1 <Chapter 1

"Just a small town girl Livin' in a lonely world She took the midnight train goin' anywhere Just a city boy Born and raised in South Detroit He took the midnight train goin' anywhere" A ball of light was singing as he floated in the void he wasn't worried about being dead any more. He didn't know how much time had passed but it didn't faze him he just kept floating along as he was relaxing in the void.

"A singer in a smokey room, The smell of wine and cheap perfume, For a smile they, can share the night, It goes on and on, and on, and on." someone else started singing making the man look over and smile, then the two of them started to belt out the entire song while just relaxing. "Ahh man I haven't heard that song in years." The mysterious person said after they were done.

"You have some good pipe my guy." The ball of light said while smiling at the other person who was there.

"Thanks kid, now let's get to it shall we. You have died but seeing how calm you are I realize that you know that by now, so here is how it is going a wish and a new world just let me know when you are ready." The person said giving him a soft smile.

"Why me?" The ball of light asked.

"Does it really matter? Most people get this wish and enjoy their lives in new worlds, every time one of you show up a new multiverse is created to accommodate you." The person said with a bored tone since he has been going through this a lot.

"Oh okay. Well mine is simple as can be really, I want to go to the world of Harry Potter but let's skip the whole first four years of the world and throw me in around Harry's fourth year but make me older than him eighteen or nineteen is fine. I really only want to go for the magic and the beauty of a woman who has held my heart since I saw the movies."

"Alright but I will be changing the world slightly to give you some more entertainment that isn't just Harry Potter, don't worry it isn't to much. Now what is your ability or skill you are asking for?" The person said thinking of another world to throw in there to help him enjoy more time since he doesn't seem interested in going to Hogwarts.

"Alright make the Deathly Hallows a real story or something but I just want to be the Master Of Death with all three abilities combined, like some of those FanFics I read about." He asked after thinking it over his goal was to just enjoy some life and hopefully win the heart of the woman he wanted, he would mess around in the world after that.

"Sure thing here is a quick look at the new abilities you gain from being the Master Of Death." the person threw a hand up and a screen showed everything that was related to his new wish.

[Master Of Death-

1)Elder Wand- Mana increased to be stronger than Dumbledore and Merlin Combined, Wandless Magic Mastered with just a thought, Master of Elemental Magic.

2)Resurrection Stone- Control of Dark Creatures, Can Convene with Spirits that have passed, Can make Spirits be able to interact with objects.

3)Invisibility Cloak- Control the power of Invisibility, can not be tracked by another.

4)All Combined- Immortality, can be given to others who the master wants making them stop aging at their peak in life, Will not die unless wanting to.]

"Well as you can see that is what you gain from being the Master Of Death don't worry about the people you call back they won't feel any pain no matter how long you keep them there, you are the master after all. Lastly I will throw you into a body that I made into the world, explore to find what I made it into." The person said not giving him a chance to reply or thank him since he was already gone.


[Teddy POV]

When I woke up I was laying in a bed inside a giant room, even after laying there for an hour nothing happened I didn't get any new memories or anything. After what seemed like forever a sheet of paper appeared in front of me it was from the being who sent me to this world apparently.

'Hey no new memories as I said this body was one that I had sitting around created already, anyway I gave you a background and new life there. The place you are at now is an apartment that was left by your 'parents' along with a bank account with a million dollars in it. That is all I will help you with, goodbye Teddy.

P.S- The Hallows still exist in the world but since they are just from a story no need to worry about them being able to effect you.'

After I finished reading it the letter disappeared and I let out a sigh of relief, I didn't want some attachments to the world that I didn't make myself no need for any of that. At the moment though the person who sent me here sent me some memories so I knew that at the moment it was at a least a week before the Quidditch finals game of Ireland Vs. Bulgaria.

So at the moment I had the week to do some things that I already had planned before going after the woman of my dreams, then I would look around for what is different about the world. Hopefully it isn't something over the top, no need for their to suddenly be an Anime that I didn't watch or something similar that would help destroy the world.

Using the power of the Stone I summoned some of the strongest Wizards I could think of; Merlin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin. I figured that they could give me the best education to help me before the fourth year at Hogwarts started, just because I wasn't going didn't mean I would roam the school.

When they appeared in the room I looked at Merlin first before greeting the others, "Sorry to bother you all but I was hoping that you could help me train to be a better Wizard?"

"If you don't mind me asking boy, but how is it that we aren't in pain being here?" Helga stepped forward and asked before anyone else could say anything else.

"Ahh if you agree to teach me then I will tell you all my secrets you all will be my teachers after all." I said while giving her a smile which she returned making me feel like my mother was smiling at me she just gave off the kind mom vibe from her.

"Teach someone who isn't my descendant or from my house? Why bother?" Salazar Slytherin said while sending me a glare.

"Well your choice." I said shrugging before sending him back there was no need to keep them there if they didn't want to help me, "Anyone else want to reject now is the time." When no one said anything I took it as them agreeing, "Well since you have all agreed then for helping me I will tell you a big secret while also taking you along to watch the Triwizard Tournament that will be happening at Hogwarts this year."

"Fantastic!" Godric said with a wide smile looking at me with shinning eyes.

"I am in, it has been ages since I have seen something from the Wizard world I would love to see how it is coming along." Merlin said with a wide smile, I was happiest about him joining along for this.

"Count me in too." Helga said.

"And me, I was never one to turn down someone who is seeking Knowledge." Rowena said with a half smile, she gave off a cold woman vibe but it was still nice to be around her.

"Alright well let us get started then!" I said with a wide smile.

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