
MoC 32


Christopher left the Palace. The Marquis asked him to stay in their Manor but Christopher declined. After all, his family had a Manor in the Capital too.

He decided to stay in the estate that he didn't see for four years. He was curious about the changes in his house. Perhaps his room was still intact. He remembered that he had a bottle of champagne in his study room... Christopher coughed. He can't believe that he was thinking about booze instead of being serious.

The Marquis gave him a carriage to use. He said that they need to be careful because abduction was common in the Capital, just like what happened to the Princess, some women were missing right now.

He's currently gazing in the window of the carriage. He saw people buying products in the marketplace. He saw children playing. He even witnessed the quarrel of adventurers.

While he was traveling, he decided to buy some potions. He spent ten golds and bought two high-class potions from the Adventurer Guild.

He smiled.

"I'm back…"


When he was in the gate of his Manor. He saw that the maids and butler standing straight from the door to the living room.

He chuckled, he was the next Count so of course, the workers of this household needs to show a good first impression.

The head butler was sweating. He only has two years of experience in being a head butler. The old head butler was already retired. This was his first time meeting the successor of Count. Rumors said that Christopher had a worst attitude. They said he was a drunkard and he loves to play with girls in brothels.

However, when they saw their Young Master walking close to them. They were dumbfounded, especially the females. The handsome man immediately attracted their hearts.

"Y- Young Master, welcome to the Capital!"

The head butler struggled to say his greetings. The workers followed his lead and bow.

"Hm, you can now return to your work. I'm sorry if this young one disturbs your work."

"N- No, you don't have to apologize. Young Master, we cleaned your room. Y- You can now use it."

Christopher traveled to the Capital without any companion from his household. Butler Zen was already old and the Knights were busy patrolling and cleansing the Inaudible Plain.

Though he was actually glad that he was alone. He didn't want anyone to follow his movements. He needs to be free so that he could execute his plan.

Before he went to his room, he asked the maids to deliver coffee and bread to his room. He hates the taste of grassy liquid called tea. His tongue spins and he wants to vomit whenever he drinks it. His favorite beverages were coffee and liquor...

' I can't understand those health-conscious people. Why are they drinking those grass water? Why are they afraid to die? We are all gonna die anyway. Just live your life.'

It's his motto... that was why he died early. He was drunk at that time. He didn't remember how the robber stole his wallet. He only knew that the robber killed him when he pulled the trigger. The gun shot his head. That was the last thing he remembered.

'That's why you have to live your life and have fun… Life is too short. We can't predict what will happen tomorrow. Perhaps while we're walking on a highway, a truck will hit us and get us isekai... Anyway, all I want to say is live a happy life...'

*Knock knock*

He paused his thought because the maids knocked on his door.

"Come in."

The maids quickly did their jobs. They finished the preparation and left.

Christopher tasted the coffee. It's strong. He forgot that there's no other blend of coffee here. He put sugar to ease the bitter taste.

"I miss cappuccino... "

Christopher wrote to his diary to make a blend of cappuccino sometimes. Though he didn't have any idea of how to make it. He only knew that it needs milk and espresso.

"Now, I guess it's the time for her to appear."

Christopher showed his poker face. This was different from earlier where he needed to appear weak in front of the Emperor. This time, he must not show any weakness. He would die if he fail.

He steel his expression. He sip his coffee and said.

"I already detected you. If you need something from me, just show yourself and we'll talk. After all, I can't use that stack of papers. "

Silence filled the room hut a moment later. A voice of a woman fluttered inside.

"Fufu, I think their assumptions were wrong. You're not a bastard. Young Master."

"Thank you for that."

A gorgeous woman appeared in the shadow. Any man would captivate if they saw her but Christopher was different.

He cut his palm, it's not deep but it's enough for him to bleed. This was the reason why he asked for some coffee and bread, he used the knife bread to wound himself.

He needs to do this or else he would fall to the Gift of this woman. This gifted woman was Acacia. She was a character that he made.

She was the Bishop of the Temple of Death. Any man would fall for her in just a glance. It's the Gift/Curse that she received from the Goddess of Death. The male hearts would be captivated and they would become her slaves.

She had long black hair, her dress was black too. It's her representation that she worshipped the Goddess who hold the authority of Darkness.

"Ara ara, you cut your hands to prevent my curse… Umu, I find it fascinating. Tell me, how did you know that we follow you?"

The shadow transformed and became a scythe. The blade touched his neck. Christopher felt his neck bleeding but he didn't move. He only stared at the Bishop. He smug, portraying his mockery.

"Your followers, they're easy to detect. I believe you need to train them hard. Those adventurers are funny to watch. They're fighting but their eyes were following my carriage. Tell me, who's the one who came with that idea. Pfft- haha"

The scythe cut deeper but he didn't change his expression. He only looked at the Bishop.

"Hm, so you already know that we're following you…?"

Acacia decided to swing her weapon. It seemed that this man was promising.

The blade made a slicing sound.

Christopher thought he'll die, he began to twitch. However, the Bishop cut the shadow that was hiding behind him.



A man fell. His head was rolling on the ground. Acacia watched the blood gushed.

"Hm, it seems like that whore is starting to move."

Christopher used his mind to comprehend the situation. He's thankful that he had enough knowledge about this world. He opened his mouth and speak. He already knew this man.

"Oh, thank you for that, I'm irritated about that man, he's like a fly. It looks like the Temple of Light is moving too. Hehe, Acacia, you're lucky that you're the first who came-"


Acacia glared at him with killing intent. She slashed his chest. His clothes were cut in half and he was bleeding.

Christopher realized that he made a mistake. He began to sweat.

'F*ck!!' He thought.

"Ara ara. How did you know my name?"

She was smiling but Christopher could detect the hostility from her eyes. There was only one person who knew her name.

The people, followers, and enemies only knew her as the Bishop of Death.

' Christopher, you need to overcome this. You must not run. Face it!'

Christopher was expression didn't change. He grinned. His eyes were like a crazy dog ready to spread his rabies. He would bite if things go wrong.

He hoped that Acacia would react.

"Let me tell you one name. Yuusha."

(Note: Merry Christmas!!!! Have a happy Holliday!!! And please heart or give me power stone if you like this chapter. It helps me a lot, thank you!!)

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