

The sky was dark, the ground barely visible with little light penetrating the through the thick foliage of trees overhead. Sienna kept running, not noticing anything around her other than the urgent need to get away. Branches were shoved to the side with arms that were scratched and bleeding , but there was no time to stop. No time to breathe. Just keep running, have to get away....


"Get up this instant you lazy good-for-nothing waste of space!"

Sienna, thrashed awake, panting as if she had run just like in her dream. She had not had the dream for many months now and had to take a few moments to calm her pounding heart. The dream never changed. She was always running, from what she never knew, only that she was scared. Scared enough to know she had to get away. Sienna had never told anyone about her recurring dream. Not even Miles, her best friend. Somehow, Sienna knew the dream was more than a nightmare but she could not work out why. Not having the time to think about it, Sienna got out of bed just as the door to her tiny cupboard size room was flung open.

"What are you doing still in bed you lazy cow! Cook is going ballistic and you're still not up! Get your fat lazy hide down this minute!"

Sienna looked up as Mila flounced back out of the room. Not wanting to anger the Cook's daughter any further, she hurriedly washed her face using the pitcher of cold water she had brought up the night before and changed into her work dress and overalls. She tied her chestnut brown locks with a hair band and quickly made her way downstairs. With no mirror in her room, there was no way of checking her appearance, not that it mattered as her position within the pack meant she was overlooked by almost everyone anyway.

Being the Cook's daughter afforded Mila a certain hierarchy over the non-shifters. She used her standing as a cane with which to beat those she deemed below her and for some reason Sienna felt her wrath more than anyone else. Not wanting to feel the brunt of sharp tongue, Sienna rushed into the kitchen and began to take out the plates and cutlery to set the table for the rest of the pack that were already coming into the dining room for breakfast.

Redmoon was one of the country's larger pack with 356 members. Most packs had around 100 shifters, so an alliance with Redmoon was particularly sought after, as power came from pack numbers. Sheila knew this and used it to her full advantage. Being the daughter of the Alpha, Sheila knew that other Alphas would be sweet talking her father for her hand. To keep her on his side, her father had spoilt Sheila, giving her whatever she wanted. He had raised her with the idea that one day she would become the Luna to one of the most powerful packs in the country. Sheila didn't care who she mated with as long as she achieved her goal. She had Dylan, her lap dog to tend to her every desire and any other male that took her fancy. Sheila had spread her legs already and didn't give a toss about keeping her chastity for her mate. As far as she was concerned, she was not going to change for anyone, regardless of being mated. Whilst an heir was expected, she would allow this, but that was where it would end. Granted, she had seen a photo of Weston and he certainly was delicious eye candy, but from the rumours she had heard of him being quiet and reserved, Sheila knew she would have to take her pleasures elsewhere, and that's exactly what she was going to do.

Whether Alpha Grant knew about his daughter's activities, he kept it to himself. Having no sons meant his pack was going to be merged with whoever his daughter mated. Since the death of his wife after the birth of his daughter ended his chance of a male heir, Alpha Grant had begun planning for the future. He would choose a mate for Sheila from one of the largest packs with the condition that the Alpha-to-be had to remain with his pack for one year before the packs could merge. A lot could happen in one year, something that Alpha Grant was counting on.

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