
Prologue: The Teacher Assistant

Beacon Academy, a renowned institution situated near the City of Vale, that is credited for being the alma-mater to a wide range of professions, such as the more popular Huntsman and Huntresses, service workers, medical professionals, government leaders, historians, scientists, and many more. In one of the many classrooms at this academy, a class of both first and second years would attempt to stay awake as they listened to their Professor of Grimm Studies, Peter Port, as he talks about a completely irrelevant story to the lesson plan.

Professor Port would pace from one side of his classroom to the other.

"Team CFVY managed to cut off the legs of the Beowolf, but I, my young huntsman and huntresses-in training, came from behind and cut off the head of that feral beast, while evading the feathers of a Nevermore!" Professor Port would shout with a boisterous laugh. Yang, who had her head on her desk, would turn to Velvet, a bunny faunas, from the aforementioned Team CFVY. "Is this even true?" Yang would ask, skeptical of her professor's story.

"Some of it." Velvet would answer with a soft smile. "I do like the way he is telling it though."

"He really knows how to put a little flair on everything, huh?" Yang would ask with a sigh.

Velvet would nod as Cardin, Beacon's local bully and Team Leader of Team CDRL, crumbled up a ball of paper and tossed it at a sleeping Ruby Rose, who is Yang's sister and the young team leader of Team RWBY. The paper would bounce off of Ruby's head as she quickly stood up from her seat. The entire class would look at her and even Professor Port stopped talking.

"Ah Ms Rose! My story must've been so inspirational that you thought it needed a standing ovation!" Professor Port would say before laughing once again as Ruby sunk back into her seat embarrassed.

Cardin would hide a chuckle with his teammates, which angered Yang as she rose from her seat. "Cardin you asshole!" Yang would angrily shout as her eyes turned red. "Whoooot? Why will you call me such a word, Ms Xiao Long!" Cardin would say, acting oblivious to the events that just transpired.

"You set Ruby up!" Yang would shout once again getting more fired up.

"Yang, relax!" Weiss would shout to her teammate, attempting to calm her down.

"NO!" Yang would say now leaping out of her chair and grabbing Cardin by his armor collar. "HE MUST PAY!"

"Yang!" Blake would shout in both a mixture of fear and shock at her teammate's aggression.

"Yang please! I am fine! I shouldn't have fallen asleep! This is my fault!" Ruby would shout, gripping at her sister's skirt as she tried to pull her back to her seat.

"No Ruby! I am getting your get back!" Yang would shout raising her fist, but will be pulled back by the members of Team JNPR, while Cardin and CRDL kept on taunting his attacker.

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" The class would chant as Team JNPR and RWBY tried to stop Yang from punching the living daylights out of Cardin.

"Stop this foolishness!" Professor Port would shout, but will be drowned out by the sound of the students chanting.

"ROOOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!" A booming roar would echo throughout the room, causing all of the students to stop what they were doing and turned towards the flunged open door.

Ruby's eyes would widen as she was staring at a spectral green dragon entering the room. The students would all freeze and look up at the dragon as it stared at all of them with its beading red eyes. The very presence of the dragon paralyzed all of the students, preventing them from looking away from such a beautiful monstrosity. Even the tables and chairs could be seen having visible cracks in it from the very pressure of the dragon. Yang's red eyes would slowly transition back to its lilac purple as she took a step back before falling on her behind.

"Wh-What...is that..." Yang would say, looking as pale as a ghost.

Cardin would gulp.

"Dear oum..." Velvet would softly say as her ears would droop as she slowly backed up into a wall.

The dragon would fly over the group of students before coming to a stop over the table of Team RWBY and CDRL. The aura dragon would immediately disperse as a huge gust of wind would blow the student's papers off their tables due to the sudden release of pressure. A figure would remain standing on the table.

"What the hell gotten into all of you?! We are an academy to train heroes, not a gladiator school, now pick up these papers and get back into your seats!" The figure would order as all of the students continued to stare at the figure, not moving. "TODAY!" He'd shout as the students immediately rushed to pick up the papers. The blonde haired figure would let out a sigh, before hopping off of the desk, now approaching Professor Port.

"Thanks for that." Professor Port would say as he noticed a manila folder tucked underneath the arm of the figure. "What do you got there?"

The figure would hand Professor Port the folder as the Professor opened it, now reading over its contents.

"The Research Institute would like your expert opinion on some new Grimm they uncovered. They just want to know what batteries of test they can run on these captured ones to learn more about them. You know, your cup of tea."

Professor Port would nod before looking up.

"Thank you, would you like to stay to here the end of my story?"

The figure would turn and look at the students who were all seated in their seats, all staring at him.

"Maybe another time, Professor, it seems that your little band of misfits will rather fixate their stares at me, than their work." The figure would answer all of the students would suddenly look down at their papers.

Professor Port would nod as the figure would walk out of the room. Ruby would slowly look up and made sure the coast was clear before looking at Professor Port.

"Um...Professor..who was that?" Ruby would ask.

"Ah, you haven't met! That was Maxwell Vermillion, a third year, and he is a teacher assistant here at Beacon Academy."

"A teacher assistant?" Ruby would say confused as Velvet immediately spoke up. "They are Beacon Students that help the Professors with their lesson plans and more of the administrative aspects of the school." Velvet would answer as Ruby nodded, as Weiss looked up confused.

"Wait, wouldn't they be too busy to help? Surely they have their own lessons and team stuff they have to do." Weiss would question as Professor Port chuckled.

"The teacher assistants follow a more specialize lesson plan that could be done without a team. You see, all of these TAs are in their position because of their team either being expelled, transferred, on an extended mission that the TA is simply not qualified for, or....lost.." Professor Port would say the last part with a heavy sigh. "Now! Let's get back on topic! Uh...where was I Miss Scarlatina?"

"Escaping the Nevermores, Professor." Velvet would answer with a smile as Professor Port nodded.

To her right, Yang was looking down at the ground, tightening her fist.

Hi all! Please leave any questions in the comments if you wish for me to clarify any aspect of the prolouge. Just know that if some of your questions might lead to spoilers (:, I might not answer em.

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