
Chapter 1: Here I Am.

Well I haven't much to say...

I'm a fifteen year old girl, living with... What can I say, "Yes!" non-humans. Being a person with hell chasing after you isn't quite easy.

I have changed my name up to 30 times. Currently; my name is Ivy Davis, but my real name is 'May Hellstone'.

I'm different from others; I've been told I'm unique, it isn't everyday you come across some one like me. Heck if you even saw me you'd gasp a bit.

I have a natural white hair with a streak of black in it that I was born with. My green eyes is what really sets people off; its an unusual shade, which I learnt is called 'Chartreuse". Chartreuse is the color precisely halfway between green and yellow, so it is 50% green and 50% yellow.

It glistens in the sun and changes with my mood. Normally when I wake up, its grey, but as the day goes on it gradually changes to its natural colour. Sometimes, its stale blue, and when I'm really angry it changes to a bright seaweed green. Which is pretty cool, and scares the hell out of a few people.

I have a sick Tan, sick in the aspect meaning cool, my skin is evenly golden brown all through. It's actually weird that it is natural and this is another unusual feature I possess.

I have a small mouth, which is actually funny because I'm actually garrulous; 5'5'' and have no fashion taste at all, so cool.

Well, my life is just beginning, just wait and hear.


"Louis, how? but, what? when?" I exclaimed my little normally perfect brother is eating 25 plates of pancakes; 5 in each, I'm so shocked.

"Dan said you should come and eat; but I was very hungery Maayzie" Louis whimpered, a pout on his face.

For some reason, he was able to make his face very cute when he feigned innocence, and I seemed to always fall for it.

I rolled my eyes and walked away feeling guilty. That Louis of a boy always needs to be watched, cause if he isn't, then inevitable trouble will ensue.

He had eaten all the pancakes I made for the house, now Dan had to make some more pancakes.

As I turned around; cold silence flew by, making me shiver. And as I walked past, old antique drawings were looking at every where I went, but I was already used to it.

There are souls locked up in there, many souls. The juggler told me, he said that my dad and him were always together causing mischief.

But when my dads powers where exceeding, it got out of control, and anyone he saw, he casted them into the drawings. He casted his own father in things here.

I wasn't really shocked, I've seen worse. You see crazy on this realm, Katu.

"May! May! hurry!" Dan screamed.

"Go grab Louis, its here, its here May!"

"Aaaagh," Louis screamed.

"Oh not again," I ran as quickly as I could. I was not going to allow it to take my brother away, not him, not this time.

"May," a soft voice whispers.

I turned cautiously, I knew we were standing face to face.

"May," it called again.

"I've got your little brother", it said in an eerie mocking voice.

"Let him go," I replied, if I got scared, it would be the end, thats what happened to Drason.

"Give me the key."
