
Chapter 1

It was a cold chilly day and it seemed like it would rain soon but my clumsy self forgot to return the book which I brought from library. I wish I didn't go to library that day. I never knew it would ruin my life and of those I love. I wish I never met you Stephan but I am glad you came in my life. So let's start the story.

"Darn! Why the hell did I forgot it? Now I have to return this book in such a cold whether." I sighed as I grazed my hand on the book. 'Crossed path by will' is its name. It was a good novel but it's a bit unreal. Things like this doesn't happen in real life. " Oh such a tragedy yet so heart warming."

I grabbed my coat and went out on the cold chilly streets of Tokyo. As I was walking I started wondering why I still live in Tokyo. It's been 10 years I am living here. We came because Dad wanted to expand his business in Asia and wanted to make Japan the headquarters. Maybe I got a hang of this place but I also love my birth place Dallas. Dallas ahh..I should visit there it's been a long time since I have visited that place. Maybe after returning to home I should book a ticket.

As I was lost in my thoughts I collided with something hard.

"Watch where you are goi-Ms Smith?"

My eyes snapped open as I looked at Rai Kitajima, the guy my parents are tryna set me up. He is my potencial suitor. It may sound old fashioned but my parents are trying to get me married with a gentleman because they 'believe' with my life style no one would ever fall for me but I know it's because they want me to marry a guy who will help them to expand their business.

I realised all this time I was staring at him like a creep and he was looking uncomfortable.

I faked a smile "Oh hi Mr. Kitajima never thought I would bump in you on Daehangno street."

I looked at Jimin who is clad in a suit probably worth millions of dollars whereas I am wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

What else can I expect from the heir of Kitajima Enterprises one of the leading company in Asia. My parents are setting me up with different guys every week but after meeting this guy they are adamant about him. I sighed at my life.

"Ms. Smith is there any problem?" He said as he flashed his million dollars smile which can make any girl's heart flutter. Well young handsome millionaire sounds so good to be true but he isn't my type.

"Nothing is wrong Mr.Kitajima but how come you are here and top of that you are walking. Where is your car?" I am not like this usually but I don't know why I felt sarcastic today.

"Well I was in a meeting so I thought I would take some fresh air Ms. Smith. By the way you look beautiful."

Seriously this guy but what he said made my heart flutter. I wonder if he is a player as well because my clothes are normal or is he making fun of me because the world's one of the top business power couple's only daughter is wearing such simple clothes.

" Thank you Mr. Kitajima. You know you can call me Bella I don't mind."

"B-b-but it's a dis-disrespect be-because I-I don't know you w-well e-enough."

I saw that Rai's cheeks turned red. Uh Asians are so polite and cute. He look so cute like a chipmunk.

I never thought I would see him stuttering. I chuckled.

"It's okay I won't mind plus it seems our parents like each other so it's better to get to know each other. "

"Oh you are right." I saw his smile leaving his face but he quickly smiled again. " Okay in that case you can call me by my name too." He said as he beamed.

He seemed so nice. Maybe I would like my parents decision for the first time.

Both of us were smiling at each other when suddenly my gaze fell on my watch.

"Oh shoot Rai" his name sounds so good. "I have to ho return the book I borrowed. I will see you later."

I started running but tripped on snow. Rai picked me.

" I think you are really clumsy." I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"You look cute and I wanna ask you if you wanna go have coffee with me this Saturday and umm-aa- " He started fiddling with his hands. " Can you-ah give me your number? I swear I am not a creep!"

I chuckled. "Yea I will go with you and you can have my number. You are so cute." Both of our eyes wide. " Sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh it's completely okay and ah- you are cute too." He smiled which make his eyes disappeared.

We exchanged our numbers. " Oh shit I am running late. The librarian would kill me. Bye talk to you later."

I hugged him and ran. He was standing there speechless with his mouth gape open.

Hey! It's my first time writing on Webnovel. I hope you like it!

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