Protagonist Profile

Name : Wakura Yuuki

Gender : Male

Birthday : March 12th

Height : 177cm

Hair Color : Black

Relative : - Wakura Ryuken (Father)

- Wakura Kanae (Mother)

- Wakura Aoba (Older Sister)

Affiliation : Anti-Demon Corps

Occupation : 7th Unit Caretaker & Slave

Ability : Kyouka Slave

=Powers and Ability=

+ Slave Powers

- Slave Form

- Initial Form : the Slave Form, which Yuuki enter as Kyouka slave, the Initial Form is retaining some aspects and properties of his other forms, which strengthens its abilities.

- Blut : a ability that should not exist is actually appear when Yuuki in Slave form, with this technique Yuuki can drastically increase his attack and defense power to extraordinary levels. However, despite the significant danger this potentially presents to one's opponents, Blut possesses one major flaw: because the independent forms of the technique for attack and defense operate using two different systems, they cannot be employed simultaneously. this ability available on all Slave Forms

- Blut Arterie : The offensive form of Blut which grants the user extraordinary attack power

- Blut Vene : The defensive form of Blut which grants the user extraordinary defense power

=Physical Abilities=

Master Combatant : hes good at Close Combat

Excellent Atheliticism : result of his Saitama-Like Training

Enhance Durability : result of his Saitama-Like Training

Domestic Training : From childhood, Yuuki has been trained by his older sister, Wakura Aoba, in various mundane skills such as efficient housekeeping, cooking exceptional meals, mending clothing, giving massages, and segs.

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