
Ming Yao's Service is Perfect

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Yan Xi remained oblivious to any discrepancies. He slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "Damn, why do you always end up with such employers?"

The moment Yan Xi voiced his sentiment, an odd hush blanketed the dining room.

Recognizing his misstep, Yan Xi coughed awkwardly, realizing the unintended offense. "Ling, I wasn't referring to you."

Ming Yao nodded softly, her voice gentle as she added, "Young Master Yan is correct. Even though I've only been in Fourth Master's employ for a few days, I sense he's different from the rumors. He may appear distant, but he harbors warmth within. His way with words is lacking."

Ming Yao clenched her teeth, concealing her true thoughts. She'd nearly been choked by the cruel and unfeeling Tyrant Gu. He was cold-hearted, bloodthirsty, and merciless.

Yet, these truths could not escape her lips in the presence of Tyrant Gu.

Flattering him and serving him well were the only correct paths: cooking sumptuous meals and offering kind words.

"I consider myself fortunate to have found such an excellent employer. Sister-in-law Zhong told me Fourth Master has a delicate stomach. Tonight, I've prepared dishes tailored to aid digestion. I hope they meet Fourth Master's satisfaction."

Gu Siting remained speechless. He questioned himself—knowing his stomach troubles, had he not prevented her from serving him cat food?

Ming Yao sensed Gu Siting's penetrating gaze. She lowered her eyes, biting her lip in genuine trepidation.

Yet, Gu Siting chose not to press her. He wasn't about to fuss over a mere maid.

Glancing at the spread on the table, he noted the nourishing variety. These dishes surpassed Aunt Zhong's usual fare by leaps and bounds.

Mu Chengjin observed Ming Yao with a faint smirk tugging at his lips.

This little maid was intriguing. She'd undergone an astonishing transformation. Once Fourth Brother appeared, she transformed into someone obsequious and fearful.

Even the seemingly cold and unfeeling Fourth Brother would balk at punishing a maid so desperately fawning and fearful.

Mu Chengjin admired his own astuteness in understanding human psychology.

Yan Xi journeyed to the wine cellar, reappearing with two bottles of premium wine.

Ming Yao stood nearby, wholeheartedly serving the guests. She refilled empty glasses, provided hot towels for hand wiping, and even lit cigarettes for those who indulged.

Her service was truly comprehensive.

Yan Xi found himself believing that Fourth Master had struck gold.

In his naturally chatty manner, Yan Xi became even more loquacious with the influence of alcohol.

He turned to Gu Siting and mused, "Ling, among us brothers, I had the fortune of growing up with loving parents. However, you and Chengjin faced different hardships. Your mother doted solely on your brother. Despite your powerful position within the Gu family, she expects you to cede it to him. Her bias is quite evident!"

"I overheard from my mother that your own mother intends to marry you off to that woman from the Zhou family after your divorce. Everyone's aware that Mrs. Zhou is your mother's closest friend. Is the intention to marry you to Miss Zhou a ploy to wrest power from you?"

Gu Siting's graceful fingers toyed with his wine glass, a casual sway. His other hand rested on the chair's back, causing his white shirt to cling enticingly to his tall frame. The fabric outlined his slender yet strong shoulders and chest muscles.

"Why bring this up?" Gu Siting swiftly downed the contents of his glass. "I'm beyond caring."

Despite her words of indifference, her actions contradicted her. She continued to drink, cup after cup.

Ming Yao lingered in the shadows, her gaze fixed on the man with a sharp, icy demeanor. A peculiar sensation churned within her heart.

So, even Tyrant Gu's family was as turbulent as Ming Yao's!

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