3 Chapter 2 - Strangers

Beep! Beep! Beep! "Ugh, what the hell." I roll over in my bed. My phone was blinking at me like crazy. All  my messages from Gigi, shit she is probably waiting for me.

Just then i hear Gigi yell from her car, "Come on looser we got to go!"

"Be down in a minute." I yell back as i quickly get changed into my black mini-skirt and blue tank top. Five minutes later I run down the steps and out the door, quickly escaping any lecture my parents were sure to give me. We make our way to school favourite Cafe for breakfast, I then realise that i have to break the news about boarding school to her, I knew she wouldn't like it. We have been friends since kindy, and since then we haven't left each other's sides. We do everything together, i mean last year Gigi went on a cruise around the world and we didn't see each other for six months, it was so long i swear we could have died. i couldn't see my life without her.

"What! Boarding school. Europe. Next week!" Gigi yells. To say her reaction was bad was an understatement. Most of the cafe was staring at us by the end of our co

"At least you get it. My parents think they know what's best." I roll my eyes.

"No offence but I always thought there was something wrong with your parents." She pauses... "Can you still visit on holidays?"

"The boarding fee is pretty expensive and Im not sure i will be allowed to."

"Who, your parents wont let you?"

"No, the school. Mum said they are really strict."

"Oh, well, you're still coming to prom on Friday, right?"

"I can't dance, whats the point in going if i can't dnce?."

"Please, I promised Jake you would go with him." She pleaded.

I glance at her. "Fine, I will go." Her eyes instantly light up. "But only if I can pick out my dress."

"Fine. Come one or we will be late." We make our way to our first class.

After class we meet up and start to make our way down town, towards a restuarant for dinner. From the corner of my eye I glimpse a blue pair of eyes; I turn, staring at me with wide eyes was the guy from last night, the one that saved me from the vampire. A cold shiver runs down my spine.

"Hey Gigi, can we get something from there?" I point towards the store that the guy went into.

"Sure." She shoots me a wry smile. "Since when do you like seafood?"

"Since now." I say cheerfully. The guy is sitting at the back of the restaurant now.

We both bought fish and chips and go to sit down near the guy's table. He looks up wide eyed, then suddenly bolts out of the restaurant. I instantly jump up and chase after him, without thinking. I hear Gigi yelling at me, but I keep running.

He isn't outside when I get there; I walk through the dark alleys. That is where vampires hide after all. My mind is racing, what was I doing? I can't just go up to him and demand him to tell me what happened last night. But I didn't care, I wasn't thinking straight; all I could think about was the vampire from last night and trying to find answers.

By now I had been down about ten alley ways finding no one, I was about to turn back when two shadows in the distance caught my eye. The ally is dark, but I know it is him. As my vision clears, I see who the shadows are.

Standing in the darkness is the guy. In his arms is a slim blond girl, he is kissing her with so much passion. I feel a deep pain in my heart, but I don't understand why, I don't care that he is kissing her but deep down I feel jealous and nauseated. Tears flow down my face, annoyed I wipe them away. I look up, only to see him looking down at me with wide eyes. Again the tears keep on flowing. I run. Down the alleyways and away from the mysterious heart ache.

I end up in the car park next to the seafood restaurant where I left Gigi. The car was still parked, and Gigi was waiting in it. I jump in, neither of us say anything for a while.

"What the hell happened?" Gigi yells.

"Nothing." I mumble.

"That's bullshit. You chased a strange man out of the restaurant. I had to stop the owners from calling the police. Tell me what is going on!"

I sigh, "Last night that man saved me from someone who was attacking me. I saw him today and wanted answers, but when I was chasing him, he disappeared."

"Then why are you crying?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know." That was it, conversation over. There was nothing else to say.

We pull out of the car park and head to my house. We take ten minutes to get home in complete silence. "Text me when you want to go dress shopping."

"Sure." I say as I walk towards the house. My mother runs frantically down the front path towards me. "Where the hell have you been!"

"I told you yesterday that I was going out with Gigi for dinner today."

"What time do you call this?" I look up to the clock, I cringe.

"Sorry, guess we lost track of time talking. It won't happen again."

"It had better not." I hear her mumble, I give her a hug. "I will have a shower and go straight to bed, I'm tired."

"Okay. Night, love you."

"Love you too." I yell from the stairs near my room.

The hot water burns my skin as I attempt changing the temperature, I don't mind though; it makes me sleepy. The bathroom is quiet, the only sound is the water drumming on the tiles. I sigh, when did my life get so difficult? First boarding school, then the vampire attack and then these unexpected feelings for a guy I don't even no.

The guy

I give another sigh. Turning off the shower, I then get dressed and start pacing around my room.

Would they like me at my new school, or would they think I'm weird? I mean, why the hell would I care about what they think of me, anyway.

The balcony doors are open wide, a cold breeze comes through, making me shiver. As I shut the doors, I see a dark figure standing on the balcony. I slowly creep towards it but stumble, I look up; the figure is now staring at me, its eyes glaring.

It's then that I realise who it is, the guy from last night. I bolt through my balcony door, slamming them shut behind me and locking it; but he is already waiting for me in my room. I turn and run for the door, but he grabs me by the wrist, I try to break away from his grip, but he holds onto me tighter.

"Rose, please don't." his angelic voice hits me with a tidal wave of emotions.

"H-how do you know my name?"

He shakes his head, "That's not important, I need to explain." He lets go of me, I miss the warmth of his hand on mine.

"Yes, you do."

"What happened in the ally, I didn't...."

"Not about that, you idiot." I grimace at the memory. "What happened the other night?"

He stares at me quizzically, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I glare at him, but he looks away. "Fine, if that's how it then, get out." I point to the door.

He flinches, "Rose, plea..." I cut him off.

"No! you can't barge into my room in the middle of the night saying you want to explain and then you act like I'm stupid." I'm so angry that traitorous tears start to stream down my face. He tries to wipe them away, but I flick his hand away.

"I'm sorry." Then he is out through the balcony doors and gone.

I fall into a wave of uncontrollable emotions, I'm angry, frustrated and sad all at the same time.

I know I shouldn't be letting him get to me, but deep down I feel betrayed by his actions. No, I won't let him do this, in two days I will be on the plane to Europe and I will never have to see him again, I must be strong.

Hey guys

Thank you for reading the second chapter, I hope you enjoyed it!

Don't forget to comment and send me any feedback.

Bye for now xx
