

Sienna rushed to set up the table and started dishing out the food. With their fast metabolism and animal genetics, shifters could put away large amounts of food without breaking a sweat. Mealtimes were busy, with meat and other proteins making up the bulk of the dishes on offer. Pack members were impatient to get food down their gullet and did not appreciate any delays. In her haste, Sienna knocked a glass of orange juice and watched with horror as it landed in the lap of one of the pack warriors.

"You klutz! Get a cloth and get me cleaned this instant!" Growled the warrior, shooting daggers at her with his eyes. Other shifters turned to see what the commotion was about and upon realising that it was nothing but a non-shifter being a nuisance again, carried on with their meal.

"I'm so sorry, I'll get a cloth right away" stammered Sienna, trying to stop her lip from wobbling and the tears that were threatening to fall show how scared she was. Warriors were notorious for their short temper and they wouldn't think twice about taking out their anger on whoever had upset them.

"I've got it." Sienna turned to see Miles had begun to clear up the mess. Ever since she could remember, Miles had been there for her. He appeared one day many years ago, and had not left her side since. Miles had a wolf, so he didn't have to help serve the rest of the pack. However, he chose to do so which earned him endless amounts of taunts and mockery, until one day it just stopped. Sienna had been severely sick that day so didn't know what happened but whenever she asked Miles about it he would shrug his shoulder and say he didn't know.

The warrior looked as if he was going to say something, but then just turned back towards his meal and ignored Miles cleaning up. Sienna gave Miles a grateful smile and continued completing her tasks. She was amazed that Miles didn't receive the warrior's wrath or that he hadn't scolded Sienna any further. She would have to thank Miles properly later and she knew just how to do it.

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