
Mate at the First Sight

A future is something unknown to everyone, be it a good news or a bad one. Who would have thought that a peasant girl from a poor family will have a power someday? From a peasant to the highest rank in a kingdom. Not only that, she even hold a few more important position there. All these happen to a peasant girl, Camellia, who unexpectedly be a mate and wife of a werewolf king, a queen of a kingdom, a luna to a powerful pack of a werewolf clan. In order to stop a massacre, she herself choose to leave her family home and be the bride of the werewolf king as demand by him. With the thought of being a hostage to stop a war that caused a huge causalities to the local. All these happen after a small gesture of a peasant in saving a wolf life. Treated the deep wound by using all her knowledge about medical herbs and remedies found in the forest up a mountain. Without any prejudice in life a peasant girl save a king of a magical creatures and at the end turnout she being the mate that the king have been searching for. What is the end for the powerful king and the peasant girl? Will they lives a happy ending just like other fairy tale or otherwise? Yesterday is a History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, But Today is a Gift. That is the reason they call it The Present.

Nicky_ns · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Chapter 76 (Edited)

Once Camellia seem calmed down, Dylan start his explanation to reduce any of his mate's worries. "Okay… First of all, that is a lot of questions being throw at me at once. I don't know whether I can remember all of them to give you the answers. However, I would try my best. Second of all, lets find a place to sit for us to cool down a little bit. Is that okay with you?"

Camellia just nodded her head as she almost lost her breath as she talk too fast and too much out of nervousness. Who would not? It was all but a huge surprise in her life, to get married without being realised by herself. That almost caused Camellia a heart attack.

Sitting down at the garden's gazebo, Dylan then sit in front of Camellia facing her and stare straight at her face. He inhale deeply before mutter out his clarification from his side.