemies and none of them came out alive." Hela stood up harshly and said.

"But I'm alive though." Doflamingo said as he pointed at himself.

"....That doesn't matter. What I'm saying is that you have the guts to tell me, the Goddess of Death, a coward!" Hela tried to change the subject as her anger slowly fades.

"Alright, calm down. How about you sit beside me, let's have a chat." Doflamingo rubbed his temples and calmly said as he patted the ground next to him. Sometimes, he wondered how did God even managed to create such complex creatures.

Hela hesitantly sat beside him. It's not like she could resist or anything. The human in front of her is way stronger than her. If only she's at her prime then she could disintegrate this human in front of her. However, she's been sealed for way too long that it weakened her so much that even a human could beat her.

"I was Odin's greatest weapon of war. He raised me to be his executioner, his Ultimate weapon in his conquest. But, he became a coward and decided to settle down, instead of finishing what he started!" Hela clenched her fists as she said that.

"So, he tried to seal me here but failed. So he sent me the Valkyries to buy some time for him to cast a sealing spell to me. Now, I don't know how many years has passed since I've been here. But no matter how long, I will show him his fault of raising me as a weapon instead of a daughter." Hela loosened her fist as she looked down on the ground.

"You should probably think about it first. There must be a reason why Odin stopped in his conquest of war. Maybe he had a change of heart when he realized the results of war." Doflamingo said, which earned him Hela's rebuttal.

"Change of heart? The first lesson he taught me is to never waver on whatever I will see in the war. And now you're telling me that the lesson he taught me was broken by none other than himself?" Hela mockingly chuckled.

Seeing Hela's negative attitude and thinking, Doflamingo can't help but curse Odin in his heart.

'Dammit Odin, you really can't raise a child properly! Thor and Loki already a good example of it.'


While Doflamingo was busy in Hel, communicating with Hela. Odin already sensed someone intruding in Hel without his permission.

When he tried to peek on it, Odin realized that he lost his power to control the Dimension as he could neither see through it or influence it.

'What's going on? Is there someone powerful intervening in my matters?' Thinking of this, Odin can't help but try to use his power to forcefully enter his senses inside Hel when suddenly, his eyes widened and he spitted blood.


"Odin!" Frigga, who was beside Odin, looked worriedly at this and called out to his name.

"I'm fine. I need some rest." Odin's face looked pale as he slowly walked out of the room while being assisted by his wife, Frigga.

'Who was that? Those eyes.' As Odin thought of this, he remembered the glowing eyes that stared back at him as he tried to force himself in Hel.

It's like looking at a Higher form of being that trascends his common sense.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.