
Chapter 1 : Birthday? No, Death Day

August 11th, the day after the final exam, marked William's birthday.

The Williams family gathered around the dinner table, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the candles atop the cake. They sang the familiar birthday song, and William closed his eyes, making a heartfelt wish for his 18th birthday.

"I hope Mom and Dad are healthy. I wish our family remains safe and happy forever," he whispered as he blew out the candles."The years have flown by; our 'pet' has turned 18," his mother remarked with a gentle smile, reaching for the knife on the table.

"Let me cut the cake, Mom," William offered, attempting to take the knife, but she declined with a shake of her head.

She moved slowly toward him, wearing a peculiar expression.

"Indeed, the meat is most delectable when the animal comes of age," William's father muttered, his gaze fixed on his son.

Confused, William asked, "Dad, what are you talking about?"Ignoring his son's question, his father continued, "Hurry up, Mom.

I can't wait to taste it.

"As his father's mouth watered, William said, "Dad, I know the cake is good, but you're exaggerating."

"I'm not talking about the cake," his father replied, shaking his head.

"I mean you, William."

"Me?" William was baffled.

"William," his mother's soft voice called out.Before William could react, a searing pain pierced his chest.

The knife, originally meant for the cake, was now embedded in his heart.

"Happy birthday, William," his mother said with a smile....

"Happy birthday to you, happy every day, happy always!" echoed the voices of his parents.

William awoke abruptly, the familiar refrain of the "Happy Birthday" song ringing in his ears. His eyes scanned the room, landing on the cake, his parents, and the knife on the table.A jolt of terror coursed through him as he recalled the events of the previous moment. He reached for his chest, his heart pounding, only to find it intact.

What had happened?

Why was the knife back on the table, and why had his mother seemingly killed him on his birthday?

If his mother was the culprit, why was he standing here unharmed?

Were the events prior merely a figment of his imagination?The memories felt so vivid that William could recall the pain of the knife plunging into his chest.

"William," his mother inquired, noticing his distress, "why are you so sweaty? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No... No," William stammered, struggling to find his voice.

"In the blink of an eye, our 'pet' turns 18," his mother remarked once again, sending shivers down William's spine.

His mother rose, her smile unwavering, and reached for the knife on the table.

"Mother, let me cut the cake," William quivered, extending his hand toward her.

"Gollum," his father, sitting nearby, swallowed audibly.

"The meat is at its best when the animal comes of age. I can't wait to taste it," his father said, saliva dribbling down the corners of his mouth.

Their words and actions mirrored those from the previous moment.

Was it all just a bizarre coincidence? William remained frozen, consumed by fear.

His mother, closing in, whispered, "Happy birthday."

Her words ignited William's dread.

He began to back away, clutching the knife, and exclaimed, "No, you're not my parents!"

"Who are you, then?" William demanded, his voice trembling.

Despite his words, he silently prayed that it was all a prank, but the unfolding scene did not align with his hopes.

"Oh, it seems he's realized," his mother's smile abruptly stiffened.

"It's strange that he didn't figure it out after all these years. Why now?" his father, too, rose from his seat.

"This is unfortunate.Fear tends to sour the flesh," his mother continued, quickening her approach.

"Stop! Don't come any closer!" William cried out in nervous desperation.

"William, don't be afraid," his mother whispered as she neared him, her smile returning tonormal.

Though the person before him was not his mother, when he looked at her smiling face, he couldn't help but recognize her as William.

"You're correct, William. We're not your parents. We are your owners."

"Nothing tastes better than the meat on the day the animal comes of age," his father chimed in, growing increasingly agitated.

His body started to swell, and his familiar visage twisted grotesquely.

William stood there, horrified by the sight before him.

Something else lurked within his father—a pitch- black entity, covered in a heavy carapace.

Monstrous compound eyes protruded from beneath his skin, and barbed tentacles sprouted from his belly.

"What... What is this?" William gasped, feeling suffocated.

"William, don't be afraid," his mother assured, reaching out to touch his head.

"It's quick, and it won't hurt at all."

"Ahh!" Fear overwhelmed William, and he recoiled in terror.

Clutching the knife, he thrust it forward, but the blade shattered upon contact.

The knife had pierced his mother's skin, revealing the same black carapace as his father beneath

"You disobedient creature," her smile faded, replaced by an icy indifference.

William felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and glanced down to find something piercing his body. A black tentacle emerged from his mother's waist, penetrating his abdomen.

The barbs dug into his flesh, and the acrid scent of blood filled the room.

Yet, his parents' faces were lit with perverse excitement.

"It smells delightful," his mother's face contorted as the creature inside her yearned to break free.

"Indeed, young animals are the most delicious!" his father exclaimed, rushing toward him.

His jagged maw clamped onto William's neck, eagerly savoring his blood.

"Happy birthday, William."...

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

As the song echoed in William's ears, he snapped awake, screaming, "No! Stop!"

The singing abruptly halted, and every eye in the room turned toward him.

"I'm not dead? I'm alive?" Horrific memories flashed before William's eyes.

He examined his body, still unharmed.

"Where am I?" he questioned, bewildered by the surroundings.

"KTV," the room's fluorescent lights created an unwelcoming glare.

William squinted, trying to make sense of the situation.

"William, what's wrong?"

The person beside him was his classmate Kelly.

Observing William's perplexed expression, Kelly leaned in and asked,

"What do you mean, 'no'?"

"Why am I here?" William's confusion deepened.

He recalled being at home just moments ago; how had he suddenly ended up at a karaoke joint?

"Weren't we going to come here and sing after dinner?" Kelly reminded him.

"After singing, we're supposed to head to the all-night graduation party."

"Dinner? Singing? A party?" William was stupefied.

"Didn't we do that yesterday?"

"Yesterday?" Kelly puzzledly inquired.

"Yesterday, after the exam, we went home."

"After the exam?" A realization began to dawn on William.

He grabbed his phone and glanced at the screen, revealing the date: August 10th.

"Am I... Am I back to yesterday?" William couldn't fathom the surreal turn of events.

"What's the matter with you, Willem?"

Kelly, a fellow student sitting beside William, noticed his pale complexion and asked, "Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No, there's no need," William replied, standing up abruptly.

He felt bewildered and desperate to escape, to find a quiet place where he could collect his thoughts.

"I just remembered that I have something to do at home, so I need to leave." William hastily exited the karaoke room.

The city streets were still bustling with activity, even in the late hours of the night. William walked aimlessly, his thoughts in turmoil.William was too afraid to return home, terrified by the idea that his parents might be monsters.

He couldn't pretend that everything was normal, not with those two creatures lurking in his house, waiting to devour him.Returning home now would likely mean discovering that his parents were indeed monsters, and he feared he wouldn't live to see another day.

But William couldn't help but question his own existence.

If he had been killed, whywas he suddenly alive again?

And why did he seem to have traveled back in time?

As he pondered these mysteries, a flood of questions inundated his mind.

When had these two creatures replaced his real parents?

And where were his biological parents now? Were they still alive?

William felt lost and didn't know what to do next.

Should he call the police?

But he doubted they would believe his bizarre story.His mind was in chaos as he reached the school without realizing it.


His head teacher, Mr. Colleen, approached him.

"Mr. Colleen," William greeted him, relieved to see a familiar face.

"What are you doing here? I heard that you were at the karaoke place.

Didn't you have plans to go to the all-night graduation party?"

Mr. Colleen asked.

"I..." William didn't know where to begin.

"Did you perform poorly on the exam?"

Mr. Colleen continued, offering a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry too much. You've finished the exams, so just relax."

To William, Mr. Colleen had always been a kind and caring figure.

He supported his students and lent a helping hand when they were in need.

Therefore, William decided to confide in him.

"Mr. Colleen, something terrible has happened to me."

Next chapter