
Chapter 3

Kameron walked as slowly as she could toward the lunch room. But her excitement made her walk at a speedy pace. She clutched at her lunch bag in nervous excitement. She entered the lunchroom as quietly and unnoticeably as possible.

"HEY KAMERON!" She flinched. Kameron slowly turned her head toward the voice that called her name. There, sitting next to an empty seat is Brett, along with several other unknown people. Kameron slowly walked over as Brett waves for her to come faster.

"Oh. I didn't know we were sitting with HER." a blond girl scoffs. She bluntly turned her head to face the her friends and continued chatting with them.

"Annie! Don't be like that!" Brett exclaimed in shock. He glanced over apologetically at Kameron, who was awkwardly fidgeting with her lunch bag. Brett lattes the seat next to him.

"Come on! Don't just stand there!" He said, quickly cheering up, "Just ignore Annie. She usually is like this to literally everyone who's new. I should know, I have experience." He blinked at her and smiled. The people around him, except for that Annie girl and her friends, nodded and murmured in humorous agreement. Kameron let out a small smile back.

As Brett filled the table with his huge personality, Kameron ate her lunch quietly and watched as he fearlessly talked to everyone. The way he could resolve things quickly. Or make people feel better. She could never be brave enough to do any of that. Kameron abruptly stood up, startling a laughing Brett and his friends.

"Just how? How do you do it?" Kameron asked frustrated, then she pointed at him, "Teach me to become more sociable." Suddenly, all that courage she mustered up, melted back into the shadows and she sank back into her seat.

"Sorry." She squeaked. Where had that courage come from? But the after effects were scary. Brett gave a hearty chuckle.

"I don't think you need to learn anything. But I'll help you get better." Brett finally answered. Kameron gave a huge sigh of relief. That would've been embarrassing for her if he had said no after she mustered up the courage to just stand up.

"How pathetic." Annie muttered as she passed Kameron to throw away her trash. Kameron shrank back into her seat even more. She still had a long way to go.

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