
005 [Time Skip 3 years]

I messed up many times in the previous chapter, as I couldn't find a suitable power for Alex


It was morning time, birds were chirping and flying here and there, Sun was giving warm sunlight as in the garden it gave life to the plants,

ha... ha... ha...

Alex had a Black color wooden sword in his hand as he swings it around himself, it was like an old culture dance that was done at a festival, he was like dancing with his blade.

The sword was shaped in a shape of katana with no cutting edge on its blade, just like a normal katana that is used by the Japanese swordsman

"7th segment"

as Alex spoke he clenched his teeth and a sound like a steamer started to came from his mouth and he propelled his body with very fast speed toward a tree, when he was feet away from the tree he swung his katana swiftly forming a cross mark on the tree bark.

"Again it wasn't able to cut the tree"

after seeing the attack he had done,

he again started to go in the form with his katana to attack but a sound interrupted him from back

"brother why are you always dancing with the blade? come here see this."

"what is it, Sara?"

Alex goes in front of Sara as she opens her phone and shows Alex a clip of a big green monster jumping up and down the buildings.

'Hulk' this name started to echo in Alex's mind as he saw the video.

'Right, so time has come for the starting of the Avengers events, look like I also have to start preparing'

"brother, brother"


"what do you think, is it real or not ?? Many of my friends say it's real and one of them even saw him. "

as he was listening Alex's eyebrows creased as he ran toward the opposite direction of Sara and caught a small baby girl in his hand who was about to fall

"Jean how many times have I told you not to run outside of the house".

as Alex told the baby, the baby just smiled and started to laugh as she spoke

"broottherr brottherr, hehe"

seeing this Alex also smiled and took Jean in his lap as he started to play with her while Sara just stood behind them with a smile on her face.




"Sara take your sister in the house"

As Alex was playing with Jean he noticed a bush moving and his brow ceased

"ok big brother, come here Jean to your big sister"

As if Sara understood the meaning of his word, she quickly took Jean from his lap and ran toward the house.



seeing that Sara and Jean have gone inside he command the System

"System Command- Activate Barrier"

[System Command Accepted... initializing...]

[The Great Barrier of Giza]

[A Advance transparent barrier appear around the allocated place]

He had won this tech in lottery spin with almost 50 lottery ticket

After seeing that the barrier was Activated, Alex started moving toward the woods and put his hands on his back and a black wooden katana appeared in his hand, it had a white screen above him showing

[Dark Wood Katana]

[A Katana made by a dark alien wood that could absorb energy from the Sun to strengthen and heal itself.

 The more exposed to the sun more powerful it becomes, it can also heal itself if damaged.


       •Hidden Edge

        The sharp edge of the sword giving it the look of a blunt weapon, but shows itself when called by the user.]

As he moved forward he started speaking

"Are you coming out or not?"

As he spoke a man came out of the woods and started to clap his hand and said

"Alex Grey, the hero of Hudson, you know it took me almost a year to search for you even with my contacts and connection, you have really hidden well."

"Francis Freeman a British mutant, I really wanted to ask you how do all the British dogs find their ways at the other side of borders?"

"you know a lot about us, then you can't be left alone, to become more of a problem for us."

"I want him alive for my experiment even if he is in a half-death state."

After saying that Francis turned backward and started going as many black cloth guys started to appear from all directions.

They had even worn black masks on their face and we're carrying guns in their hand.


As Francis was going back Alex called him from the back, at which Francis turned backward with a smirk on his face and laughed as he spoke

"Hehe, What don't tell me that the hero, the Midnight is feeling fear."

"No No, it's just that I wanted to ask you, Francis, Do you think they would be able to catch me and more so alive."

At this question, Francis's open mouth stopped for a second after which he yelled angrily.

"Kill him, I don't want him alive anymore."

As he yelled all the men's started to fire from their gun toward Alex.

At the coming rain of bullets from all the side, Alex just closed his eyes one time and opened them as he spoke

"Total Concentration Breathing"

[Total Concentration Breathing technique]

[A breathing technique from Demon Slayer World.

Total Concentration Breathing increases the user's capabilities beyond that of a normal human through advanced breathing forms.]

As he clenched his teeth and took a deep breath and started to spin his katana all around him,


The sound of bullets clashing with the wooden katana echoed everywhere as Alex moved here and there stopping the bullet coming towards him, it was like a dance that he was doing with a sword in his hand.

Slowly the sound of clash started to calm down as the bullet in the gun ended.

At that time Alex reacted

"Now it's my turn"

As he said that, he opened his mouth and clenched his teeth again as a deep sound of a steamer came from it and he said slowly

"Hinokami kagura"

(A:- I just used the Japanese version because it sounds cooler than its English counterpart)

[Dance of the Fire God]

[A Advance breathing technique from Demon Slayer World.

Also, know as Hinokami Kagura or the sun breathing style, The dance is composed of twelve segments which are repeated after every step.

This technique's power increases  by folds after the continuous use of the twelve segments till the dance ends.]

Then he puts his katana in parallel to his body and his left hand on its edge as he said

"1st segment"

He moves forward with a very fast speed and a trail of fire followed him as he comes in front of the men and started knocking them out.

"2nd segment"

He moved sideways and rotated his katana as a spear of fire was formed on it knocking out even more enemies.

"3rd segment"

He then jumped in midair and swung his katana forming a wave of fire around him

"4th segment"

"5th segment"

"6th segment"

"1st segment"

"2nd segment"







Alex was standing in the middle as there were knocked out and burned bodies of the men's around him

"Hah...see Francis, I told you they can't stop me"

As Alex spoke he started to move toward the last standing man Francis who had turned into a stone sculpture because of the shock he received but recovered after some time and said

"How did you do it? you are not even a mutant then how can you control fire and have superhuman reflexes, who and what are you?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

At this question, Alex started to laugh as he answered

"You know I started to practice from the age of 5, doing daily missions every day and even missing sometime was like a hell, and you ask me that I am a mutant or not, haha"

At which Francis was confused and asked

" What, what do you mean??"

"Nothing, you will not even understand even if I told you, you should just die. Hidden Edge"

[Blade Skill Activated:-

Hidden Edge]

As Alex said that he came in front of Francis and the upper edge of his wooden katana started to shine with white color as he swung his katana at Francis's neck but stopped before it could touch his neck as he heard a sound from behind

"Big brother!!!!"



Please comment and tell me the mistake so I can improve, bad also review the book please, thanks and bye-bye

I made many mistake in previous chapter, but I like the feeling that I am improving

so if you see any mistake just comment.

Liarisknightcreators' thoughts