
Chapter 2

The Alpha, Luna and my parents were always worried when I was out after sun down without anyone accompanying me. I understood it at first but now I'm twenty four, old enough to be out at night!

"It's only eight and I'm meeting my dads at the shop now." I reply, with a tight smile on my face.

Alpha Hall nodded in approval before staring at me with expecting eyes. I mentally rolled my eyes, reaching into my bag and pulled out my small harmful spray. It consisted of Vervain and Aconitum also known as Wolf's Bane. It was specially mixed by my fathers to protect me from Vampires and Werewolves.

The Alpha nodded his head once again, giving my a light pat on the shoulder. I put the bottle back in my bag, before saying goodbye and walking down to the shop.

Walking through the back door of the shop, I see my father Nick hurrying to prepare a potion. Sweat coated his forehead and his face was pale like he'd seen a ghost. It was surprisingly quiet, a little too quiet for my liking.

"Ella!" He whispered, a surprised look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked, my voice quiet too. I placed my bag down on a nearby stool, then looking over the herbs that he was mixing.

"You need to go home! Take my car keys and hurry! We'll be home soon." He demanded, his hands shook as he poured a red liquid into the pot.

"Why?" I wanted to know why he was acting so worried and scared.

"Genevie-" He raised his voice in anger but was abruptly cut off when the door swung open with a loud bang.

I turned my head to the red door connecting the main part to the back. My eyes landed on a very tall man with muscular physique.

"Ella?" he rumbled loudly, his voice practically bouncing off of the walls. That was enough for me to run out the back door and into the dark forest.


Hearing my name come out of his mouth sent my heart into overdrive. I pushed my burning legs faster, willing them to carry on, my ponytail swinging from side to side. The cold air rushed by my face, at the same time bringing tears to my eyes. This was not possible! I couldn't be his. I was human, not some supernatural being! I didn't belong in the five percent of the human mates. I was normal, one hundred percent normal!

"Ella," He called. "You can't hide from me." He sounded closer, too close.

Don't look back. I thought to myself, while trying to run faster.

The moonlight reflected against the near by river. I knew I would regret this; I could possibly get hypothermia, yet, with shaking limbs, I jumped into the water. The cold water stabbed my skin like little needles. I held my breath, hoping I could hold it long enough for me to lose him. I shut my eyes tightly, praying that this would be over soon.

Unfortunately, my lungs gave out too soon and I, almost unconsciously, swam back up to the surface. I looked around anxiously with water dripping down my face. It was too dark to see anything beside trees, so I tried to focus on my hearing. All I heard was a scary silence. Why wasn't anyone coming to save me? Did he command them not to? Could he command them not to?

My thoughts were interrupted with my body being lifted into the air. My eyes widened, nearly falling out of their sockets. A hybrid, he was the hybrid! I'm sure my heart stopped for a second, even though I could hear it loudly, its beat pounding in my ears. Surely this was a dream? I shut my eyes in fear of being dropped to the cold, hard forest ground. Although, I would probably prefer being on the ground than in the air.

I suddenly fell into large, warm arms that wrapped around my body. It was him. I knew it was him before I dared to open my eyes. I shivered against his inhumanly warm body, clutching his broad shoulders for support.

"Open your eyes, baby."

His voice was soft, though it still had a manly drawl to it and was slightly gravelly.

'Baby.' It was way too early for that. Yet my heart was thumping against my ribcage. I was glad that I had dark skin or else I would have been blushing.

I went against my fear and opened my eyes slowly. I didn't dare look anywhere else than into his dark stormy eyes.

"You're beautiful." He groaned, leaning in and grunting against my trembling lips.

I gasped in fear when his eyes started to glow. He wasn't lying ... I was his! I couldn't finish processing the thoughts in my head because his plump lips crashed against mine. His rough warm lips were pressed firmly against mine, with no hint of movement. A lone tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek; I was too scared of him to enjoy the feel of his lips on mine.

Suddenly, he pulled away, shifting me in his arms. Then he wiped away my tear. His strong jaw clenched tightly before he apologized.

"I'm sorry," He whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you."

His glowing eyes held honesty and deep down I could feel it. I could feel his regret for scaring me. Though, that did nothing to calm my racing heart. Not only was I scared of him, but I was scared of what this all meant.

Would he take me away from my family? Would I have the same fate as his parents, who he murderously killed? Would he try and turn me into a hybrid?

All of these questions were going through my head and there was no other reaction or emotion I could be feeling apart from fear.